Analytical Instrument Standards The Scientific Apparatus Makers Association (SAMA) has prepared four new standards and recommended practices for analytical instruments. These documents represent the best work and consensus opinion of leading analytical instrument makers. Simply by requesting them, copies of each may be obtained at no charge from SAMA, 1140 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. The new standards are Recommended Test Procedures for Glass pH and Reference Electrodes, Terminology for Atomic Spectrophotometers, Safety Practices for Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers, and Instrumental Specifications for Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers. The latter document lists 104 performance characteristics for which information should be readily available to users. All of the standard data recommended in this document may not appear in sales literature but are available from leading instrument manufacturers upon request. SAMA is a voluntary national trade association representing major segments of the scientific instrument industry. It was founded in 1918 and now consists of about 200 members representing firms engaged in the design, manufacture, and distribution of over 40,000 types of instruments, reagent chemicals, and equipment.
Lipid Analysis Several symposia at the American Oil Chemists' Society 48th Fall Meeting at the Sheraton Hotel in Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 29-Oct. 1, will deal with lipid analysis. Two sessions (eight papers) will cover thermal methods for the study of lipids; one session of four papers is titled "The FDA in Action;" one session of six papers will deal with the NMR analysis of lipids; one session of four papers will discuss liquid chromatography as an analytical technique; and one session of six papers will cover recent developments in glycolipid isolation and analysis. Detailed information on the technical program appears in the July 1974 issue of the Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society or is available from AOCS, 508 S. Sixth St., Champaign, 111. 61820. 217-359-2344
German Awards for U.S. Scientists U.S. senior scientists are eligible for awards out of an annual allocation of five million deutsch marks by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, D-53 Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Schiller-
strasse 12, W. Germany. This special program, announced at the 25th anniversary of the initiation of the Marshall Plan, is designed to improve cooperation in specified fields between German and U.S. research institutes. U.S. scientists with outstanding records of performance in the natural sciences, engineering, or medicine, and who have gained an international reputation in their fields of specialization are eligible. Achievements must be such that awardees can make contributions to basic research and teaching at American and German institutions of higher learning. Awardees may participate in or initiate research projects, lectures, seminars, and scientific meetings. Awards will be made in the fields of mathematics, physical, biological, medical engineering, and computer sciences. Nominees should be full professors, associate professors, or scientists of equivalent standing. Knowledge of German is not required. Senior Scientist Awards, issued in monthly installments ranging from DM 2600 to DM 6000, are available for durations of activity of not less than six months nor more than two years. Travel expenses are normally borne by the foundation.
Computers/ Chromatography An International Symposium on Computers in Analytical Chemistry (with emphasis on chromatography) will be held Sept. 24-27, 1974, in Vienna, Austria. J. F. K. Huber of Vienna is chairman of the organizing committee which includes representatives from the U.S., Great Britain, France, Austria, and Germany. Fred Baumann of Varian in Walnut Creek, Calif., represents the U.S. The official conference language is English; papers will be published in a special issue of Chromatographia, which will be given to participants as proceedings at the symposium. Papers have been grouped under the following subject headings: computer systems for the laboratory, data acquisition and refinement, documentation and interpretation of analytical information, microprocessors, and control of experiments. A special "vendor's hour" will be held each day where product-oriented papers will be given. About 10-12 types of computers will be demonstrated in combination with analytical instrumentation in the exhibition included in the symposium. Further information on this meeting is available from Secretariat: c/o Intercongress, Stadiongasse 6-8, A-1010 Vienna, Austria. Tel: (0222) 43 46 26 42 04 07
Call for Papers 26th Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy Cleveland, Ohio. Mar. 3-7, 1975. Papers are invited on all topics with special symposia devoted to: Coblentz Society Awards, Spectroscopy Awards, surface chemistry (ASTM E-2), computer lab systems (ASTM E-31), tunable lasers in chemistry and spectroscopy, new analytical needs in supplemental fuels from coal, liquid chromatography, field sampling and analysis of atmospheric contaminants, the role of standards in accurate measurements, polymer analysis, and science of toxicology. Three copies of 150word abstracts due by Oct. 1 to Peter M. Castle, Bldg. 401, Rm 4A31, Westinghouse Research Laboratories, Beulah Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235, USA. Exposition inquiries should be directed to S. David Cifrulak, Calgon Corp., Pittsburgh Activated Carbon, P.O. Box 1346, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15230. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation Annual Meeting Statler-Hilton Hotel, Boston, Mass. Mar. 16-18, 1975. Invited are papers, exhibits, and scientific films. Abstracts due before Sept. 16, 1974. Contact: Fran Keutman, AAMI, Suite 417, 1500 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va. 22209. The Electrochemical Society Toronto, Canada. May 11-16, 1975. 75-word abstracts due before Dec. 1, 1974. Program includes sessions on luminescence, thin film and interfacial reaction studies by Rutherford scattering, analysis of trace constituents, etc. Contact: Electrochemical Society, 30 E. 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10017. 212-867-4430
Meetings Meetings through December 1974 are listed in the June issue, beginning on page 622 A • 18th Annual Meeting, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. Aug. 19-23. Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, Calif. Includes seminars-in-depth on acquisition and analysis of pictorial data, impact of lasers in spectroscopy, coherent optical processing, etc. Contact: SPIE, P.O. Box 1146, Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. 90274 • International Congress on Cosmetics: Quality and Safety. Aug. 26-30. Grosvenor House Hotel,
A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY, VOL. 46, NO. 9, AUGUST 1974 · 801 A