I INDUSTRY & BUSINESS Buckeye Bolsters Pulp Position $ 2 0 million p l a n t a t Foley,- Fia., readies c o m p a n y f o r growth e x p e c t e d in k r a f t pulp a n d dissolving pulp X HE NEW $20 million pulp unit at Foley, Fla., isn't running full blast this week, but for Buckeye Cellulose it's do ing two big tilings: It allows the Proc ter & G a m b l e subsidiary to keep one foot planted firmly in each of its two chief markets: kraft pulp and dissolv ing pulp. And it puts t h e company in position to handle expected market growth. The new plant doubles the capacity of Buckeye's five-year-old Foley mill to» 200.000 tons a year of dissolving pulp or 266.000 tons of kraft pulp. (The mill squeezes a ton of dissolving p u l p out of about 2.5 cords of Southern pine; a ton of kraft pulp, which isn't refined
as much, takes about 1.8 cords.) Right now, production is running about two thirds dissolving pulp and one third kraft. Total capital investment—$50 million - a t Foley bas given Buckeye a firm grip on third place among North American producers of dissolving pulp· W i t h its cotton linter pulp mill (115,000 tons a yeiir) at Memphis, Tenu., the com pany's home port, it has a total capacity of about 315,000 tons a year. Rayonier and International Paper stand first an