Bulk Properties of Synthetic Polymer-I norganic Salt Systems. Melting

Mixtures of nylon 6 and one of the salt LiBr, LiC1, or KC1 (composition range 0-1270 w/w) were prepared by melting, under vacuum at 260", an intimate ...
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Melting Behavior of Salted Poly(caproamide)


Bulk Properties of Synthetic Polymer-I norganic Salt Systems. Melting Behavior of Salted Poly(eaproamide)' 5. Walenti, E. Bianchi, G. Greppi, A. Tealdi, and A. Ciferri* Chemistry Department, University of Genoa, Genoa. ltaly (Received June 30. 7972) Publication costs assisted by The National Research Council

Mixtures of nylon 6 and one of the salt LiBr, LiC1, or KC1 (composition range 0-1270w/w) were prepared by melting, under vacuum at 260", an intimate blend of the two components. The equilibrium melting temperature, T,, of the mixtures was determined by differential scanning calorimetry using the treatment of Hoffman and Weeks. Tm of pure nylon 6 is continuously depressed by increasing salt content, the order for increasing salt effectiveness being KC1 < LiCl < LiBr. Salts could be extracted from mixtures with hot water, with complete recovery of the fusion temperature of pure nylon 6. A study of the thermal stability of nylon 6 in the presence of salts indicated some alterations of molecular weight unable to account for the melting behavior. X-Ray analysis indicated that LiBr and LiC1 tend to favor the crystallization of the y form of nylon 6 with respect to the more common o! form. Preliminary data on the effect of salts on the kinetics of crystallization and the melt viscosity of nylon 6 are also presented. The crystallization rate of nylon 6 is drastically slowed by LiBr and LiC1. The melt viscosity of pure nylon 6 at 250" is considerably increased in the presence of LiC1. The body of results presented suggests the occurrence of a strong interaction ( i e . , binding), possibly between the amide group of the amorphous polymer and salts such as LiCl and LiBr. A similar interpretation is used for explaining the role of aqueous salt solutions on the conformational stability of biological polymers. Salt additives appear to have technological interest since they may represent a very effective tool for the control of the melt viscosity and of the rate and temperature of crystallization, without the softening effects normally associated with the use of conventional, liquid diluents.

(1) Introduction

The idea of investigating the bulk properties of synthetic polymer-inorganic salt mixtures in absence of water (or any conventional diluent) derives from our previous work on the effect of aqueous salt solutions on the conformational stability of biological polymer~.~-9 In particular, we were looking for a final proof for the occurrence of a direct interaction (z e binding) between the salts which are known to be strong denaturants of biopoly,mers (the socalled salting-m agents) and the polar polymeric substrate. The hypothesis of a direct interaction, as the principal mechanism for lyotropic effects, has already received a number of compelling verifications.zb~6-9However, the alternative suggestion of a n indirect role of the salts, mediated through the effrct of salts on water, caused debates in the scientific literature of the early twentieslO and it is still advocated In terms of the now fashionable water structure concept.ll As reported i n a preliminary comunication,l2 a strong interaction between a typical polar polymer such as nylon 6 (polycaproarride) and salting-in agents such as LiBr, LiC1, CaCl, does indeed occur in the absence of water. For instance, transparent, amorphous samples of nylon 6 can be (obtained when LiCl is as low as 4% w/w. Extraction of salt with hot water allows the sample to recover the crystallinity typical of nylon 6. In fact, the use of salt additives may have technological importance, particularly for the processing of high melting polar polymers.13 Moreover, a number of interesting possibilities for altering and for studying physical properties of bulk polar polymers have now arisen. These facts have considerably widened our original aim of ducidating the biopolymers case. In this paper we consider in detail the role of LiBr, ~

LiC1, and KC1 on the equilibrium melting, the thermal stability, and the structure of nylon 6. (2) Experimental Section

