Calculation of High-Pressure Vapor-Liquid Equilibria from a

Jul 1, 1978 - Calculation of High-Pressure Vapor-Liquid Equilibria from a Corresponding-States Correlation with Emphasis on Asymmetric Mixtures...
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Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 17, No. 3, 1978

Onda, K.. Sada, E., Kobayashi, T..Ando, N., Kito, S., KagakuKogaku, 34,603

(1970~). Sada, E., Ando, N., Kito, S..J. Appl. Chem. Biotechnol., 22, 1185 (1972). Sada, E., Kumazawa, H., Butt, M. A,, AlChEJ., 22, 196 (1976). Sada, E., Kumazawa, H., Hayakawa, N., Kudo, I., Kondo, T., Chem. Eng. Sci.,

32, 1171 (1977). Sada, E., Kumazawa, H., Kudo, I., Kondo, T., Chem. Eng. sei., 33, 315 ( 1978).

Vinograd, J. R.. McBain, J. W., J. Am. Chem. SOC.,63,2008 (1941). Wise, D. L.. Houghton, G., Chem. Eng. Sci., 23, 1211 (1968).

Received for review July 13, 1977 Accepted January 9,1978 This work was supported by the Science Research Foundation of Educational Ministry, Japan, Grant No. 147099. The authors wish

to acknowledge the support.

Calculation of High-pressure Vapor-Liquid Equilibria from a Corresponding-States Correlation with Emphasis on Asymmetric Mixtures Ulf Plocker, Helmut Knapp, and John Prausnitz”’ lnstitut fur Thermodynamik und Anlagentechnik, Technische Universitat, 1 Berlin 12, Germany

The correlation of Lee and Kesler for thermodynamic properties of normal fluids is applied to mixtures. Vaporliquid equilibria at high pressures are calculated using a one-fluid theory with a new mixing rule for the pseudocritical temperature; this mixing rule appears to be applicable also to those mixtures whose components differ appreciably in molecular size. The calculational procedure, using analytical functions, is completely computerized; computer programs are available. Input data are pure-component critical properties and acentric factors plus one binary constant for each binary pair. These constants are tabulated for a large number of binary systems containing light gases (including hydrogen), carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrocarbons ranging from methane to decane. Illustrative calculations indicate that the procedure described here provides good estimates of K factors, enthalpies, and other thermodynamic properties required in engineering process design.

The configurational properties of normal fluids were correlated by Pitzer and co-workers 20 years ago through an extended theorem of corresponding states which, in addition to critical temperature and critical pressure, utilized the acentric factor as a third correlating parameter (Pitzer et al., 1955). Although the correlation was based exclusively on purecomponent properties, extension to mixtures is possible through the pseudo-critical concept of Kay (1936) as modified by various authors (Prausnitz and Gunn, 1958; Pitzer and Hultgren, 1958; Leland and Mueller, 1959; Barner and Quinlan, 1969). However, since Pitzer’s results were presented in tabular form, they are not convenient for calculating phase equilibria; such calculations are unavoidably of the trialand-error type and therefore, since electronic computers must be used, analytical representation of configurational properties is highly desirable. Lee and Kesler (1975) established a correlation similar to Pitzer’s; utilizing experimental data not available 20 years ago, Lee and Kesler’s correlation is applicable to temperatures lower than those in Pitzer’s tables. More important, however, Lee and Kesler present their results not only in tabular form but also through a reduced equation of state, thereby facilitating computer calculations. In this work we discuss the application of that reduced equation to the calculation of vapor-liquid equilibria and enthalpies of multicomponent mixtures. Our discussion is similar to that of Joffe (1976), but it applies to a much wider variety of mixtures. Because of the increasing importance of Address correspondence to this author at the Chemical Engineering Department, University o f California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720.

mixtures encountered in processing of synthetic gas from coal and heavy petroleum feed stocks, we give particular attention to asymmetric mixtures, t h a t is, those which contain both small molecules (e.g., hydrogen, nitrogen, and methane) and large molecules (e.g., high-boiling paraffins, aromatics, and fused-ring hydrocarbons). These mixtures, which are becoming increasingly important in contemporary technology, are often not well represented by other methods for calculating vapor-liquid equilibria because conventional techniques are usually restricted to mixtures where differences in molecular size are not large.

