CALL IN GELVA® - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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G EL VA Looking for a way to make an adhesive that will handle your cus­ tomers' tough laminating jobs . . . an adhesive that will work with vinyl, aluminum, Mylar and other non-porous, hard-to-stick surfaces?

To m a k e l a m i n a t i n g a d h e ­ s i v e s t h a t will s t i c k t h e m o s t stubborn surfaces together

stability, machining, speed of tack, solvent tolerance and thermal char­ a c t e r i s t i c s . W o o d shear b o n d strength over 3,000 psi. GELVA Emulsion TS-30 Compatible with borax and borated products — a free-filming homopolymer emulsion. Excellent for water resistant adhesives, TS-30 may be used alone or to upgrade the water resistance of other emul­ sions. Good machinability.

GELVA Emulsion TS-100 will do the job if anything will! A copolymer of vinyl acetate and a long chain acrylate, TS-100 forms clear, relatively soft, non-re-emulsifiable films with outstanding bond strength when used to lami­ nate hard-to-stick surfaces. GELVA Emulsion TS-100 compounds eas­ ily and remains flexible, even at low temperatures. It may be used with borax and a wide range of organic solvents for making adhesives with critical application requirements.

GELVA Emulsion S-98 Homopolymer compatible with dex­ trine and other natural materials, well suited for remoistenable adhe­ sives. Outstanding performance under extremes of temperature, humidity and time. Higher solids than typical polyvinyl acetate emul­ sions permit formulations where fast drying is important.

A Complete Family of GELVA Emulsions to Meet Selective Adhesive Specifications . . . GELVA is the name for a complete line of polyvinyl acetate homopolymers and copolymers developed t o make it easier for you to meet par­ ticular cost-performance require­ m e n t s in a d h e s i v e s . T h e y are tasteless, odorless and non-toxic — remain stable over broad pH and temperature ranges. Their heat sealing temperatures range from below 140° to 2 6 0 ° F . Which can best help you?

GELVA Emulsion S-52 High molecular weight homopoly­ mer with good compounding prop­ erties for high viscosity adhesives with excellent quick tack^ machin­ ing, redispersion and freeze-thaw stability characteristics. GELVA Emulsion TS-70 Copolymer with unique combina­ tion of good initial tack, water resistance and excellent solvent tolerance. Good adhesion to diffi­ cult surfaces. WRITE OR PHONE FOR DETAILS about GELVA Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsions.

GELVA Emulsion S-55 All purpose homopolymer, work­ horse of the adhesives industry, available in four viscosities. Het­ erogeneous particle size distribu­ tion, for porous and non-porous surfaces. Superior compounding

S H A W I N I G A N RESINS CORP. Department 53 Springfield 1, Massachusetts Films, foils, fabrics . . . you name it. You can stick practically anything to anything w i t h adhesives based on GELVA emulsions.


a subsidiary of Monsanto Ask about GELVA® polyvinyl acetate; GELVATOL® polyvinyl alcohol; BUTVAR® polyvinyl butyral; FORMVAR® polyvinyl f o r m a l .

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