Materials. Nylon 6 samples were supplied as unfractionated polymers by Snia Viscosa and by MontecatiniEdison. Although preliminary investigations did not reveal any difference in the behavior of these samples, the Snia Viscosa sample was preferably used. Nylon 6 was chosen because it contains amide groups and has a melting point above which the polymer is still relatively stable. All nylon used was dissolved in 85% MCOOH, and reprecipitated in the form of a fine powder by addition of CHsOH. The sample thus obtained, monomer free, had (1) Dedicated to the memory of Professor A. Katchaisky. (2) (a) T. A. Orofino, A. Ciferri, and J. J. Hermans, B/opo/ymers, 5, 773 (1967); (b) A. Ciferri, R. Garmon, and KI. Puett, ibid.. 5 , 439 (1967). (3) D. Puett and L. V . Rajagh, J . Macromol. Chem.. A2, 11 1 (1968). (4) E. Bianchi, G. Conio, A. Ciferri, D. Puett, and L. V , Rajagh, J . Bioi. Chem.. 242, 1361 (1967). (5) A. Ciferri, "Treatise on Skin," H. R. Eiden Ed., Interscience, New York, N. Y.,in press. (6) J. Kurtzand W. F. Harrington, J. Moi Bioi.. 97, 440 (1966). (7) D. R. Robinson and W . P. Jenks. J . Amer. Chem. S O C . , 87, 2402 (1965). (8) L. Mandelkern and W. E.Steward, Biochemistry, 3, 1135 (1964). (9) A. Katchaisky and A. Oplatka, R o c . In!. Congr. Rheology. 4th. 1 (1965). (IO) J. W. McBain, "Colloid Science," D. C. Health, Boston, Mass., 1950. (11) P. H. von Hippel and K. Y . Wong, J. 8foi. Chem., 240, 3909 (1965). (12) A. Ciferri, E. Bianchi, F. Marchese, and A. Teaidi, Makromoi. Chem.. 150, 265 (1971). (13) ltaiian Patent No. 12767-A/71. (14) K. Hoshino and M. Watanabe, J . Chem. SOC. Jap.. Pure Chem. Sect.. 24 (1949) The Journal of Physical Chemistry. Voi. 77, N o . 3, 1973


an intrinsic viscosity in m-cresol a t 25" of 1.46 dl/g, corresponding to a molecular weightl4%I5 of about 20,000. Salts used were analytical grade KC1, LiC1, and LiBr. Mixtures of polymer and salts were prepared in the following way. To a glass tube containing the polymer powder, an adequate arcount of a solution of salt in CH30H was added as to wet the entire polymer and to give polymer samples containing quant,ities of salt variable between 2 and I270 w/w. CH30I-I was eliminated by maintaining the glass tubes a t 50" for about 24 hr. Last traces of solvent and any adsorbed water were then eliminated by maintaining the tubes at 100" under vacuum for about 5 hr. The tubes were then sealed under vacuum and maintained in an oven a t 260" for varying lengths of time ( t f ) in order to achieve fusion and optimum homogenization. After the time tf had elapsed, the tubes were quickly brought to a lower temperature ( T c )to achieve isothermal crystallization for variable lengths of time ( t c ) .After the time t, haid elapsed, glass tubes were removed from the oven, allowed to cool at room temperature, and then broken. Occurrence of s0m.e volatile material was noticed upon breaking the tubes. Samples were stored in a moisture-free atmosphere for lengths of time not exceeding a few days. A control polymer sample without salt was also prepared following the same procedure. As previously indicated,l2 salts could be removed from the polymer-salt mixture by extraction in H20 at 100" for about 10 hr, with recovery of the crystallinity and of the fusion temperature of salt-free nylon 6. The amount of material which could be extracted with hot water, after the thermz.1 treatment, approximately coincided with the weight lose, resulting from dissolution of samples in 85% HCOOH (after thermal treatment) followed by precipitation with C!H&H. For materials having tf = 5 hr and tc = 48 hr at 200°, about 3% (w/w) weight loss (in addition to the loss due to extraction of salt) was observed, essentially independent of sa1.t content. This loss is smaller than that previously observedI2 for samples having tf = 72 hr. Viscosity A4easurzments. Samples were dissolved in mcresol at room temperature for 24 hr, polymer concentration, c , being about 0.4 g/100 ml. Solutions were filtered through a sintered-glass filter, although no evidence of insoluble material. or gels was noticed. Specific reduced viscosity, ? ~ ~ ~ was , l c , measured a t 25", according to conventional techniques,:j using Ubbelhode type viscometers at no less than four different polymer concentrations between 0.4 and 0.1 dl/g. Efflux time of solvent was never less than 200 sec. It is to be noted that preliminary viscosity measurements performed in 85% HCOOH did not prove to yield reproducible results very likely due to occurrence o:F aggregation phenomena, as has also been observed by Such effects were observed even for the origirfal nylon 6 sample (with no salt) not subjected to any thermal treatment. Measurements in m-cresol were completely free from such complications. Preliminary melt viscosity data were obtained at 250" using a capillary extrusion rheometer (shear rate 100 sec-I) or a glass capillary viscometer operating under vacuum. Thermal Aizalysi>:.A Perkin-Elmer differential scanning calorimeter DSC-1B was used operating with heating rates between 8 tindl 64",'min. The melting pa,rameters, T f and A H f , respectively the fusion temperature and the fusion enthalpy, were obtained using -:he foliowing thermal treatments of the samThe Journai o 6 P l i y s i c a /Chemistry Voi. 77, No 3 7973

