Browned Flavors: Analysis, Formation, and Physiology : Subject Index

Acrylamide in french fries, formation introduction, 67 materials and methods, 68 results and discussion asparagine, fit of the model predictions...
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Subject Index

Downloaded by on February 21, 2017 | Publication Date (Web): November 18, 2016 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2016-1237.ix002

A Acrylamide in french fries, formation introduction, 67 materials and methods, 68 results and discussion asparagine, fit of the model predictions to the experimental data, 77f Cartesian coordinate system, hypothetical potato fry, 70f kinetic model 2.1, parameter estimates, 76t kinetic model 2.1, theoretical estimates, 78t modeling acrylamide formation, 71 model predictions to the experimental moisture data, fit, 72f moisture content (M), effect, 75 moisture model, 69 postulated kinetic mechanism 2.0, 73f reparametrized Arrhenius equation and the activation energy, 74 temperature profile/heat transport model, 68 Alkylpyrazine and acrylamide formation in potato chips, relationship, 133 conclusions, 142 experimental acrylamide analysis, 136 chips, 135 potato samples, 134 statistical analysis, 136 volatile alkylpyrazines, analysis, 135 results and discussion acrylamide/total pyrazine ratio, variation, 142t alkylpyrazines, 136 alkylpyrazines and acrylamide, correlations, 139 14 alkylpyrazines and acrylamide in chips, correlations, 140t chips prepared from 20 potato cultivars, mean alkylpyrazine concentrations, 137t total pyrazine content and acrylamide content, relationship, 141f tuber storage on mean total alkylpyrazine concentrations, effect, 138t Amadori rearrangement products, 1 conclusion, 11

introduction, 2 materials and methods Amadori rearrangement products, quantitation, 5 amino acids, quantitation, 4 chemicals, 2 cocoa beans, 2 isotope enrichment analyses, 5 model experiments, 5 Strecker aldehydes, quantitation, 3 results and discussion Amadori compounds, isotope enrichment analysis, 10t Amadori rearrangement products, formation, 8f amino acids and Amadori rearrangement products, degradation, 8f fermentation of cocoa beans, formation of amino acids, 7f form Strecker aldehydes, efficacy of amino acids and amadori products, 9 Strecker aldehydes, changes in the concentrations, 7t Strecker aldehydes, yields, 9t Strecker aldehydes and their precursors, formation, 6 Strecker aldehydes generated in cocoa, yields, 11t Amino acid degradations activation energies, 28 amino acids, competition, 29 modifiers of reactive carbonyls, role of amino acids, 30f reactive carbonyl producers, role of amino acids, 29f antioxidants, presence, 30 conclusions, 31 reactants, concentration, 26 reactants, structure, 26 reaction atmosphere, presence of oxygen, 27 reaction pH, 27 reaction time and temperature, 27 reactive carbonyls, amino acid degradations produced, 23 reactive carbonyls, amino acid degradations produced, 25f reactive carbonyls, competition, 31

151 Granvogl et al.; Browned Flavors: Analysis, Formation, and Physiology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Downloaded by on February 21, 2017 | Publication Date (Web): November 18, 2016 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2016-1237.ix002

B Browning formation, characterization, 55 conclusion, 64 introduction, 56 materials and methods α-dicarbonyl compounds, optimized multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), 58t α-dicarbonyls, identification and quantification, 57 isotope model experiments, 58 isotope models, composition, 59t liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), quantification of glucose and fructose, 58 materials, 56 orange juice and shelf-life study, 57 sample preparation, 57 UV-spectroscopy, browning measurement, 57 results and discussion α-dicarbonyl composition in orange juice, characterization, 59 α-dicarbonyl compounds, quantified levels, 61t 420 nm in orange juice, absorbance, 61f role of reducing sugars, investigation, 62 threosone, LC/MS (ESI+) spectra, 63f total α-dicarbonyl contents, 60f

