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First National Conference on Electron Probe Microanalysis. Uni versity of Maryland, College Park, Md. Contact: Charles A. Zuzak, College Center of Adult Education, University of Mary land, College Park, Md. Page 56 A, Apr.
M a y 11 to 13
12th National Instrument Society of America (ISA) Analysis In strumentation Symposium and Exhibit. Shamrock Hilton Hotel, Houston, Texas. Theme : Instrumental Methods for Trace Anal ysis. Contact : Herbert Buntzel, Jr., Rockwell Manufacturing Co., Measurement and Control Division, Houston, Texas.
M a y 19 to 20
Third International Seminar on Gel Permeation Chromatography. Hotel Des Burgues, Geneva, Switzerland. Contact : Waters Asso ciates, Inc., 61 Fountain St., Framingham, Mass. Page 73 A, May.
M a y 22 to 27
Fourteenth Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. Sheraton-Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas. Contact: Dr. H. M. Rosenstock, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. 20234. Page 135 A, Feb.
M a y 25
Fourth Wilkens Gas Chromatography Symposium. University of Manchester, Owens Park, 293 Wilmslow Rd., Fallowfield, Man chester 14, England. Contact: Mr. E . Shepherd, Wilkens Instru ment & Research (U. K.) Ltd., Haletop Civic Center, Wyphenshawe, Manchester 22, England.
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CHROMATRONIX I N C O R P O R A T E D 2743 8th St., Berkeley, Calif. 94710 Phone: (415) 841-7221 Circle No. 35 on Readers' Service Card 64 A
June 1 to 3—20th Annual Technical Conference of American Sociey for Quality Control. Statler Hilton Hotel, New York City. Contact: L. R. Dorsky, Remington Office Systems, 122 E. 42nd St., New York, Ν. Υ. June 6 to 7—Research Conference on Progress in Chemical Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. University of California, Riverside. Contact: University of California Extension, University of California, Riverside, Calif. 92502. June 6 to 8—49th Annual Chemical Conference of The Chemical Institute of Canada. Saskatoon, Canada. Includes papers of interest to analytical chemists. Contact: The Chemical Institute of Canada, 48 Rideau St., Ottawa 2, Ontario, Canada. June 8 to 10—11th Annual Symposium on the Art of Glassblowing. Sponsor: Ameri can Scientific Glassblowers Society. Statler-Hilton, Boston, Mass. Contact: An thony J. Velluto, Ryan, Velluto, and Anderson, 103 First St., Cambridge, Mass. June 13 to 17—Fifth National Meeting of Society for Applied Spectroscopy. Shera ton-Chicago Hotel, Chicago, 111. Contact: Dr. E . Lanterman, Borg-Warner Corp., Des Plaines, 111. 60018. Page 55 A, May. June 16 to 17—First Great Lakes Regional Meeting, A C S . Lake Towers Motel, Chi cago, 111. Contact: Great Lakes Regional Meeting, 86 East Randolph St., Chicago, 111. 60601. Page 45 A, Dec. June 16 to 17—21st Annual Northwest ACS Regional Meeting. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Includes Analytical Division Sessions. Contact: G. B. Porter, Dept. of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver 8, B. C. June 22 to 24—Nineteenth Analytical Division Summer Symposium. Sponsor: Ana lytical Division, ACS, and ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. University of Alberta, Edmon ton, Alberta, Canada. Subject: Separation Techniques. Contact: Dr. W. E . Harris, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Page 47 A, Apr. June 26 to July 1—ASTM 69th Annual Meeting and 17th Materials Testing Exhibit. Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N . J. Contact: American Society for Test ing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. June 26 to July 2—International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products. Stockholm, Sweden. Contact: Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington, D . C. 20418. Page 45 A, Dec. July 7 to 8—Conference on Spectroscopy and Automation. University of Bristol. Con tact: Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics and The Physical Society, 47 Belgrave Square, London, S. W. 1., England. Page 70 A, Mar. July 7 to 8—Chemically Grown Surface Films. University of Stratchclyde. Contact: Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics and The Physical Society, 47 Belgrave Square, London, S. W. 1, England. Page 73 A, May. July 11 to 15—Gordon Research Conference on Resonance Phenomena in Metals. Crystal Inn, Crystal Mountain, Enumclaw, Wash. Contact: W. George Parks, Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. 02881. July 12 to 19—Seventh General Assembly and International Congress of the Interna tional Union of Crystallography. Moscow, Russia. Contact: Dr. D . W. Smits, Rekencentrum der Rijksuniversiteit, Grote Appelstraat 11, Groningen, The Nether lands. Page 46 A, Oct. July 20 to 21—Symposium on Crystal Growth. Moscow, Russia. Contact: See Above, July 12 to 19. Page 46 A, Oct. July 26 to 30—International Congress and Exhibition on Clinical Chemistry. Munich, Germany. Contact: Munchener Mess- und Ausstellungsgesellschaft m b H , Munchen 12, Theresienhôhe 13., Germany. Page 70 A, Mar. Aug. 8 to 9—Eighth Annual Rocky Mountain Spectroscopy Conference. Albany Hotel, Denver, Colo. Contact: R. C. Reinke, Dow Chemical Co., Rocky Flats Division, P. O. Box 888, Golden, Colo. 80402. Page 49 A, Apr.
