CALENDAR OF EVENTS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

American Chemical Society. 133rd National Meeting, San Francisco, Calif. April 13-18, 1958. 134th National Meeting, Chicago, 111. Sept. 7-12, 1958...
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h a v e been scheduled b y CIC for 1 9 5 8 : 1 2 t h divisional conference, protective coatings subject division, Toronto, F e b . 2 0 , Montreal, F e b . 2 1 ; joint conference of chemical engineering subject division w i t h A I C h E , Montreal, April 20 to 2 3 ; 8 t h Canadian H i g h Polymer Forum, cosponsored b y National Research C o u n ­ cil, Macdonald College, Ste. Anne d e Bellevue, Que., M a y 12 to 14; A n n u a l Conference and Exhibition, Royal York Hotel, Toronto, May 2 6 to 28. • The University G r o u p of U r u g u a y will hold its first national convention November 24 to 30 in Montevideo, Uruguay. At the same time t h e first inter-American meetings of University Professionals will take place. The agenda will include papers under t h r e e headings: problems of public interest, problems of public and professional in­ terest, and problems of professional interest. F u r t h e r information m a y b e obtained from Carlos A . Estape, A g r u pacion Universitaria del U r u g u a y , Avenida Agraciada 1464, Montevideo, Uruguay. • The 4 t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l Congress of Biochemistry, which will be held in Vienna , Austria, Sept. 1 to 6, 1958, is t h e subject of a 16-page booklet in Ger­ m a n , English, a n d French. It is avail­ a b l e from the National Academy of Sciences, Washington 2 5 , D . C. • The





will hold its annual meeting at t h e Hotel Commodore, N e w York City, D e c . 10. The morning program will in­ clude four papers; the afternoon, t h r e e . T h e meeting is open t o members a n d visitors. Registration fee, which in­ cludes luncheon, is $6.00 for m e m b e r s a n d $10 for visitors.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS American Chemical Society 133rd National Meeting, San Francisco, Calif. April 13-18, 1958. 134th National Meeting, Chicago, 111. Sept. 7-12, 1958. 135th National Meeting, Boston, Mass. April 5-10, 1959. Southeastern Regional Meeting of ACS Local Sections. Durham, N. C. Nov. 14-16. Southwest Regional Meeting of ACS Local Sections. Tulsa, Okla. Dec. 5—7. Other Organizations American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Annual Meeting. Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago, 111. Dec. 8 - 1 1 . Chemical Market Research Association and Commercial Chemical Development As­ sociation. Houston, Tex. Nov. 20—21. 16th Exposition of Chemical Industries. Coliseum, New York, N. Y. Dec. 2-6.