Correlation of Lee and Kesler The thermodynamic properties of normal fluids are expressed by a modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin (1940) equation. The equation of state is written first for a simple fluid (0), such as argon or methane, and then for a reference fluid (I),chosen to be n-octane. The compressibility factor z for a normal fluid, a t reduced temperature T,, reduced volume u,, and acentric factor w is written in the form

~(T,,U,,W) = z(O)(T,,U,,W = 0)

The reduced variables are defined by

Tr = TIT,; u , = P R * T, The compressibility factor z is conveniently written

0019-788217811117-0324$01.00/0 0 1978 American Chemical Society

Ind. Eng. Chern. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 17, No. 3, 1978


(3) The subscript c denotes critical. T h e pertinent equations for calculating compressibility factors, fugacities, enthalpies, and entropies are given in Appendix A.

Thermodynamic Framework We consider a multicomponent, two-phase system a t temperature T and total pressure p . The condition of equilibrium is t h a t for every component i

where f stands for fugacity and superscripts V and L designate, respectively, the vapor phase and the liquid phase. Following conventional procedure, we define the fugacity coefficient 4Lby

4i = f i l z i p


where Zi is the mole fraction either in the liquid phase or in the vapor phase. As discussed elsewhere (Prausnitz, 1969; van Ness, 1955), the fugacity coefficient for component i can be obtained by differentiating 4 ~the , fugacity coefficient of the mixture, according to

where In 4~ is a function depending on TIT,,, PIP,, and WM. Here for each phase T,, and p,, are, respectively, the pseudo-critical temperature and pseudo-critical pressure and WM is the acentric factor. Appendix A presents the final equations. T h e residual enthalpy of the mixture is A ~ =Nh ( T , p , z )- h(T,p = 0,z)


Equations 6 and 7 are applied separately to each phase, once to the liquid phase and once to the vapor phase. The fugacity coefficient 4~ is also calculated separately, once for the liquid phase and once for the vapor phase, according to

where V is the total volume containing nT number of moles and z is the compressibility factor ( Z M = p V / q R T ) . T o calculate +M, Z M , and I ~weM use a one-fluid theory; t h a t is, we assume that the residual properties of a uni-phase mixture are those found from a n equation of state for a hypothetical pure fluid whose characteristic constants are found by suitably averaging the constants of the pure components comprising the mixture. T h e averaging procedure is determined by essentially empirical mixing rules which, once established, also determine the derivatives with respect to Z appearing in eq 6. T h e mixing rules proposed here are


where u , is the molar critical volume, T , is the critical temperature, and w is the acentric factor. The cross coefficients are given by

and (13) where K1k is an adjustable binary parameter, characteristic of the j-k binary, independent of temperature, density, and composition. T h e pseudo-critical pressure is found by