Coming Events
NEWS Aug. 8 to 12—Gordon Research Conference on Separation and Purification. Colby Junior College, New London, N . H. Contact: W. George Parks, Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. 02881. Aug. 10 to 12—Fifteenth Annual Conference on Applications of X-Ray Analysis. Albany Hotel, Denver, Colo. Contact: Dept. of Metallurgy, University of Denver, Denver Research Institute, Denver, Colo. 80210. Page 70 A, Mar. Aug. 14 to 21—National Convention of the American Association of Clinical Chemists. Americana Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla. Contact: Dr. George T. Lewis, P. O. Box 359, South Miami, Fla. 33143. Aug. 15 to 19—International Symposium on Microscopy. Chicago, 111. Contact: Walter C. McCrone, F R M S , The McCrone Research Institute, 451 East 31st St., Chicago, 111. 60616. Page 70 A, Mar. Aug. 15 to 19—18th National Meeting American Association of Clinical Chemists. Bal Harbour (Miami Beach), Fla. Contact: George T. Lewis, P. O. Box 359, S. Miami, Fla. 33143. Aug. 22 to 26—Gordon Research Conference on Analytical Chemistry. New H a m p t o n School, New Hampton, N . H. Contact: W. George Parks, Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. 02881. Aug. 22 to 26—Gordon Research Conference on Infrared Spectroscopy. Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N . H. Contact: W. George Parks, Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. 02881. Aug. 28 to Sept. 4—Sixth International Congress of Electron Microscopy. Kyoto, Japan. Contact: Prof. E. Snito, Secretary General, Institute of Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Sept. 5 to 7—Rare Earth Conference. University of Durham, England. Contact: Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics and The Physical Society, 47 Bolgrave Square, London S. W. 1., England. Sept. 5 to 9—IX International Conference on Coordination Chemistry. St. MoritzBad, Switzerland. Sponsors: Swiss Chemical Society, Swiss Society of Chemical Industries, and IIIPAC. Contact: Dr. R. Gut, I X Ï.C.C.C., Anorg. Chemie Eth, Universitaetstr. 6, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland. Sept. 6 to 10—20th Annual Molecular Spectroscopy Symposium. Columbus, Ohio. Contact: Prof. Harald H. Nielsen, Ohio State University, Dept. of Physics, 174 West 18th Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43210. Page 72 A, May. Sept. 11 to 16—National American Chemical Society Meeting. New York City. Includes Analytical Division Sessions. Contact: Charles V. Banks, Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. 50012. Sept. 12 to 16—Conference on the Measurement of Nuclear Radiation. Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. Contact: Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics and The Physical Society, 47 Belgrave Square, London S. W. 1., England. Page 68 A, Mar. Sept. 15 to 16—Symposium on Pyrolysis—Gas Chromatography. École Polytechnique, Paris, France. Contact: Dr. G. Guiochon, École Polytechnique, 17, rue Descartes, F 75, Paris, 5, France. Page 67 A, Mar. Sept. 19 to 21—Conference on Instrumental Optics and Optical Design. Chelsea College of Science and Technology. Contact: Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics and The Physical Society, 47 Belgrave Square, London, S. W. 1., England. Page 50 A, Apr. Sept. 20 to 23—Sixth International Symposium on Gas Chromatography. Catholic University, Rome, Italy. Sponsor: Gas Chromatography Group of the Institute of Petroleum. Contact : Dr. A. B. Littlewood, School of Chemistry, The University, Newcastle upon Tyne 1, England. Page 68 A, Sept. Sept. 27 to 29—Tenth Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology. Mountain View Hotel, Gatlinburg, Tenn. Contact: Mr. C. D. Susano, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P. O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831. Oct. 3 to 6—National Institutes of Health Annual Research Equipment Exhibit and Instrument Symposium. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Contact: Mr. James B. Davis, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. 20014. Oct. 3 to 7—Conference on Trace Characterization, Chemical and Physical. Washington, D. C. Contact: Dr. W. W. Meinke, Analytical Chemistry Division, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. 20234. Page 95 A, Mar. Oct. 8 to 16—Second International Chemical Exhibition and the Seventeenth International Congress "Chemistry Days." Milan, Italy. Includes instruments and apparatus. Contact : General Secretary, Piazzale Rodolfo Morandi 2, Milano, Italy. Oct. 10 to 13—Association of Official Analytical Chemists 80th Annual Meeting. Marriott Motor Hotel, Twin Bridges, Washington, D. C. Contact: Luther G. Ensmingcr, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Box 540, Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington, D. C. 20044. Oct. 11 to 13—Fourteenth Detroit Anachem Conference. McGregor Memorial Conference Center, Detroit, Mich. Contact: Roger K. Marce, Allied Research Products, 400 Midland Ave., Detroit, Mich. Page 73 A, May. Oct. 12 to 14—IMEKO Symposium on Microwave Measurement. Budapest, Hungary. Contact: Organizing Committee of the I M E K O Symposium on Microwave Measurements, Budapest 5, P.O.B. 457, Hungary. Oct. 13 to 14—Eleventh Annual Symposium on Advances in Tracer Methodology. Sheraton Plaza Hotel, Boston, Mass. Contact: New England Nuclear Corp., 575 Albany St., Boston, Mass. 02118. Page 70 A, Mar. Oct. 16 to 19—ACS Western Regional Meeting. Jack Tar Hotel, San Francisco, Calif. Contact: R. L. LeTourneau, Chevron Research Co., P. O. Box 1627, Richmond, Calif. 94802. Page 57 A, Mar. Oct. 17 to 22—3rd International Exhibition and Congress of Laboratory, Measurement and Automation Techniques in Chemistry. Basle, Switzerland. Contact: Exhibition and Congress Secretariat, CH-4000 Basel 21, Switzerland. Oct. 18 to 19—Symposium on Liquid Scintillation Counting. National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, England. Contact: Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics and The Physical Society, 47 Belgrave Square, London, S. W. 1., England.
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