Calcium Test Set

velocity of particles in a liquid suspen- sion and presents the data in a distribu- tion form, automatically plotting cumu- lative mass per cent finer...
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Save valuable lab time.

Calcium Test Set Produces Standard Deviation ±0.15 mgs.%

Sedigraph Model 5000 particle size analyzer offers rapid, automatic determination of particle sizes from 100 a- down to as low as 0.1-/* diameter. Principle of the instrument is the classic method based on Stokes Law of sedimentation. Accuracy is claimed to be better than

±1.0%. With


finely collimated, fully shielded low-intensity X-ray beam, the the sedimentation instrument measures velocity of particles in a liquid suspena

Volu-Sol's new Calcium test method is based on the FerrcNHam technique, Smith No centrifuge is required; there is no loss of k calcium. Approximately 1B minutes of bench

sion and presents the data in a distribution form, automatically plotting cumulative mass per cent finer vs. an equivain microns. lent spherical diameter The sample cell is driven downward at a programmed rate, synchronized with the recorder which is simultaneously indicating the log of the transmitted Particle size is preX-ray intensity. sented on a linear vs. log scale. Instrument Micromeritics $14,000. Corp-, 800 Goshen Springs Rd., Nor411 cross, Ga. 30071. 404-448-8282

time are required after preGipitatiori iff calcium. Results are routinely accurate and reproducible. May be scaled down to use 1.0 ml or 0.5 ml of specimen;


VOLU-SOL (2.0 ml specimen)

CALCIUM TEST SET INCLUDES: 1. Chloranilic Acid 1 —




2. EDTA Solution 3 x 8 oz. 120 ea. Filters 3. Disposable 4. Procedure Instructions Extra Filters 120/pkg.— $36.00 -

Research Pulse Generator


Model 448 research pulser is a very stable precision pulse generator with operational flexibility. It is used to simulate the output of semiconductor detectors for the calibration of highrcsolntion spectrometer systems. It can be set with an accuracy of 10 ppm Stability is (resolution 0.0003%). typically ±10 ppm, with a long-term drift of no more than 15 ppm for a 24-hr period with temperature and volt-

Repetition rates arc age constant. selectable from 1-100 pulses/sec. The pulser has both voltage and charge terminators so that it is compatible with preamplifiers and amplifiers, linear $925. gates, and biased amplifiers. Ortec, Inc., 100 Midland Rd., Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830. 615-482-1006 412



0. Box 14097, Las Vegas, Nevada 89114

Gentlemen: Please send me your new VOLU-SOL Calcium Test Set. Enclosed please find my check (money order) in the amount for_number of sets and_ of_ extra package of filters. Please send me additional technical information. Name

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