CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENT CO., INC. - Industrial & Engineering

May 18, 2012 - CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENT CO., INC. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1956, 48 (12), pp 126A–126A. DOI: 10.1021/i650564a808. Publication Date: ...
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Steel Fingers Forces Material Through Tubing Prices range from Write for Catalog

$ 5 5 to

depending on size of pump and accessory equipment required.


SIGMAMOTOR Middleport, Inc. Ν. Υ.

501 Vernon Street

For further information, circle number 126 ΑΊ on Readers' Service Card, .page 123 A


profit p r o d u c i n g !

In addition to portable pH Meters, Cam­ bridge makes line-operated Direct Reading pH Indicators and Recorders for permanent installation. They are accurate, stable and assure continuous and trouble-free performance. Either the Recorder, Indicator or both, may be located at any reasonable distance from one or several sampling points. The Glass Electrodes are placed in vapor-tight housings of clog-free sam­ pling chambers. Send for Bulletin N o . 9 1 0 Τ

Single-Point pH Recorder (Strip Chart Assem­ blies also available)


Polyvinyl chloride) Plastisols. A new system being offered to plants for the coating of parts and assemblies with poly(vinyl chloride) plastisols for pro­ tection against corrosion is described in a bulletin released by the manufacturer. The bulletin pictures a sample layout of the system and shows the step-bystep procedure used in applying the coating. Included are a list of equip­ ment needed and the extent of technical service given by the manufacturer in setting up the system. Bull. 83, Dept. IEC, Quelcor, Inc., Front & Broomall Sts., Chester, Pa. 36 Static Control. An 8-page bulletin defines static control, lists advantages, and describes components of a general purpose static control system. The static control system featured works without any moving parts. Also covered are the logic function concept, logic functions and conventional control, basic principles of static control, and ampli­ fiers. Bull. GEA-6578, Dept. IEC, General Electric Co., Schenectady 5, Ν. Υ. 37 Sulfur Burning Equipment. A bulle­ tin on sulfur burning equipment for sulfuric acid plants and for producing sulfur dioxide from sulfur for paper mills and other industries is now available. The bulletin describes and illustrates the sulfur melting pit, pump, burner, air blower, and furnace. Dept. IEC, Chemi­ cal Construction Corp., 525 W. 43rd St., New York 36, Ν. Υ. 38 Synthetic Fiber. New findings on electrical properties of triacetate yarns with particular reference to resistivity as applied to industrial uses are presented in a 16-page bulletin. Strength and elongation properties at various tem­ peratures ranging from 68° to 446° F. and effects of dry heat aging are also given. Bull. TD-12A, Dept. IEC, Textile Division, Celanese Corp. of America, P.O. Box 1474, Charlotte 7, N. C. 39 Tubing. Condensed specifications on copper and aluminum plastic-covered instrument tubing and other plastic tubes are contained in 4-page bulletin. Sug­ gested uses, advantages, and limitations are included as pertinent data to help in preliminary planning. Bull. 456, Dept. IEC, Samuel Moore & Co., Mantua, Ohio. 40

CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENT CO., INC. 3 5 1 3 Grand Central Terminal, N e w York 17

PIONEER MANUFACTURERS OF PRECISION INSTRUMENTS For further information, circle number 126 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 123 A 126 A


Turbine Generators. Illustrated 35page bulletin covering 1500 to 15,000 kw. generators has information on types, applications, construction, testing lubri­ cation, and design features. A two-page fold-out illustrates a cut-away view of a