Brownlee Labs Inc. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 25, 2012 - Brownlee Labs Inc. .... Professor Scott Denmark Wins The Journal of Organic Chemistry Outstanding Publication of the Year Lectureship f...
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A high performance disposable cartridge and reusable holder make the Brownlee M PLC Guard Column a unique concept in LC protection.

Prolongs column life By removing impurities before they reach the analytical c o l u m n , Brownlee MPLC Guard Columns prolong the useful life of the c o l u m n .

When placed in front of expensiveanalytical columns, Brownlee MPLC Guard Columns filter out harmful particlesand remove strongly adsorbed c o m p o u n d s from the sample. Result: improved performance and an extended active life for the total LC system.

Lowers cost The use of Brownlee MPLC Guard Columns can prolong thelifeof an analytical column about fourfold and save you about 50% in total column costs.

More efficient than pellicular guard columns Brownlee MPLC Guard Columns employ 10 micrometer totally porous slurrypacked cartridges. That means that a Brownlee MPLC Guard Column withstands more injections than a pellicular guard column. A slurry-packed 10 micrometer guard column acts like a high efficiency extension of the analytical column and does not degrade total performance.

Versatile You can choose from ten different cartridges for a better match of guard column stationary phase with your analytical column. Order from a Brownlee Labs distributor, or write for more information: Brownlee Labs Inc. 2045 Martin Ave., Santa Clara, Ca. 95050. USA. Telex 171 156. Telephone 4 0 8 / 9 8 5 2022. MPLC™ Guard Columns. For economy and protection, no lab should be without them. Circle reader service number 15



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Brownlee Labs