M Maillard reaction product Nε-carboxymethyl-L-lysine, 81 discussion, 95 protein casein, binding of CML, 96 stable isotope dilution analysis, quantification of CML, 96 introduction, 82 materials and methods cell culture, 84 cellular CML-concentrations, quantification, 84 confocal microscopy, 85 Hsp90α, Hsp72 and GAPDH, Western blot, 86f HSPs, protein expression, 85 materials, 84 repeated mild heat shock treatment, 85 statistics, 86

results assessed by GC-MS after five-times mild heat treatment, cellular CML levels, 95f cellular concentrations of CML, expression of the heat shock proteins, 91f CML, cellular uptake, 86 CML accumulation, protective effect of Hsps, 88 CML and casein-CML, effect, 87 CML in HEK-293 full length RAGE cells, concentrations, 87t formation and degradation of CML, influence of RMHS, 92 GC-MS, cellular CML levels as assessed, 94f heat shock proteins Hsp72, expression, 89t heat shock proteins Hsp72 and Hsp90α, expression, 90t HEK-293 full-length RAGE cells, expression of the heat shock proteins, 92f HEK-293 full-length RAGE cells after incubation with glyoxal, expression of the heat shock proteins, 93f high Hsp-Levels, establishment of an in vitro model, 88 incubation of HEK-293 FL RAGE, confocal microscope images, 88f Maillard reactions introduction, 15 material and methods chemicals, 16 galvanic cell construction and operation, 16 results and discussion, 17 D-arabinose/β-alanine reactions, redox potentials, 20f D-ribose/β-alanine reactions, redox potentials, 19f D-xylose/β-alanine reactions, redox potentials, 18f galvanic potential measurements, 21 reaction of N(1-deoxy-D-fructos-1yl)piperidine, redox potentials, 20f

R Raw and roasted white mustard seeds conclusions, 114 experimental part materials and methods, 104

152 Granvogl et al.; Browned Flavors: Analysis, Formation, and Physiology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Downloaded by on February 21, 2017 | Publication Date (Web): November 18, 2016 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2016-1237.ix002

introduction, 103 results and discussion headspace of white mustard seeds, important odorants identified, 110t key aroma-active compounds, structures, 111f key odorants in roasted white mustard seeds, orthonasal odor thresholds (OTs), 113t odor activity values, calculation, 113 odorants, quantitation, 109 raw and roasted white mustard seeds, odorants showing clear changes, 112t raw (dotted line) and roasted white mustard seeds, comparative aroma profile analysis, 108f roasting process, changes induced, 107 white mustard seeds, aroma-active compounds identified, 109t Reactive fragmentation products, formation conclusion, 129 initial and intermediate phase, 119 ascorbic acid, degradation, 126 ascorbic acid degradation cascade, 128f 1-deoxyglucosone, degradation, 124 1-deoxyglucosone degradation cascade, 126f fragmentation mechanisms, 121 furaneol, formation, 122f glucose degradation, α-dicarbonyl spectrum, 119f glucose degradation, initial stage, 120f Maillard sugar fragmentation mechanisms, 123f molecular oxygen at the carbonyl function, addition, 127 retro-aldol fragmentations, 123f

introduction, 117 Maillard reaction, modern view, 118f

W Wheat, rye and potato, reducing the acrylamide-forming potential acrylamide toolbox, 39 samples of potato chips, overall mean acrylamide levels, 40f concluding remarks, 49 international authorities, risk assessment and monitoring, 37 acrylamide content, indicative values set by the European Commission, 38t introduction, 35 acrylamide, structure, 36f dietary acrylamide intake, contribution of different food groups, 37t potato, acrylamide-forming potential, 40 acrylamide formation in potato flour, graphs showing correlations, 43f both field- and glasshouse-grown potatoes, effect of water supply, 41 chips, acrylamide formation, 44f low free asparagine concentration, 42 wheat and rye, acrylamide-forming potential, 45 acrylamide formation averaged, top panel, 49f free asparagine, concentration, 47f free asparagine, distribution, 48 HEALTHGRAIN program, 46 wheat and rye flour, free asparagine concentration and acrylamide formation, 45f

153 Granvogl et al.; Browned Flavors: Analysis, Formation, and Physiology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.