C. J. Wiley suggests some interesting properties and applications for

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C J* W i l e y s u g g e s t s s o m e interesting properties a n d applications for

TRIALKYL B O R A N E S "colorless, liquid organoboron compounds, Triethylborane and Tributylborane are most useful as polymerization catalysts" Q. Mr. Wiley, what is the current major interest hi the Trialkyl Boranes? A . T h e biggest potential for. these compounds lies in their catalytic behavior. T h e y promote the polymerization of such compounds as vinyl chloride, methacrylic esters, acrylic esters, and acrylonitrile. Tributylborane appears especially attractive as a catalyst for methacrylates and styrene. Recent Japanese and Russian papers on this use are very interesting. We have translated t h e Russian paper and have copies available for distribution. Q . Are the Trialkyl Boranes stable in water? A . T h e hydrolytic stability is very good in neutral, acid, and alkaline solutions. Q. How stable are they in other media? A. Oxidizing agents, including air, must be avoided, but otherwise boron-carbon bonds are very stable.

Q. What are the general solubility characteristics of Triethylborane? A. Triethylborane and the higher Trialkyl Boranes are generally soluble in hydrocarbons, insoluble in water, and miscible with most organic solvents. Q. Is it true that the higher Trialkyl Boranes are less pyrophoric than the Trimethyl and Triethyl compounds? A. Y e s . P y r o p h o r i c i t y d e creases as the molecular weight of the n-alkyl group increases. Q. Can Triethylborane be used as a jet fuel? A. Yes, because of its high flame speed, wide range of flammability, and high blow-out velocity.

C. J . Wiley, A.B., University o f Pennsylvania, M.S., University of Massachusetts, Market Development Manager, Callery Chemical Company

Q. What Trialkyl Boranes do you expect to offer? A. Right now, we can supply 20-ml samples and up to one-pound quantities of Triethylborane and Tri-nbutylborane. Plant flexibility at our new Lawrence, Kansas plant, now under construction, will eventually permit us to produce a variety of Trialkyl Boranes. One o f these is Triisobutyll>orane. Meanwhile, we would be pleased to work with you t o help develop any promising applications that you may have in mind. Q. Are there any unusual aspects of Trialkyl Boranes that deserve attention? A. Triethylborane and Sodium Hydride form a liquid adduct which should have some very interesting Catalytic properties. Trialkyl Boranes synthesized from Diborane and terminal olefins can be oxidized to produce primary alcohols. Q. D o you know o f any other useful derivatives of the Trialkyl Boranes? A. Some of the amine complexes of Trialkyl Boranes have been patented as diesel oil additives. They serve as cetane improvers presumably because they increase the flame speed of the fuel-air mixture. T h e complexes with higher amines should have the corrosion and sludge inhibition properties associated, with these amines. Write or phone for specific information on the Trialkyl Boranes, Phone: FOrest 4-1130



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