Valenti, Bianchi, Greppi, Tealdi, and Ciferri ples. (1) Direct determination of Tfand AHf by melting the samples crystallized in the oven at temperature Tc for a length of time tc, as indicated above. (2) Securing a new thermal history for the samples by melting in the DSC apparatus at 260" for 12 min and then quickly cooling by manual operation of the instrument at a crystallization temperature Tc where samples were kept for a length of time tc. After the tc time had elapsed, the fusion profile was registered by increasing the temperature above Tc. AHf and Tf were obtained from the area and the position of the endothermal peaks of fusion, exploring the effect of changes in the heating rate at 8, 16, 32, and 64"/ min. A preliminary study of crystallization kinetics was performed using the DSC instrument. The technique consisted in selecting the crystallization time tc' (using the indicated thermal treatment 2) required for obtaining a fusion enthalpy AHf of about 7.5 (k1.5) cal/g. Taking as a correct figure of the melting enthalpy ANm the value of 35-55 cal/g of crystalline polymer reported in the literature,17-19 the above AHr value corresponds to about 1570 crystallinity. This determination could be easily done for polymer-salt mixtures exhibiting a considerable degree of crystallinity. In the case of nylon 6 3. 4% LiCl, however, the low crystallization rate only permitted a reliable determination of the time t,"corresponding to a A H r = 2 cal/g. X-Ray Measurements. X-Ray films were obtained at room temperature using a Debye-Schezrer camera and Fe KLYradiation filtered through a thin A i film. The samples used were finely subdivided and enclosed in a quartz capillary of 0.5 mm diameter. Eiposure time was 8 hr. No low-angle X-ray patterns were obtained in the present study.

(3) Results Viscosity Data. The effect of the thermal treatment on the intrinsic viscosity [ q ] of the nylon 6-salt mixtures is illustrated in Figure 1. The corresponding gsp/c L'S. c plots were accurately linear and the extrapolation of [a] could The thermal history of the samples be made within &1?&~ investigated included, beside the time t f of permanence a t 260" shown on the abscissa of Figure I, a period of 48 hr of isothermal crystallization at Tc = 200" for pure nylon 6; Tc = 180" for nylon 6 3. 2% LiC1; and T, = 150" for nylon 6 + 4% LiC1. It was found, however, that the determining effect on the value of [a] was the length of the time t f ; rather small variations (&5")around 260" produced a significant alteration of [ a ] . The results indicate that, the intrinsic viscosity of' nylon 6, maintained under vacuum in a closed container at 260", increases up to tf values of about 5 hr, decreasing upon further increase of t f . A similar trend is exhibited by nylon 6-salt mixtures, although increasing amounts of salt result in a gradual reduction of [TI. (This effect is not primarily due to the presence of salt in solution, as ascertained by extracting the salt with H20 at 100" before the viscosity measurements.") The results of the melt viscosity measurements indicate that the melt viscosity of nylon 6 is considerably increased by small amounts of LiC1. The ratio of the melt viscosity (15) R . Bennewitz, Faserforsch. Textiitech., 5, 155 (1954). (16) L. Simek, V. Klepal, and 0. Vilin, Past. Hmoly Kauc , S(S), 273 (1969). (17) M , Dole and 8.Wunderlich, Makromoi. Chem.. 34, 29 (1959). (18) K. H. lllers and H. Haber Korn. Makromoi. Chem.. I42,31 (1971). (19)G.W. Urbanczyk, J . Poiym. Sci.. 45, 161 (1960).