T h e mixture rules above are similar to those presented previously (Prausnitz and Gunn, 1958; Barner and Quinlan, 1969; Reed and Gubbins, 1973; Lee and Kesler, 1975) but contain one important variation: the exponent 7. If we set q = 0 we obtain mixing rules similar to those of Prausnitz and Gunn (1958) which were also used by Barner and Quinlan (1969). If we set 17 = 1we obtain (essentially) the so-called van der Waals mixing rules, used by Leland et al. (1968) and by Mollerup (1975). For symmetric mixtures (uc, = u c k ) ,the exponent 7 is of no importance and thus 7 may be conveniently set equal to zero. For slightly asymmetric mixtures, Rowlinson and others have shown t h a t setting 7 = 1 gives better agreement with the computer results of Singer (1970) as well as with experiment. However, for strongly asymmetric mixtures we find that while 7 = 0 does not take the effect of molecular size into proper account, setting 7 = 1 tends to overestimate that effect. We have therefore determined 7 empirically by a systematic study of numerous mixtures of normal fluids whose molecular size differ appreciably, that is, by a factor 3 or more. We find that while the optimum value of 7 varies somewhat from one system to another, good agreement with experiment is obtained by setting 7 = 0.25 for all binary systems considered here. T o illustrate, Figure 1 shows deviations between calculated and experimental pressures for the two-phase system methanen-heptane a t 310.93 K for different values of ?. For each calculation an optimum value of K~~ was determined from the experimental data of Reamer e t al. (1956). Figure 2 presents deviations between calculated and observed bubble pressures for different values of K ~ ] ,again for the system methane-n-heptane a t 310.93 K with 7 = 0.25. I t is evident that results are sensitive to the value of Whereas a universal, not optimized value of 7 tends to give both negative and positive deviations in pressure, changing the value of K~~ merely raises or lowers the calculated pressure.

Calculational Procedure T o compute the fugacity of a component z in a one-phase mixture, we use eq 9 to 14 and A7. T o do so, we require the temperature, composition, and volume of that mixture. Normally, the volume is not known and must be found (by trial and error) using eq A2 knowing the temperature, pressure, and composition. The required constants are obtained from Table A-I, from pure-component critical constants, and from the mixing rules given in eq 9 to 14. For mixtures containing hydrogen and helium we use slightly temperaturedependent effective critical constants as discussed elsewhere (Gunn et al., 1966). For phase-equilibrium calculations the fugacity of every component L must be found in each phase (see eq 4). The calculational procedure for the gas phase is identical with that for the liquid phase T h e essential elements of the procedure are summarized in Table A-11. From a computational point of view, the most time-consuming procedure is the calculation of the liquid volume and the vapor volume. An efficient method for performing this calculation has been presented previously by Plocker and Knapp (1976). While this previous publication refers to the

326 Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 17, No. 3, 1978 I




0 -20










10 8




Figure 1. Deviations between calculated and experimental bubble pressures for the binary system methane-n-heptane at 310.93 K for various values of q. Parameter K ~ ,is optimized for any value of q using the experimental data of Reamer et al. (1956).

.I I 2



6 8 10'

I ofrn 6 810'

2 P

Figure 3. Calculated K factors for the binary system hydrogen sulfide-isobutane; comparison with experimental data of Robinson and Besserer (1972). 10

10 b 7 7 B K

8 0







L 2 0,O







Figure 2. Deviations between calculated and experimental bubble pressures for the binary system methane-n-heptane at 310.93 K for various values of ~i,; q = 0.25; experimental data from Reamer et al. (1956).


.8 .6 .4

original Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation and to its modification by Starling (1973), it is easily applied to the Lee-Kesler equation used here.


.z 4


8 10'



6 alrn lo2


Results Vapor-liquid equilibrium calculations were performed for over 100 binary systems using data taken from the literature. To a good approximation, binary parameters ~ i were j found to be independent of temperature, density, and composition. Table I presents ~ i values j for about 150 binary systems. T o calculate vapor-liquid equilibria in ternary (or higher) systems, no ternary (or higher) parameters are required. Table I also includes a few results for polar mixtures (e.g., water and ammonia). One should not, however, conclude that the procedure described here is generally applicable to such mixtures. Rather it appears fortuitous t h a t good results were obtained for the particular polar mixtures included in Table I. Generally, one should not expect such fortunate results since strongly polar fluids often show significant deviations from corresponding-states behavior. T h e inclusion of polar mixtures within a generalized corresponding-states phase equilibrium procedure is still in a preliminary stage. Some typical results, especially for strongly tisymmetric mixtures, are shown in Figures 3 to 7 . Calculated K factors ( K = y / x ) are in good agreement with experiment, especially if one considers that in some cases (especially when K 0.96) are discussed briefly in Appendix B. Figures 8 and 9 present results for light gases in high boiling solvents. I t is gratifying that the calculated Henry's constants are not only in good agreement with experiment but also give a good representation of the effect of temperature.

