Campus Environmental Resource Assessment Projects for Non

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Chemistry Everyday for Everyone

Campus Environmental Resource Assessment Projects for Non-Science Majors Amy M. Shachter* and Janice S. Edgerly Department of Chemistry, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053; *[email protected]

Project-based learning promotes students’ understanding of the practice of science through planning, conducting, and presenting a research project (1–3). Engaging undergraduates in campus-based research has been the focus of an environmental resource assessment (ERA) at Santa Clara University. A cornerstone for the environmental research effort has been a non-science majors chemistry course Chemistry and the Environment. Typically, 40–50 students are enrolled in this quarter-long course and they work in groups of four to six on ERA research. ERA and Research Projects A preliminary ERA at Santa Clara University was conducted in Fall 1995 by Al Fritsch, SJ, of Appalachia–Science

in the Public Interest. As a visiting scholar for one quarter, Fritsch was able to complete an initial resource assessment and produce a series of recommendations for future study emphasizing ten areas of special concern including waste management, energy conservation, water conservation, and food services. An external examiner is not needed to conduct an ERA, although having an unbiased perspective is valuable. Resources and recommendations are available from the National Wildlife Federation for conducting a self-assessment (http:// Campus-based environmental research related to the ERA has been conducted in Chemistry and the Environment. Examples of specific projects and related chemistry connections over the past three years are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Examples of Environmental Resource Assessment Projects Title


Chemistry Connections

Vehicle Emissions Transportation Alternatives

Air pollution Automobile emissions Fuels and fuel additives

Combustion reactions Catalytic converters Automobile testing Photochemical smog Global warming Greenhouse effect

Recycling Awareness at SCU

Metal, plastic, paper recycling Composting

Metal, metal ores Smelting and acid rain Organic molecules Petroleum products Plastics and polymers Paper chemistry Air pollution Water pollution

Environmental Products for the New Residence Hall

New residence hall proposals for the use of solar cells and recycled carpets

Electromagnetic spectrum Solar energy Semiconductors Photovoltaic cells Organic molecules Petroleum products Plastics and polymers

Electricity Deregulation and SCU

Electricity options for the campus

Energy sources Acid rain Global warming

Is Bottled Water Better?

Bottled water vs tap water

Atoms, molecules, ions Metals and metal ions Organic molecules Methods of analysis Spectroscopy Water purification EPA and FDA regulations

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor pollution related to copiers, new materials, and radon Plants to purify the air

Atomic structure Nuclear chemistry Radon testing Organic molecules (VOCs) Air testing OSHA regulations

Hazardous Materials in the Arts

Appropriate handling and disposal of hazardous materials

Metals in paints Organic molecules (VOCs) Defining hazardous and MSDSs OSHA and EPA regulations Waste disposal Indoor air pollution

SCU and Reclaimed Water

Campus uses of reclaimed water from the San Jose/Santa Clara sewage treatment facility

Atoms, molecules and ions Metals and metal ions Water purification and treatment • Vol. 76 No. 12 December 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education


Chemistry Everyday for Everyone

Project Procedures and Course Grading ERA projects represent approximately 40% of the final grade in the course. A group project proposal, two progress reports, a final report, and a poster presentation or a developed Web page are required for each project (Table 2). Groups are assigned on the first day of class. Within the first two weeks of the quarter, a project proposal is required. This consists of a 1–2-page project description including individual and group objectives and an overview of the relationship of the proposed project to previous campus assessment studies. Students are required to investigate previous ERA research outcomes available on the Internet ( and in the campus library to prepare the proposal. Reviewing previous work is essential for providing direction and preventing duplication, year after year, of the same studies. The instructor discusses the proposals with groups as needed before final project approval is given. Guidance regarding specific sources for campus data is imperative. Students are typically not familiar with basic university operations and staff responsibilities, so simply providing a campus telephone directory is not sufficient. Also, a quick phone call or email between the instructor and campus staff and administrators before the projects begin may be needed to insure that positive interactions occur and data are available in a reasonable time frame. As projects proceed, groups continue to review previous work on campus, obtain information on similar issues at other campuses, gather data through interviews and available documents, and analyze and interpret results. The process of data acquisition is variable from project to project and might include determination of metal ions in water using atomic absorption spectroscopy, radon testing, air quality analysis with Drager sampling system, campus survey (types of vehicles in campus parking lots for emissions predictions, commuter survey, blinded taste test of bottled water, or survey of students’ waste disposal habits in laboratories) or interviews (quantity of elec-

