45. Molybdenum Chemicals. New 4- page bulletin provides helpful informa tion in choosing starting materials ... radio, television, and industrial elec...
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articles from Instrumentation Mag­ azine. . Minneapolis-Honeywell Regu­ lator Co. (Bull. G-2) 44 Laboratory Weights. Eight-page brochure illustrates and describes labor­ atory weight sets available in Bureau of Standards Classes P, Q, C, and T. Ohaus Scale Corp. {Bull. No. 15) 45 Molybdenum Chemicals. New 4page bulletin provides helpful informa­ tion in choosing starting materials for molybdenum chemical applications. High-tonnage and developmental molybdenum chemicals are listed. Climax Molybdenum Co. (Ch-27) 4 6 Spectroscopes. Catalog describes diffraction, prism, reversion and ultra violet spectroscopes and accessories. Ealing Corp. 47 Glycerine. New 19-page booklet dis­ cusses commercial grades, definitions, specifications, test methods, and ship­ ping and storage requirements of gly­ cerine. Glycerine Producers' Assn. 4 8 Plasticizers. Forty-eight page bulletin describes properties and specifications of 15 plasticizers, including methoxyethyl, butoxyethyl, butyl and octyl esters, phthalates, and adipates. Charts and graphs show solubility, resin com­ patibility and viscosity-temperature relationships. Kessler Chemical Co., Inc. 49 Organic Chemicals. New booklet of 24 pages describes more than 335 organic chemicals, including data on applications and an index for con­ venience. Carbide and Carbon Chemi­ cals Co. (F-6186) 50 Chlorosulfonic Acid. New technical bulletin comprises bibliography of chemical abstracts on chlorosulfonic acid in addition to description of physi­ cal and chemical properties, analyses, typical reactions, handling and cor­ rosion characteristics, toxicity and safety data. Inorganic Chemicals Divi­ sion, Monsanto Chemical Co. 51 Reducers. Bulletin describes company line of Bantam Speed Reducers and includes helpful chart for determining model required. Metron Instrument Co. (Bull. No. 98) 52 Molecular Models. Data sheet gives graphic formulas of molecules of current interest, as well as quantities and catalog numbers of necessary compo­ nents for construction of the model. Molecules include caffeine, cedrol, mor­ phine, reserpine, and santonin. Arthur S. LaPine & Co. 53 Gas Chromatography. Article on gas chromatography traces historical back­ V O L U M E 2 8, NO. 12, D E C E M B E R

ground, theory, practice, and poten­ tialities of the new technique in chemical research. Evans Research and De­ velopment Corp. 54 Epoxy Resins. Physical properties chart gives comprehensive data on 27 resin systems, including Epocast 18, a new epoxy resin which cures at ele­ vated temperatures. Furane Plastics, Inc. 55 Equipment and Instruments. Labo­ ratory Spotlight brochure describes opti­ cal equipment and instruments for the metallurgical laboratory. Harshaw Chemical Co. 56

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Pentanediol. New technical bulletin gives information on properties, ship­ ping, chemical reactivity, and applica­ tions of 1,5-pentanediol. Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Co. (Bull. F-φΟΟβ) 57 Chemicals. New 68-page book on industrial chemicals provides up-todate information on properties, speci­ fications, shipping, handling, and stor­ age. Nitrogen Division, Allied Chemi­ cal & Dye Corp. 58 Chemical Process Equipment. Twelve-page brochure presents com­ pany line of instruments for chemical process applications. Leeds & Northrup Co. 59 Electronic Parts. 1957 edition of elec­ tronics catalog lists more than 27,000 radio, television, and industrial elec­ tronics items. Allied Radio Corp. (Cat. No. WO) 60 Mylar Adhesives. Eight-page bulle­ tin contains descriptions of six ad­ hesives for "Mylar" polyester film, as well as information on laminations, application, bonding, uses, and safety precautions. DuPont Co. 61 Color Difference Meter. Data sheet describes color theory, accuracy, and features of automatic color difference meter with electronic amplifier and motors. Minneapolis-Honeywell Regu­ lator Co. (Data Sheet 10.10-6) 62 Liquid Dispersant. New bulletin gives physical properties of Surfynol TG, liquid nonionic dispersant for emulsion paints. Includes typical formulations for polyvinyl acetate, acrylic and butadiene-styrene systems. Air Re­ duction Chemical Co. 63 High Vacuum Systems. Twentyfour page booklet provides guide for laboratory planning of installation of high vacuum systems, outlining correct procedures and type of equipment to be used. Central Scientific Co. (Bull. 9) 64

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