Correlation of Binary Parameters K~~ Although Table I gives parameters for a large number of binary systems, it is desirable to estimate such parameters for other binaries where insufficient experimental information is a t hand. Figures 10 to 13 present K~~ parameters as a function of the dimensionless group ( T c Luc,)(Tc, . uC,)-l. Figure 10 gives results for mixtures of hydrocarbons with hydrocarbons (including aromatics), Figure 11 for mixtures of nitrogen with hydrocarbons, Figure 12 for mixtures of carbon dioxide with hydrocarbons, and Figure 13 for mixtures of hydrogen with hydrocarbons. While the experimental evi-

Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 17, No. 3, 1978

Table I. Binary Parameters K;; System Methane-ethane -ethylene -propane -propylene -n-butane -isobutane -n-pentane -4sopentane -n-hexane -cyclohexane --benzene --n-heptane -+-octane -n-nonane -n-decane Ethane-ethylene -propane --propylene --n-butane --isobutane -n-pentane --isopentane --n-hexane --cyclohexane --benzene --n-heptane -n-octane --n-nonane -n-decane Ethylene--n-butane -benzene -n-heptane Acetylene-ethylene Propane--propylene -n -butane -isobutane .+-pentane --isopentane -n -hexane --cyclohexane -benzene --n-heptane --n-octane --n-nonane --n-decane Propylene-n -butane --isobutane --isobutene n-Butaneeisobutane --n-pentane --isopentane --n-hexane -cyclohexane --benzene --n-heptane -n-octane .-n-nonane -n-decane n-Pentane-isopentane -n-hexane --cyclohexane --benzene -n-heptane -+-octane -n-nonane -n-decane n -Hexane-cyclohexane --benzene -n-heptane --n-octane -n-nonane -n-decane " See comment under Results.


1.052 1.014 1.113 1.089 11171 1.155 1.240 1.228 1.304 1.269 1.234 1.367 1.423 1.484 1.533 0.991 1.010 1.002 1.029 1.036 1.064 1.070 1.106 1.081 1.066 1.143 1.165 1.214 1.237 0.998 1.094 1.163 0.948 0.992 1.003 1.003 1.006 1.009 1.047 1.037 1.011 1.067 1.090 1.115 1.139 1.010 1.009 1.006 1.001 0.994 0.998 1.018 1.008 0.999 1.027 1.046 1.064 1.078 0.987 0.996 0.996 0.977 1.004 1.020 1.033 1.045 0.998 0.978 1.008 1.005 1.015 1.025

System Benzene-cyclohexane -n-heptane -n-octane -isooctane -n-nonane -n-decane Cyclohexane-n-heptane -n-octane -n-nonane -n-decane n-Heptane-n -octane -isooctane -n-nonane -n-decane n -Octane-n -nonane -n-decane n -Nonane-n-decane Nitrogen-methane -ethylene -ethane -propane -propylene -n -butane -n-pentane -n-hexane -oxygen -carbon monoxide -argon -hydrogen sulfide -carbon dioxide -nitrous oxide -ammonia Carbon dioxide-methane -ethane -pr,opane -n -butane -isobutane -n-pentane -n-hexane -cyclohexane -benzene -n-heptane -n-octane -n-nonane -n-decane -hydrogen sulfide -R-12 -methanol Hydrogen-methane -ethane -ethylene -propane -n-butane -n-pentane -n-hexane -n-heptane -nitrogen -carbon monoxide -carbon dioxide Argon-oxygen -ammonia -methane Oxygen-nitrous oxide Carbon monoxide-methane Krypton-oxygen Hydrogen sulfide-isobutane Nitrous oxide-methane Water-carbon dioxide -ammonia -methanol