tricity used, number of parking permits issued per quarter, number of parking spaces available, practices of the hazardous waste disposal company contracted by the campus, or local water quality results). At present, no formal lab is associated with the course; therefore, only students with a particular project focus are involved in laboratory experimentation under the guidance of the instructor. Interestingly, more students want to pursue lab-based projects than the instructor has capacity to manage effectively. A chemistry major was hired recently to assist groups with lab-based assessments. If a survey is needed, the instructor approves a draft of the survey questions before its distribution and provides scantron sheets for quick processing. At the end of the fourth week, an individual preliminary project report is due; it presents preliminary findings and a timetable for the remainder of the quarter. Feedback on the quality of data and suggestions for assessing the validity of data is provided by the instructor. Tutorials on data analysis are also offered. A second individual progress report is due during the eighth week. If chemical testing or a survey is to be completed as part of the project, empirical data must be obtained by the eighth week. Each report includes a final summary of an individual’s contribution to the overall group project, which allows for the assessment of time management. Individual progress reports are essential to gauge individual efforts and insure a reasonable level of fairness in grading. The final report, due the last day of the quarter, is a synthesis of all components including background information, SCU-related data and information, analysis of results, and recommendations for campus action, with justification. A poster session is held the last day of the course. To facilitate learning during the poster session, students are given a guide prepared by the instructor, with topics and questions to assist them in processing each poster. During the first 30 minutes of the session, half the members of each group circulate and review the posters while the other half stay by the poster to

Table 2. Project Time Line for Students and Instructor Week Students



Form Groups Arrange meeting times Begin discussion of potential topics Review previous ERA projects and similar studies at other Universities (available on WWW)

Assemble list of possible projects Allow 10–15 minutes of lecture time for groups to meet


Propose a project Group meeting with instructor

Review proposals and set up a time outside of class to meet with each group (comment on data needed and methods of acquiring data [testing, survey, interviews, and contacts], distribution of responsibilities and timetable)


Gather preliminary information Design experiments or survey Plan and arrange for interviews Identify other sources of information and make needed contact Prepare preliminary report (each individual in the group)

Allow 2–3 group meetings the last 15 minutes of lecture Talk with groups to ensure progress Review and grade preliminary reports as quickly as possible Identify floundering individuals or groups and provide guidance Review surveys and/or experimental plans


Conduct experiments/testing or survey Assemble and interpret results Prepare progress report including data, results, and conclusions for individuals in group

Provide lab time and instrumentation Process scantron survey results Review and evaluate progress reports Suggest methods of analyzing and presenting results

9–10 Analyze results Prepare recommendations for the campus based on results and previous work Prepare poster/Web page Prepare final report (assign one or two group members as editors to bring together all individual contributions; divide labor so some will take the lead on the poster and others on the paper)


Provide session in computer lab on PowerPoint and the preparation of a poster or Web page Arrange for poster session room Prepare a guide for the poster session so that students carefully read each poster and ask questions

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 12 December 1999 •

Chemistry Everyday for Everyone

answer questions. The students then switch so that all students are able both to view all the project posters and to answer questions and explain results related to their project. Recently, groups were given the option of preparing a poster or a Web page for presentation. Two of eight groups in 1998 used a computer to present Web pages during the poster session. Group posters or Web pages and final reports are evaluated on the basis of content and presentation according to the following criteria:

Chemistry Connections

Are text and illustrations linked clearly?

Essential background science related to the ERA projects is provided during class, and students are expected to incorporate appropriate chemical information into their final report. Lecture topics connected to specific projects appear in Table 1. For example, discussion of paper chemistry and how paper is recycled (in general, but also specifically “where does SCU paper go?” and “how does the SCU contractor recycle the paper?”) would be included in a report focusing on paper recycling on campus. Research topics and supporting materials, which vary year to year, are incorporated into lecture. When a more in-depth discussion is required to support a particular project, the instructor arranges for group sessions on a specific topic. Consequently, the course content is fluid and tailored to student interest. Students are highly motivated to explore campus-based environmental issues. Because the students are very engaged, they seem to absorb the chemistry related to the projects more efficiently than material not directly connected to the project and perform better on sections of exams associated with the project-related chemistry (see Assessment of Outcomes).

Is text size appropriate (poster only)?

Learning Goals and Outcomes

Is the problem(s) clearly defined (including appropriate background information)? Are methods explained (when appropriate)? Are recommendations clearly presented and adequately substantiated? Are all portions of the project adequately represented? Are references provided? Are the title and group members listed (poster only)? Is the content appropriate for a poster? Is the paper/poster well organized and easy to follow?

How does the overall style and quality compare to previous projects?

In addition to the ERA projects, problem sets related to the lecture material are graded. One midterm and a final examination consisting of short- and long-answer questions with calculations are also used to evaluate student performance. On the final examination, questions are focused on the chemistry associated with the projects. Most recently, students were asked to maintain a journal, primarily for feedback on Internet materials used in the course, but also as a log or notebook for the ERA projects. A current course syllabus is available at