Melting Behavior of Salted Poly(caproamide)


3 2C 2

at !

2 4


L . - . L 01





ioq t i , hrs

Variarion of the intrinsic viscosity of nylon 6-salt systems with the time, t f , during which they were Bllowed to stay at 260' in sealed glass tubes: 0 , pure nylon 6; U, nylon 6 4- 2% LiCI; I, nylon 6 4-4% LiCI ( T = 25').

Figure 1,


of a nylon 6 4% LiCl mixture, to the corresponding value measured for pure nylon 6, was between 2 and 3, depending upon the method of measurement and the fusion time tf. Thermal Anulysis. Typical thermal profiles in the fusion range, and under a variety of conditions, are collected in Figure 2 . Data represent samples for which the .fusion time tf was 5 hr. This value of t f was generally used (unless otherwise specified) for the DSC experiments since preliminary studies indicated that, under these conditions homogenization had already been reached. Included in Figure 2 are profiles obtained using methods I and 2 (cf. Experimental Section) for the thermal treatment preceding the determinations of the melting profile. They can be recognized by the value of t,; for samples crystallized in Lhe DSC instrument t, never exceeded 4 hr, while for samples crystiallized in. the oven tc was invariably equal or greater than 48 hr. Typical values of the fusion enthalpy AHf deduced from the thermal pmfiles are collected in Table I. Values of ,AHr reported far pure nylon 6 should offer an idea of the degree of crystallinity resulting after the two thermal treatments eimployed. The values of ANr reported for nylon &salt systems also reflect intrinsic alterations brought about by the salt (binding, shift in a / y ratio, cf. seq., etc,,) plus the effect of salts in reducing the rate of crystallization. Often the profiles reveal the occurrence of two ill-resolved peaks correspond.ing to fusion temperatures Tfb and Tfa (lcf. Figure 2 ) . However, upon increasing the crystallizaticin time tc, the height corresponding to the low fusion peak gradually increased relatively to the height of the high fusion peak. A similar effect was observed upon increasing the rate of heating from 8 to 64"/ min. Above a curtain crystallization temperature the two peaks could no Longer be resolved irrespective of the time t c . The effect of increasing the fusion time t f from 5 to 72 hr was negligible for pure nylon while in the case of nylon 6 + 2% LiCl the high fusion peak disappeared even a t low T,. The occ~irrenceof multiple peak (usually double) o f the type i,llustrat,ed in Figure 2 has been noticed by several investigatorsl$."0-22 even in the cases (including a or y nylon 6) in which oniy one crystalline modification was present. 'The work of Roberts,22 in particular, clearly

I /




Figure 2. Typical fusion profiles registered at the DSC for nylon 6 samples and for nylon 6 2% LiCl systems. The crystallization temperature, T,, and the crystallization time, tc, are indicated. Weight of samples varied between 10 and 13 mg. Heating


rate was 16"/min. TABLE I: Selected Values of the Fusion Enthaipy AHf (cal/g) for Nylon 6-Salt Systems _ _ _ l _ l l


Salt, w / w %






10.6 3.5% KCi 7% KCI 2% LiBr


4% LiBr

16.9 8.3

6% LiBr


2% LiCl




9.2 15.6 8.5

8.5 16.2

7.2 18.0

14.7 9.6 10.0


7.5 16.9 4.5 7.0


6.1 -1 10.7


8.7 8.1





7.6 7.7 6.5




2.6% LiCi 4% LiCl









When two values of AHr are reported, the first one corresponds to thermal treatment 2 (tc between 1 and 15 min; except for 4% LiCl when tc = 180 min) and the second one to thermal treatrient 1 (tc 48 hr; except for 2% LiCl at 200" and 4% LiCl at 170" when tc = 96 hr)