0.979 0.985 0.987 0.982 1.034 1.047 0.999 1.010 1.021 1.032 0.993 1.002 1.002 1.010 0.993 0.999 0.991 0.977 1.032 1.082 1.177 1.151 1.276 1.372 1.442 0.997 0.987 0.988 0.983 1.110 1.073 1.033 0.975 0.938 0.925 0.955 0.946 1.002 1.018 1.054 1.018 1.058 1.090 1.126 1.160 0.922 0.969 1.069 1.216 1.604 1.498 1.826 2.093 2.335 2.456 2.634 1.080 1.085 1.624 0.985 1.010

0.984 1.057 0.974 0.989 0.947 1.017 0.920" 1.152a 0.979O


328 Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 17, No. 3, 1978 I

IO2 2



*' 6


101 5






16' 5

162 5 Teiralin

~d ,



6 8 IO2

2 aim 4


Figure 5. Calculated K factors for the binary system hydrogen-carbon monoxide; comparison with experimental data of Verschoyle (1931) ( 0 0 ~ and ) Akersand Eubanks (1960) (A+).

Figure 7. Calculated K factors for the binary system hydrogen-tetralin; comparison with experimental data of Simnick and Chao (1978). 6501






500 A Melhooe in Diphenylmelhane

450 400



350 250



277 6



0 Melhooe n n-Hexodecone A

Elhone ,n Diphenylme!hane

Elhanc in n. Hexodecone

0 + "OB

n- c6 H14

Figure 6. Calculated K factors for the binary system hydrogen-nhexane; comparison with experimental data of Nichols et al. (1957).

dence supporting Figure 10 is strong, t h a t in support of the other three is somewhat weaker and will require modification as new experimental data become available. Figures 10 to 13 indicate t h a t in almost all cases ~ i isj different from unity; even a rough estimation of ~ i isj usually better than setting ~ i =j 1.However, Figures 11to 13 must be used with caution and should always yield priority to reliable experimental information, even when that information is of limited quantity. Figure 1 2 often provides reasonable estimates for systems containing hydrogen sulfide and hydrocarbons because the weak dipolar nature of H2S is roughly equivalent to the weak quadrupolar nature of COz. T o illustrate, consider the quaternary system methane(1)-carbon dioxide(2)-hydrogen sulfide(3)-normal octane(4). All values of ~ i (except j ~ 1 and 3 K34) were obtained from Table I. For the hydrogen sulfide3 K34 we chose the same values hydrocarbon parameters ~ 1 and as for the carbon dioxide-hydrocarbon parameters ~ 1 and 2 K24. Calculated results a t 273.15 K are in good agreement with

295 315 335 355 375 395 415 435 K T


Figure 8. Calculated Henry's constants for methane and ethane in diphenylmethane and n-hexadecane;comparison with experimental data of Cukor and Prausnitz (1972). experimental measurements of Mundis et al. (1977) as shown in Figure 14. The method presented here is in some respect similar to that of Starling (1973) in the sense t h a t both methods use a modified form of the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation and require critical data and acentric factors as primary input. For fifteen representative binary systems, Table I1 compares deviation in calculated and experimental pressure and vapor composition between those obtained by Starling (A) and those obtained by the technique used here (B). For symmetric (or nearly symmetric) systems, the results do not differ appreciably. However, for highly asymmetric systems, the new method is superior. I t is likely that this superiority is a direct consequence of the new mixing rule, eq 9.

Enthalpy The calculational procedure described in this work also provides residual enthalpies, as discussed in Appendix A.

Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 17,No. 3, 1978 329



0 Hydrogen rn O ~ p h e n y l m r l h a n r


Carbon dloxidr

. hydrocarbon

1 syslcms

W Hydrogen m n-Hexodecone


' 1









' '






' ' 15

'c, VC,/'C/




I 20


Figure 12. Correlation of binary parameters K,) for carbon dioxidehydrocarbon systems.

2K .


