bruker instruments, inc. - American Chemical Society

We will be demonstrating at the Centennial Meeting of the American. Chemical Society in San Francisco from August 30th to September 2nd. SEE US AT BOO...
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one solution! THE BRUKER


High Power Pulsed NMR Spectrometer w i t h Continuous Frequency V a r i a t i o n , FT Capability Designed for: • T i - , T2-, Tp- NMR relaxation studies • High power double resonance, e.g. proton enhanced NMR • High resolution experiments in solids — "line narrowing" • Investigation of dynamic processes — lineshape analysis • Pure nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) β NMR in magnetically ordered materials • Multinuclear high resolution NMR in liquids Most popular magnets integrated in SXP systems: 15"-HR iron magnet (21kG): SXP 4-100 Large bore HR supercon magnet (42kG): SXP 4-100/180 High field HR supercon magnet (63 k G ) : SXP 4-100/270 The SXP is an independent NMR instrument, but can be an extension of existing BRUKER H R spectrometers.

We will be demonstrating at the Centennial Meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Francisco from August 30th to September 2nd. SEE US A T BOOTHS 2 0 6 / 2 0 8

BRUKER INSTRUMENTS, INC. M a n n i n g Park B i l l e r i c a , Mass. 0 1 8 2 1 Phone 6 1 7 - 2 7 2 - 7 5 2 7

5 3 9 Beall A v e n u e Rockville, Maryland 20850 Phone 3 0 1 - 7 6 2 - 4 4 4 0

1 8 0 1 Page M i l l R o a d Palo A l t o , Calif. 9 4 3 0 4 Phone 4 1 5 - 4 9 3 - 3 1 7 3

CIRCLE 25 O N READER SERVICE CARD 7 8 8 A · A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY, V O L . 4 8 , N O . 9, A U G U S T 1 9 7 6

5 2 0 0 D i x i e R o a d , Ste. 1 1 6 Mississauga, O n t a r i o , Canada L 4 W 1 E4 Phone 4 1 5 - 6 2 5 - 2 3 7 5