(C5H5)2M (M = Si−Pb): A Density Functional Theory Study

2001, Volume 20. J. D. Smith and T. P. Hanusa*: Trends in the. Structures and Energetics of the Group 14 Metallocenes. (C5H5)2M (M ) Si-Pb): A Density...
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Organometallics 2002, 21, 1518

Additions and Corrections 2001, Volume 20 J. D. Smith and T. P. Hanusa*: Trends in the Structures and Energetics of the Group 14 Metallocenes (C5H5)2M (M ) Si-Pb): A Density Functional Theory Study Page 3059. The footnotes to Table 2 are incorrect and should read as follows. aEnergies in hartrees; energies in parentheses are kcal mol-1 equivalents. The lowest absolute energies (au) for each metallocene are as follows: Si, -390.631 332 (ECP); Si, -676.201 697 (all-electron); Ge, -681.469 692; Sn, -601.202 045: Pb, -579.780 213. bWith pseudopotential basis set on Si. cWith all-electron basis set (aug-cc-pVTZ) on Si. OM020082V 10.1021/om020082v Published on Web 03/01/2002