Table 3. Outcome Assessment Response (%) Maybe/ Some- No what

Assessment Question


1. Did the project meet your expectations as a means of learning more about chemistry and the environment?





2. As a result of working on the project, did you learn more about how the University operates?





3. As a result of working on the project, do you feel you have a greater stake in how the university operates?





4. Did the project help you develop research skills?





5. Did working on the project help you develop time management skills?





6. Did you learn new methods of presenting and organizing results (poster, report, PowerPoint)?





7. Was assembling your project poster or Web site a useful learning experience?





8. Was the poster session a useful learning experience?






Basic Goals Students are expected to (i) learn basic research methods, (ii) gain an understanding of scientific/chemical information related to all projects, and (iii) cultivate leadership and timemanagement skills. In addition, students develop relationships with university staff and administrators to obtain information and gain an understanding of how the institution operates. In establishing those connections, they (iv) learn the complexities of university operations and develop sensitivity to the roles staff and administrators play in defining daily campus functions. Finally, students (v) gain a sense of ownership and connectedness to the campus. Participating in campus-based projects forces them to realize that they are stakeholders, along with the faculty and staff, in improving the campus environment (5, 6 ). Ultimately, we hope students (vi) recognize they are environmental stakeholders in any place they choose to live. Assessment of Outcomes The extent to which students achieved the desired learning goals was determined through course performance and their response to an assessment survey. All grading was determined by the absolute 100–90% A; 89–80% B; etc. scale. Questions directly related to the chemistry associated with ERA projects comprised 30% of the final exam. On the section of the final devoted to questions related to ERA projects, students averaged 86% (B), compared to a 75% (C) average on the final exam as a whole. Furthermore, students typically performed better on ERA projects then on course exams. Total overall project grades averaged in the B range, whereas examination averages were in the C range. These results are consistent with those of other studies, which found that nontraditional assessment mechanisms tend to be more successful in non-science majors courses (3, 4 ). Students were also asked to complete a survey related to the learning outcomes. The results (Table 3) indicate a very positive student response to the course projects and suggest successful completion of most learning goals. The only • Vol. 76 No. 12 December 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education


Chemistry Everyday for Everyone

responses not directly supportive of the learning outcomes related to development of time-management skills. In the time-management area, a positive response was obtained from freshman and sophomores, while a “no” was typical reply of juniors and seniors. Students responded very positively to the poster session as a learning experience. The role of poster sessions in facilitating learning has recently been documented by Sisak (5). Narrative student responses to the question What did you find most valuable about the projects? included:

on the Web. A campus-wide State of the SCU Environment poster session with administrators awarding prizes for outstanding work has also been a successful communication mechanism. For example, recycled paper is now used in most copiers on campus as a result of administrators viewing a Chemistry and the Environment poster at a campus-wide poster session event.

Learning the behind the scenes of SCU.

Action Direct contact with university administrators through the poster session can lead to policy changes. More often, a greater effort—beyond the time limits imposed by the quarter or semester system—needs to be made to implement campus change. One avenue for change is to use the support assembled through public presentations of research results to institutionalize environmental projects. Recently, a formal administrative mechanism (University Environmental Coordinating Committee) was established to shepherd ERA recommendations through appropriate university channels. Faculty, staff, and students are working together to implement the recommendations of ERA projects. Student committee members serve as leaders and role models for the campus and all have been alumni of Chemistry and the Environment.

It helped me realize how many environmental issues SCU alone has to deal with.


Learned some patience with other people. Learning who to talk to about the campus. Research into paper has made me more aware of how much I use. Learning to work with and within the structure (the bureaucracy) of the university. To get involved on campus. Stuff I didn’t really think about previously, I began to have a vested interested in. Poster presentations.

I learned a great deal about chemistry and how it relates to everything. Very much—cool to have the opportunity to see what other students are doing.

After participating in the ERA projects, students have a greater understanding of how the university operates and develop a greater connection to the university. As indicated in the assessment responses, students seem to view themselves as environmental stakeholders (Table 3)(6, 7 ). Furthermore, leadership skills develop as the student researchers act as role models for others in public presentations of research findings (the poster presentations, Web development) or in the continuation of ERA research after the course is completed (see Action below). Implementing Change on Campus

Reporting Results Disseminating results and recommendations of ERA projects is an important outcome of the course. Implementing a set of recommendations for greening the campus has proven to be one of the more challenging and most rewarding aspects of conducting ERA projects. The first step toward implementation is presenting the results to the university community. The Chemistry and the Environment poster session is one avenue for communicating results. Campus administrators and other faculty are typically invited to view the posters and results


Research projects centered on a campus-based environmental resource assessment are an integral part of a nonscience majors course in chemistry. Undergraduates learn basic research methods and also gain leadership skills, learn professional presentation techniques, and promote informed environmental action on campus. Acknowledgments The SCU staff in campus facilities, mailing and copy services, purchasing, and food services have been extremely helpful over the years with ERA projects. Martha Smith has been instrumental in ERA coordination. The WWW site and other materials related to the ERA at Santa Clara University were sponsored by the Leaders for a Just World grant from the James Irvine Foundation. Literature Cited 1. Juhl, L.; Yearsley, K.; Silva, A. J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 1431– 1433. 2. Weidenhamer, J. D. J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 1437–1440. 3. Juhl, L. J. Chem. Educ. 1996, 73, 72–77. 4. Tobias, S. They’re Not Dumb. They’re Different; Research Corporation: Tucson, AZ, 1990. 5. Sisak, M. E. J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 1065–1067. 6. Jenks-Jay, N. Am. Assoc. Higher Educ. Bull. 1997, 7. 7. Orr, D. W. Ecological Literacy; State University of New York Press: Albany, NY, 1992.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 12 December 1999 •