indicates that the high melting peak should be associated with the recrystallization, during the melting run, of crystals formed a t a given Tc. The experimental evidence cited above clearly suggests that the peak characterized by the fusion temperature Tfb is the one which appropriately corresponds to the fusion of crystals formed a t the relevant T,. (20) I. Abu-lsa, J . Poiym. Sci.. PartA-1, 9, 199 (1971). (21) F. N. Liberti and B. Wunderlich, J. Polym. Sci.. Part A-2. 8, 883 (1968). (22) R . C. Roberts, J. Poiym. S c i . , Part€?-8,381 (1970). The Journai of Physical Chemistry, Voi. 77, No. 3, 1973

Valenti, Bianchi, Greppi, Tealdi, and Ciferri





5 7 salt%,(w/w)





, 01

, 33


mu a r frac:iun




O F salt

Figure 4. Variation of the equilibrium melting temperature, extrapolated from the data in Figure 3, with salt concentration: 0 , LiCI: A, LiBr, 0,KCI. T h e dashed line represents the theoretical variation of T, with diluent content calculated according to eq 4 with x1 = 0.2, X = 4.2, and AHu = 5'100 cal/mol.

N y l o n 6 + 3 5 % KCI

Figure 3. Variation ot the fusion temperature with crystallization temperature for several nylon 6-salt systems: black dots, data corresponding to thermal treatment 2; open circles, data corresponding to thermal treatment 1 (cf. text). The difference in size of dots serves to indizate values of Tfb and T f a (cf. Figure 2 ) , larger dots corresponding to Tfb. Experimental indetermination on T f values is indicated in the few cases in which it was larger than usual. Heating rate was 16"/min. TABLE II: Equilibrium Melting Nylon 6-Salt Systems

Temperatures for

rate of heating indicated no alterations of Tf (&lo) between 16 and 64"/min. A possible exception was the case in which crystallization was very fast (ie., pure nylon 6 at low T c ) when a n increase of Tf of 2-3" occurred between 16 and 64"/min. Since the determination of Tf was more precise. at 16"/min than at 64"/min, the former rate was generally used. Tr us. T , plots yielded the same extrapolated T , value ( c f . seq.) when data at 16 or 64"/min were used. The data in Figure 3 indicate that upon increasing T,, Tf also increases. However, when two peaks are present, T p is not essentially affected by variations in T c . It is seen that the experimental points do not lie on the T f = Tc line; however, the data can be extrapolated (within h2") to obtain a value of fusion temperature on the Tf = Tc line. The Tf us. Tc line was drawn following the Tfb points, and the Tf points a t high T,, when only one peak was observed. In terms of the Hoffman and Weeksz3 treatment, the extrapolated value corresponds to the equilibrium melting temperature T,. Values of T m thus extrapolated are reported in Table I1 arid in Figure 4 as a function of salt composition expressed both as w/w and molar fraction of salt (referred to the e-caprolactam unit). The data indicate that on increasing salt concentration the melting temperature is depressed. A noticeable difference exists among the effects of different salts, the order for increasing depression a t a given molar fraction of salt being

_ l _ _ _ _ _ l _ l _ -

Salt, w / w %

Molar fraction



3 . 5 % KCI 2.0% LiBr 4.0%# Lil3r

0.052 0.103 0.026 0.052

6.0% LiBr


2.00/0 LiCl 2.6% LiCI 4 . 0 % LiCl

0.052 0.067 0.100

7.0% KCI

r d , "c (f2")

240 238 236 226 213 203 220 21 2 192

Plots of Tfa and Tfb as a function of Tc are reported in Figure 3. Fusion temperatures ( c f . Figure 3) did not exhibit systematic variations in correspondence to differences in A H f values ( c f . Table I) resulting from differences in t c or in the rate of crystallization. Likewise, no significant effect of tf was observed on the fusion temperatures. Longer tc values (using thermal treatment 1) were particularly used for nylon 6 C 4% LiCl when the rate of crystallization was low, in order to compare data a t a similar degree of crystallinity. Careful analysis of the effect of The Journal of Physir:s/ C,$emistry, Vol. 77, No. 3 , 1973


< LiCl