300 0 295 315 335 355 375 395 415 435 T



Figure 9. Calculated Henry's constants for hydrogen in diphenylmethane and n-hexadecane; comparison with experimental data of Cukor and Prausnitz (1972).

r.e -

u -






60 'c, Vq/'c,




Figure 13. Correlation of binary parameters ~i~ for hydrogen-hydrocarbon systems. The arrow indicates data for the Hz-C~HM system.





10 c',




6 1

Figure 10. Correlation of binary parameters, K~~ for hydrocarbonhydrocarbon systems, including aromatics. - n . 0 c l o n r - C a r b o n dioxide - Hydrogen sulfrdr








'c, vc,/T, "c,

Figure 11. Correlation of binary parameters K ~ ,for nitrogen-hydrocarbon systems. Table I11 compares calculated and experimental results for seven binary mixtures including both single phases and the two-phase region. For calculation in the two-phase region it is necessary to know the K factors. These were not taken from the experimental data but were calculated from a flash program using the method described here. Therefore, since two-phase enthalpies are very sensitive to K factors, agreement between experiment and calculation, while excellent in the one-phase region, is somewhat lower in the two-phase region. The results shown in Table I11 are similar t o those

based on Starling's equation but are superior to those obtained from most other common methods for the one-phase region as indicated by Tarakad and Danner (1976).

Computer Calculations The necessary computer programs were written in Fortran IV. For a typical binary system, calculations of K factors and enthalpies require approximately 0.1 to 0.2 s on a CDC 6500 machine. Documented programs including computer flow sheets are available upon request to the authors.


Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 17, No. 3, 1978

Table 11. Comparison of Experimental and Calculated Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Using the Methods of BWR-Starling (A) and This Work (B) Experimental data Components 1 2

Max. press., atm

Temp region, K

Ref cd,e f>g h,i j ,k 1

M n 0

PJqJ s,t,u U,W X


aa,bb, cc,dd


130-284 130-361 277-460 199-511 273-374 277-511 273-534 233-534 333-372 88-180 143-354 256-345 173-271 233-360 224-360

Deviations (experimental - calculated) Pressure, % Vapor comp., mol% Average RMS Average RMS A B A B A B A B

55 90 150 105 52 55 82 85

3.0 7.9 11.6 27.7 5.8 22.0 5.1 6.3

205 76 61

4.4 22.0 13.4 4.9 11.8

1.3 1.9 1.5 5.2 2.6 4.4 2.0 2.5 0.9 0.7 4.2 5.2 2.6 3.6

3.6 5.0 8.2 14.5 3.9 11.3 5.0 3.6 0.5 2.3 19.4 12.6 3.8 6.6













1.6 3.5 2.6 5.8 1.4 2.3 0.7 0.6 4.2 4.3 2.0

1.7 1.3 0.7 1.6 1.4



1.6 0.8 1.9 3.2 1.6 0.3 0.9 1.6 2.7


0.6 1.3 2.0 3.4 1.4 4.9

0.8 0.6 0.6 1.6 1.5 0.5 0.6 1.5 2.6 0.7 0.9


0.4 0.5 1.6 1.0 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.4 0.3 0.5 1.9 2.3 0.7 0.7







