Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and Conductivity Mechanism of

present enhanced performance in terms of: a) mechanical properties, ... hydrophobic domains of the materials caused by the interactions Nafion-H2O and...
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Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on January 26, 2015 | Publication Date (Web): April 30, 2010 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2010-1040.ch007

Chapter 7

Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and Conductivity Mechanism of Nafion 117 and Nafion/[ZrO2] Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Membranes V. Di Noto,1,2,* E. Negro,1 and S. Lavina1 1Dipartimento

di Scienze Chimiche, Università di Padova, 35131 Padova (PD), Italy 2Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari, ISTM-CNR c/o Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, 35131 Padova (PD), Italy *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Active ACS member.

In this report is described the dielectric characteriation by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) of a Nafion 117 reference membrane and of a hybrid inorganic-organic membrane based on Nafion and ZrO2 nanopowders with formula Nafion/[ZrO2]. The measurements on the two systems were collected both in completely dry and in fully-humidified (wet) conditions. Results allowed the identification of two polarization phenomena and of several dielectric relaxation modes, which were assigned taking into account: a) the primary and secondary structure of the Nafion polymer; and b) the interactions Nafion-water and Nafion-ZrO2 nanofiller. The dependence on temperature of conductivity (σdc,i), relaxation frequencies (fk), dielectric strength (Δεk) and shape parameters (mk and nk) for the investigated systems in both dry and wet conditions is studied in detail. It is shown that the ZrO2 nanofiller: a) stabilizes both the hydrophobic and the hydrophilic domains of the Nafion/[ZrO2] membrane; and b) promotes the coupling between the various relaxation modes of Nafion. In fully-humidified conditions, the stability range of conductivity and the conductivity of the Nafion/[ZrO2] membrane at 125°C are respectively 5°C < T < 135°C and 9.51·10-2 S/cm. For the pristine Nafion 117 membrane, the © 2010 American Chemical Society In Fuel Cell Chemistry and Operation; Herring, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

corresponding values are 5°C < T < 95°C and 1.22·10-2 S/cm. Results allowed to propose a coherent model describing the conductivity mechanism in Nafion-based systems.

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Introduction Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are a class of energy conversion devices intended to exploit the chemical energy of a fuel, such as hydrogen or a water-alcohol mixture, and of an oxidant such as oxygen to produce direct electrical current, heat and reaction products (1). PEMFCs are particularly attractive owing to their high efficiency, high energy density, simple structure, silent operation, and environmental compatibility (2). However, their application is not very widespread yet owing to important drawbacks involving both the high costs and the relatively poor performance of PEMFCs fundamental components (3, 4). The heart of a PEMFC is the membrane-electrode assembly (MEA), where the proton exchange membrane separates the two electrode layers (5). Nowadays, the most widely used material for proton exchange membranes is Nafion. While this material is characterized by a good proton conductivity and a high chemical stability, it reaches its optimal performance at the relatively low temperature of ~80-90°C in fully humidified conditions (6–8). This leads to fuel cell power plants requiring bulky and expensive heat and water management modules. In order to address these issues, it was proposed to devise hybrid systems were Nafion is doped with nanometric inorganic nanofillers such as metal oxides, heteropolyacids, zeolites and zirconium phosphate (9–18). With respect to pristine Nafion, nanocomposite inorganic-organic hybrid membranes present enhanced performance in terms of: a) mechanical properties, as thinner membranes can be prepared resulting in an overall reduction of ohmic losses; b) thermal stability, since the membranes can operate at high temperatures (T up to 120°C), exhibiting an improved efficiency and solving several engineering problems; and c) proton conduction at a low relative humidity, improving the water management in the overall fuel cell system. The chemical structure of Nafion is complex, being characterized by a polytetrafluoroethylene backbone endowed with perfluorinated polyether side chains terminated with a sulfonic acid group (19). There are several models which have been proposed to rationalize the supramolecular structure of Nafion and its interaction with water molecules; the situation becomes even more complex when inorganic nanofillers are added to a Nafion-based system. In order to devise better materials, it is necessary to understand the origins of the electrical relaxations in Nafion and Nafion-based hybrid materials. Preliminary studies on the dielectric response of Nafion-based materials carried out by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) are reported in the literature (20–26). The goals of this work are: a) to reconcile the assignment of BDS relaxation phenomena of Nafion and Nafion-based materials; b) to study the evolution of the relaxation phenomena in both the hydrophilic and the hydrophobic domains of the materials caused by the interactions Nafion-H2O and

98 In Fuel Cell Chemistry and Operation; Herring, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

Nafion-nanofiller in bulk materials; and c) to elucidate the transport dynamics and the proton conductivity mechanism of the materials.


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Reagents Nafion™ ionomer 5 wt% solution (perfluorosulfonic acid PTFE copolymer solution) with a proton exchange capacity of 0.80 meq·g−1 (Alfa Aesar, ACS grade) was used as purchased. ZrO2 nanometric oxoclusters (Aldrich, ACS grade) were purified by standard methods (27). The ZrO2 oxide was characterized by a density of 5.19 g·mL−1. All solvents used were supplied by Aldrich and further purified by standard methods. Bidistilled/milli-Q water was used in all procedures.

