Bulletins | Journal of Chemical Education - ACS Publications

Cite This:J. Chem. Educ.193073726. Publication Date (Print):March 1, 1930. Publication History. Received3 August 2009; Published online1 March 1930 ...
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structions in the "Introduction" are ercellent except that "carron-oil" far bums is no longer on the favored list of first-aid treatment. The absence of apparatus supports in the diagrams may leave too much to the ingenuity of the student. The title "Effect of Shape on the Solubility of a Solid" is misleading. Hydrated sodium acetate is probably a more interesting substance for the study of "super-saturation" than is sodium thiosulfate. The familiarizing of a first-course student with a hydrometer is commendable. Some of the analytical determinations are worthy of an excellent first-course mani~ulator. The manual affords a wide latitude in the choice of experiment and is a veritably excellent accompaniment for the text. I n condusion, the reviewer recommends the volume for the use of students who have not had any previous training in chemistry. JESSE E. D AY I s s Oaro S m r s UNIveasrr~ COLUMBUS. Onro

BULLETINS Record of Current Educational Publications. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau o j Education, Bulletin, 1929, No. 24. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington. D. C. 128 pp. $0.15. This bulletin comprises publications received by the Bureau of Education, January-December, 1928, with index. Statistics of Private High Schools and Academies, 1927-1928. Prepared in

the Division of Statistics by Frank M. Phillips, Chief. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Education. Bulletin, 1929, No. 19. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 61 pp. WO.10. The Saline Springs of the Ria Salado, Sandoval County, New Mexico. JOHN D. CLARK, Professor of Chemism, University of New Mexico. Univ. of New Mexico Bulletin, Univ. of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1929. 29 pp. A complete description of these springs with numerous excellent illustrations. Optical Rotation and Ring Structure in the Sugar Group. The Optical Rotation of the Various Asymmetric Carbon Atoms in the Hexose and Pentose Sugars. H. S. ISBELL, Associate Chemist, Bureau of Standards. U. S. Dept. of Commerce Publication. Research Paper No. 128. Reprint from Bureau of Standards, Journal of Research, Vol. 3, Dec., 1929. Supt. of Documents, Washington, D. C. 12 pp. $0.05. The Detection and Investigation of Poisons by Spectroscopy. Adam Hilger, Ltd., 24 Rochester Place, Camden Road, London, N. W. 1, England. Dcc., 1929. 17 pp. The material in this pamphlet is divided into three parts: I. Applications; 11. Equipment; 111. Method of Working.

Professor A. F. Holleman Honored. Professor A. P. Holleman, the eminent Dutch organic chemist, attained his seventieth birthday on August 28th, and a special volume of the Recueil des Traoaux Chimigues des Pays-Bas has been dedicated to him in honor of the event. The volume contains numerous papers, from Dutch, British, American, German, French, and Italian authors. Much of Professor Holleman's published work deals with the directive effect of substituents in the benzene nucleus on new substituents entering therein. He is also widely known for his Text-Book of Organic Chemistry, which has been used by many generations of students. Originally written in Dutch, it has run into six English editions, and has also been translated into German, Italian, French, Russian, Polish, Spanish, and Czechoslovak.-Chem. Age