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See Us At Booth #2839, Chemical Show, New York Coliseum, New York, N. Y „ Dec. 2-6. See Us At Booth 04, Atom Fair, New York, Nov. 19-21. Circle No. 117 on Readers' Service Card
48 A
Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference. Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Contact: W. M . Biagas, Crucible Steel Co., P . O. Box 7257, Pittsburgh 13, Pa. Page 42 A, July.
Nov. 7 to 8
Seventh Annual Technical Conference of the Chemical Div. of the American Society for Quality Control. St. Paul, Minn. Con tact: Bruce A. Drew, The Pillsbury Co., 311 Second St., S.E., Minneapolis 14. Minn. Page 60 A, Aug.
Nov. 12 to 14
Fourteenth Testing Conference of the Technical Association of the Pulp & Paper Industry (TAPPI). Fountainebleau Motor Hotel Inn, New Orleans, La. Contact: M . A. Burnston, T A P P I , 360 Lexington Ave., New York 17, Ν . Υ.
Nov. 13 to 15
Eastern Analytical Symposium. Statler Hilton Hotel, New York City. Contact: James F . Cosgrove, Gen. Telephone & Elec tronics Labs, Bayside 60, Ν . Υ. Page 56 A, Aug.
Nov. 14 to 16
ACS Southeastern Regional Meeting. Charlotte, N. C. Contact: V. S. Salvin, Celanese Fibers Co., P . O. Box 1414, Charlotte, N . C. Page 41 A, July.
Nov. 18 to 20
Conference on Modern Developments in Analytical Chemistry. The Rice Hotel, Houston, Texas. Sponsor: The Robert A. Welch Foundation. Contact: W. O. Milligan, Director of Re search, The Robert A. Welch Foundation, 20th Floor, Bank of the Southwest Bldg., Houston 2, Texas. Page 64 A, Oct.
Nov. 18 to 21
American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting. New York City. In cludes AtomFair and 11th H o t Laboratory and Equipment Con ference. Contact: American Nuclear Society, 244 E . Ogden Ave., Hinsdale, 111. Page 51 A, June.
January 7 to 9—Tenth National Symposium on Reliability and Control. Statler Hilton Hotel, Washington, D. C. Contact: L. S. Gephart, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Dept. 64-01, Bldg. 104, Sunnyvale, Calif. Feb. 3 to 4—Research Conference on Gas Chromatography. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. Contact: H . L. Tallman, Physical Sciences Extension, Room 6532, Engineering Bldg., University of California, Los Angeles 24, Calif. Page 68 A, Oct. Feb. 27 to 29—Fifth Omnibus Conference on Experimental Aspects of NMR Spec troscopy. Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Contact: Mellon Institute, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, P a . Mar. 2 to 6—Fifteenth Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. Penn-Sheraton Hotel, Pittsburgh, P a . Contact: Rudolph B. Fricioni, Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Corporate Quality Control Laboratory, Research Center, Brackenridge, Pa. Page 81 A, Sept. Mar. 23 to 26—Second International Symposium on Advances in Gas Chromatography. Sheraton Lincoln Hotel, Houston, Texas. Contact : Prof. A. Zlatkis, Dept. of Chem istry, University of Houston, Texas. Page 81 A, Sept. Apr. 19 to 25—Second Annual Oak Ridge Radioisotope Conference. Gatlinburg Civic Auditorium and Riverside Motor Lodge, Gatlinburg, Tenn. Contact: Over man, Special Training Division, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, P . O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Page 49 A, Nov. Apr. 22 to 25—Fourth Rare Earth Research Conference. Camelback Inn, Phoenix, Ariz. Contact: Dr. LeRoy Eyring, Dept. of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. Page 67 A, Oct. May 7 to 8—Fourth Conference on Vacuum Microbalance Techniques. Mellon Insti tute, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Contact: Mr. F . A. Brassart, Westinghouse Research and Development Center, Beulah Rd., Pittsburgh 35, Pa. Page 67 A, Oct. May 20 to 23—Symposium on Modern Methods for the Analysis of Organic Com pounds. Eindhoven, Holland. Sponsors: German Chemical Society and Royal Dutch Chemical Society. Contact: Gessellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Geschaftsstelle, 6000 Frankfurt (Main), Postfach 9075, Germany. Page 47 A, Nov. June 22 to 26—Third International Congress of the International Federation of S o cieties of Cosmetic Chemists. New York City. Contact: WTalter Wynne, 321 West 44th St., Room 700, New York 36, Ν . Υ. Page 62 A, August. July 19 to 25—Third International Congress of Polarography. Southampton Uni versity, England. Contact: Dr. D. A. Pantony, Dept. of Metallurgy, Royal School of Mines, Prince Consort Rd., London S. W. 7, England. Page 74 A, Sept. _ . _ COITIing E v e n t s