Nanofiller Preparation ZrO2 nanopowders were extensively ground by a planetary ball mill in a tungsten carbide jar. The size of the ZrO2 nanofiller grains was determined by HR-TEM image analysis and resulted equal to 20-30 nm (data not shown). 2.65 g of ZrO2 were quantitatively transferred into a 100 mL volumetric flask and brought to volume with DMF. The homogeneous precursor solution A was prepared: first, by adding 2 mL of 30 wt% NH3 solution to 893 μL of the ZrO2-based suspension; and second, by treating the obtained mixture with an ultrasonic bath for 1 hour.

Membrane Preparation Three Nafion-based nanocomposite membranes have been prepared by a general solvent casting procedure as follows. A suitable amount of Nafion emulsion (0.45 g) suspended in DMF and prepared as described elsewhere (9–11) was added to a suitable amount of A solution. The mixture was homogenized by a treatment in ultrasonic bath for 2 h. The resulting solution was recast in a Petri dish with a diameter of 2.5 cm, at 100 °C, for 10 h, under a hot air stream. The resulting membrane was: (a) first, dislodged from the Petri dish by a treatment with hot milli-Q water; (b) second, partially dried under air at room temperature for 1 h; and (c) third, hot pressed at T = 100 °C and p = 70 bar for 5 min to improve its mechanical properties. The thickness of the prepared film was about 200 μm. The overall mass of ZrO2 in the membrane was 0.024 g, which corresponds to ΨZrO2 = 0.534; and Φ = 0.770, where ΨZrO2 = molZrO2 / mol-SO3H and Φ = (meqNafion + meqZrO2)/gcomposite. A Nafion 117 membrane (Ion Power) was used as the reference.

99 In Fuel Cell Chemistry and Operation; Herring, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 1. Plots of ε”(ω) as a function of temperature for Nafion 117 and Nafion/[ZrO2] membranes in both the dry (a) and the wet state (b).

Membrane Conditioning and Humidity Reference Conditions The purification and conditioning of the membranes were carried out as follows. First, the membranes were heated at 80 °C in bidistilled water for 1 h. Second, the membranes were treated twice with a 3 wt% solution of H2O2 at 80 °C. Third, the films were soaked twice for 1 h in a solution of 1M H2SO4 at 80 °C. Then, the membranes were purified by washing them three times for 1 h at 80 °C with bidistilled water. Finally, each proton-conducting membrane was hydrated in an autoclave at RH 100%, T = 135 °C and P = 3.3 bar, giving so rise to the “wet” samples. The obtained membranes were stored in milli-Q water at room temperature inside PET bags. The “dry” samples were obtained inside a dry box by dehydrating “quasi dry” membranes at 110°C under a vacuum of 10-3 mbar for 8 hours. The water concentration in the N2 dry box was < 1 ppm.

Instruments and Methods Electrical spectra were measured in the 10-2 Hz – 10 MHz frequency range using an Alpha Analyzer (Novocontrol). The temperature range from -155 to 155 °C was explored by using a home-made cryostat operating with an N2 gas jet heating and cooling system. As described in detail elsewhere (28), the measurements were performed by sandwiching the fully hydrated samples 100 In Fuel Cell Chemistry and Operation; Herring, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Scheme 1. Dielectric relaxations modes observed in Nafion 117 and Nafion/[ZrO2] membranes (see color insert) between two circular platinum electrodes sealed within a CR2032 button battery case with a free volume of ca. 0.3 cm3. The geometrical constant of the cell was obtained by measuring the electrode–electrolyte contact surface and the distance between electrodes with a micrometer. No corrections for thermal expansion of the cell were carried out. The temperature was measured with an accuracy greater than ±0.1 °C. The complex impedance (Z*(ω)) was converted into complex conductivity (σ* = σ’ + iσ”) and permittivity (ε* = ε’ − iε”) as described elsewhere (9, 28). σ* spectra were employed to measure accurately the conductivity of samples, σdc, as described previously (9, 28).

Results and Discussion Nafion 117 and Nafion/[ZrO2] membranes were extensively characterized by broadband dielectric spectroscopy (BDS) in order to: a) study their conductivity mechanisms and the correlations between their structural features and proton charge transfer mechanisms; and b) determine the effect of the ZrO2 nanofiller on the overall conductivity both in the wet and in the dry state. The plots of ε”(ω) as a function of temperature for Nafion 117 and Nafion/[ZrO2] membranes in both the dry and the wet state are reported in Figure 1. It is observed that 101 In Fuel Cell Chemistry and Operation; Herring, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 2. Plots of σdc,i profiles vs. 1/T for Nafion 117 (left) and Nafion/[ZrO2] membranes (right) in both the dry and the wet state. Dotted lines correspond to fitted curves as described in Table II and Table III. Table I. σdc,i and SRC values for Nafion 117 and Nafion/[ZrO2] membranesa Humidity condition Dry Material




σdc,1 at 105°C (S/cm)

σdc,1 at 125°C (S/cm)

σdc,2 at 125°C (S/cm)

SRC σdc,1 (°C)

SRC σdc,1 (°C)

SRC σdc,2 (°C)

Nafion 117