0.4 0.8

0.9 1.6


Special adjustment of BWR-Starling's binary parameter hiJ was necessary. For all other systems the original proposed values were used. RMS: root-mean-square deviation. Price, A. R., Thesis, Rice Institute, Houston, Texas, 1957. Wichterle, I., Kobayashi, R., J . Chem. Eng. Data, 17, (l),9 (1972). e Wichterle, I., Kobayashi, R.,J. Chem. Eng. Data, 17 (l), 13 (1972). f Reamer, H. H., Sage, B. H., Lacey, W. N., Znd. Eng. Chem., 42, (3), 534 (1950). g Wichterle, I., Kobayashi, R., J . Chem. Eng. Data, 17 (l), 4 (1972). h Berry, V. M., Sage, B. H., NSRDS-NBS, 32 (1970). Sage, B. H., Reamer, H. H., Olds, R. H., Lacey, W. N., Znd. Eng. Chem., 34 (9), 1108 (1942). Chang, H. L., Hurt, L. J., Kobayashi, R., AIChE J., 12 (6), 1212 (1966). Reamer, H. H., Sage, B. H., Lacey, W. N., Znd. Eng. Chem. Data Ser., 1 (l),29 (1956). Rodrigues, A. B. J., McCaffrey, D. S., Jr., Kohn, J. P., J . Chem. Eng. Data, 13 (2), 165 (1968). Reamer, H. H., Sage, B. H., J . Chem. Eng. Data, 11 ( l ) , 17 (1966). Kay, W. B., Nevens, T. D., Chem. Eng. Prog. Sym. Ser., 48, (3), 108 (1952). Kay, W. B., Albert, R. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., 48 (3), 422 (1956). p Hanson, D. O., van Winkle, M., J . Chem. Eng. Data, 12 (3), 319 (1967). 4 Myers, H. S., Znd. Eng. Chem., 47, (lo),2215 (1955). Sieg, L., Chem. Zng. Techn., 22 (15), 323 (1950). Bloomer, 0. T., Parent, J. D., Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. Ser., 49 (3), 11 (1953). Kidnay, A. J., Miller, R. C., Parrish, W. R., Hiza, M. J., Cryogenics, 531 (1975). Parrish, W. R., Hiza, M. J., Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Atlanta, Ga., Paper K-9,1973. " Grauso, L., Fredenslund, A., Mollerup, J.,to be published, 1978. Schindler, D. L., Swift, G. W., Kurata, F., Hydrocarbon Process., 45 ( l l ) , 205 (1966). Robinson, D. B., Besserer, G. J., NGPA Res. Rep., 7 (1972). Y Donnelly, H. G., Katz, D. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 46, (l), 511 (1954). * Neumann, A., Walch, W., Chem. Zng. Techn., 40 (5), 241 (1968). Akers, W. W., Kelley, R. E., Lipscomb, T. G., Znd. Eng. Chem., 46 (12), 2535 (1954). bb Haman, S. E. M., Lu, B. C.-Y., J . Chem. Eng. Data, 21 (2), 200 (1976). c c Poettmann, F. H., Katz, D. L., Znd. Eng. Chem., 37 (9), 847 (1945). dd Reamer, H. H., Sage, B. H., Lacey, W. N., Znd. Eng. Chem., 43 ( l l ) , 2515 (1951). ee Bierlein, J. A., Kay, W. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 45 (3), 618 (1953). f f Sobocinsky, D. P., Kurata, F., AIChE J., 5 (4), 545 (1959). a



Acknowledgment For financial support, J. M. Prausnitz is grateful t o the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, the National Science Foundation, the Gas Producers' Association, and the American Gas Association; U. Plocker is grateful t o the European Recovery Program. Computer calculations were carried out at the Recheninstitut of the Technische Universitat Berlin.

There are two universal sets of constants for bl, bz, b3, bd, c1, cp, c3, dl, dp, 6, and y, one for the simple fluid, and one for the reference fluid. They are given in Table A-I. From eq A2 we find the derived thermodynamic quantities. Fugacity Coefficient 4.

Appendix A Summary of the Main Equations for the Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties. Lee and Kesler use eq 1for calculating the compressibility factor (and derived quantities) for the fluid of interest




In$ = z





(- 3)(A2)







+ 2b3/Tr -+ 3b4/Tr2 Tr * u r

- 3c3/Tr2 2Trvr2

+-5Trvr5 d 2 +3E]


Isothermal Entropy Departure. AS




- + In;


h-ho -Tr R-T,

- cp

T o calculate the compressibility factor of a simple fluid z(O) and of a reference fluid z ( ~ )t h, e same modification of the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation is used

c4 +(P Tr3vr2


Isothermal Enthalpy Departure.


w +. (z(r) - ~ ( 0 ) )

( 0 )

B C D - 1 - l n z +-+-+-+E



= - In:



