BUCHLER INSTRUMENTS, INC. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

16 May 2012 - BUCHLER INSTRUMENTS, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (9), pp 32A–32A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60165a724. Publication Date: August 1960...
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FRACTION COLLECTORS . . . for every program

CONTINUOUS . . . for long-term or over­ night use. •

2 4 0 test tubes, 18 χ 1 5 0 mm.

. . . for every


REFRIGERATED . . . the mobile cold-room, re­ frigerated from column to collecting tubes. •

Fractions in the turntable temperature-controlled. Fraction collectors removable for all-purpose cold-room work. • M o b i l e — o n casters.

Four rows of 6 0 each.

Turntable, 2 4 " diameter.

Time drop and volume collec­ tion.

• •

You can select exactly what you need from 1 2 different models! Immediate Delivery. · Prices from $ 4 0 0 . 0 0 F.O.B. N.Y.C.

For complete description of all Fraction Collectors write for Bulletin

0.001%. Sensitivity for elements from atomic numbers 12 to 20 has not been determined but values should approach 0.1%. Since the electron objective lens in this instrument is in­ verted, the optical viewing system is simplified. The optical system has a 10X eyepiece, a magnification of 280X, and resolution of 1 micron. The exact spot being analyzed is under visual examination. The sample holder contains up to 8 specimens at one time and can be loaded rapidly. Maximum sample size is 1" di­ ameter by 3/16" thick. Simultaneous analyses of up to 3 elements is possible. The specimen stage provides translation in two mutually perpendicular directions both in the horizontal plane. Linear translation of 0.4" in two perpendicular directions allows coverage of the entire sample surface. Samples can be moved at a rate of 8 microns/minute. Three curved crystal spectrometers with receiver slits and detectors are available. These are all mounted within the high vacuum to reduce loss of radiation. Crystals used are lithium fluoride, quartz, sodium chloride, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, and ethylene diamine D-tartrate. These cover the range of 0.36 A to 10 A. Automatic wave-length scanning speeds of 0.1 A or 0.02 A per minute are provided. Multitrons, sealed Geigers, and flow Geigers are used as de­ tectors.


BUCHLER INSTRUMENTS, INC. formerly Laboratory Glass & Instrument Corp.


5 1 4 W e s t 1 4 7 t h St., N e w Y o r k 3 1 , Ν . Υ .

Precision Instruments I




Circle No. 110 on Readers' Service Card



C" Mevalonic Acîd-C14 DL-Tryptophan-2-C14



(ring labeled) 14

lndole-2-C Barbital-2-C14 FOR RESEARCH RADIOACTIVE Tracerlab CHEMICALS Shipment from stock


World s Largest Radiochemical Laboratories


Circle No. 66 on Readers' Service Card

32 A



The vacuum system operates at 2 to 5 X 10~5 microns of mercury. It consists of a "roughing" pump and a diffusion pump plus an auxiliary mechanical pump to facilitate evacua­ tion of the sample chamber. Pump down time for the entire system is 1 hour and the sample airlock, 3 minutes or less. A standard ARL x-ray recording console is used as the readout device. The instantaneous integrated intensity of any one of the outputs of the three spectrometers can be measured and recorded continuously on a 10" recorder. An integrating circuit allows output of each detector to be read out sequentially on the pen recorder. This permits simultane­ ous reading of 3 elements. Norelco Electron Probe Microanalyzer. Philips Electronic Instruments (750 South Fulton Ave., Mount Vernon, Ν. Υ.) has two Norelco electron probe microanalyzers in use and two more ready for installation. The newest model (see photo) will be available in the latter part of 1960. The new model has two microscopes, one in the electron optical system and the other, a standard metallurgical micro­ scope, mounted so that the sample may be studied while still in the vacuum and out of the electron beam. A magnification of 350X is provided.