Call (512) 926-2800 and ask for Ext. 550

It could save you a lot of time. And a lot of mone. TRACOR 550 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH. Integral 1100 cu. in. column oven. Dual column operation. Available...
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Want a stomach that detects pollution to 1/2 a nanogram?

Call (512) 926-2800 and ask for Ext. 550. Whether you re in brewing or bread, hood growing, processing or nutrition. Water or air pollution or petrochemicals. Extension 550 has something interesting to tell you. It concerns the versatile, inexpensive TRACOR 550 G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h . M a d e to m a t c h perfectly the world's most advanced detectors a n d automated accessories. A highly sensitive analytical instrument that packs an incredible amount of sophisticated electronics, electromechanical and plumbing devices into 24x20x24". The 550, used with Tracor's Dual Flame Photometric Detector, enables a brewer or distiller to detect and identify ( t o a subnanogram level) not only compounds but also specific volatile sulfur components present in various species of barley, malt or hops. This can prevent spoilage or flavor deterioration. The s a m e system is used for selective detection in the analysis of pesticide residue. To studv amino acids and Drotein structure.

To analyze sulfur compounds in petroleum products. In fact, in a n y area you need the simultaneous detc mination of organophosphorous, organosulfur or thi phosphate materials. Ask Extension 550 about the other TRACOR detecto you can use with the versatile 550 G a s Chromatograp It could save you a lot of time. And a lot of mone TRACOR 550 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH. Integral 1100 cu. in. column oven. D u a l column o p e r a t i o n . A v a i l a b l e w i t h full p r o p o r t i o n a l i s o t h e r m a l controller, linear or multilinear temperature programmer and complete detector flexibility.

TRACOR Analytical Instruments Division, 6 5 0 0 Tracor Lane, Austin, Texas 78721