= lnz



+ b3/Tr2 + 2b4/Tr3 'Jr


The equations for isochoric and isobaric heat capacity departures are given by Lee and Kesler (1975). Table A-I1 presents the procedure for calculation of any of the derived thermodynamic quantities from known values of


Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 17, No. 3, 1978

Table A-I. Constants for the BWR-Lee-Kesler Eauation Constant

Simple fluid

bl b2 bz

0.1181193 0.265728 0.154790

Reference Confluid stant 0.2026579 ~3 0.331511 ~4 0.027655 d l


Simple fluid

Reference fluid

0.0 0.042724 0.155428

0.016901 0.041577 0.48736

104 bq



d2 X 0.623689 104 0.0313385 (3 0.65392 0.0503618 y 0.060167

0.0236744 0.0186984 w ( ' ) = 0.3978. Table A-11. Calculation Procedurea ~1 ~2



q = q(0)


+ w/w(').

1.226 0.03754


T, P, Tc, P c T,, p r , eq A2 with constants "simple fluid" T,, pr, eq A2 with constants "reference fluid"

1 2





- q(O))

TI, Pr

ur(0), z(O), (In @ ) ( O ) ,

(Ah/RT,)(O),etc. u ~ ( ~~ () ~, (In 1 , @)(r),

(Ah/RTc)(r), etc. 4, Ah/RTc, etc.

q = t ,In

q ( 0 ) = ~ ( 0 1 (In , @ ) ( O ) , etc. q(r) = t ( r ) , (In @)(TI, etc.

co *m ri


For mixtures use T c MpcM, , OM instead of T,, pc, o.

temperature and pressure; the parameters T,, p c , and o for pcM,and OM for each pure fluid, and the pseudo-criticals TcM, mixtures. The fugacity coefficient for component i in a mixture can be found by differentiating 4~ as shown in eq 6. For the three-parameter corresponding-states principle as used here In 4 M = f(Tr,Pr,a)= f(T/TcM,P/P,,,oM) we obtain (see, e.g., Prausnitz, 1968)



For AhMlRT,, and In 4~ we use the procedure described in Table A-11. The derivatives of the pseudo criticals, defined by the mixing rules in eq 9 to 14, are

c v1 . '

!i 0


u In eq A9-Al3, k # i j .

332 Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 17, No. 3, 1978

Appendix B Calculations in the Critical Region. Since the pseudocritical constants are empirical correlating parameters normally not identical with the true critical constants, problems arise for calculations in the critical region. In most cases we find that the pseudo-critical temperature TcMof the mixture is lower than the true critical temperature TcCPrausnitz and Chueh (1968) proposed a correction of T,, for reduced temperatures 0.93 < TIT,, < 1.0 such that T,, = T,, when the true critical point is reached. This method, first applied to the calculation of the liquid densities using the correlation of Lyckman et al. (1965) was also applied to the method described here. Results, however, were not encouraging. The problem of calculating K factors in the critical region, therefore, remains. However, our experience shows that in most cases no problems appear for T/T,, < 0.96. Nomenclature B, C, D = abbreviations in the BWR-Lee-Kesler equation for functions depending on temperature only b l , bz, b3, bq, c1, cq, c3, d l , dz, p, y = constants in the BWR-Lee-Kesler equation f = fugacity h = molar enthalpy Ah = isothermal enthalpy departure H = Henry's constant


= y/x

n = number ofmoles p = pressure R = universal gas constant s = molar entropy As = isothermal entropy departure T = temperature u = molar volume x = mole fraction, liquid phase y = mole fraction, vapor phuse -7 = compressibility factor Z = mole fraction

Greek Letters 7 = universal exponent in the mixing rule for the pseudo-

critical temperature binary parameter for the i-j mixture in the mixing rule for the pseudo-critical temperature @ = fugacity coefficient o = acentricfactor ~ i ,=

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Receiued for revieu: July 14, 1977 Accepted February 21,1978