can a Solvent be "old-fashioned"? - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - facebook · twitter · Email Alerts · Current Issue · Past Issues · Subscribe · About · C&EN Jobs. Advertisement. Previous Article · Next ...
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can a Solvent be "old-fashioned"?


a Solvent Survey can tell you ! The lacquer solvent picture is changing. Many old standards are holding their own but others are being replaced by more effective, less expensive solvents—solvents to precisely meet your special needs· Picking the "perfect" solvent is a job for a specialist. That's where your Celanese representative comes in. He offers you a wide range of solvents, special and standard . · · long personal experience in the lacquer field. .. and the facilities and services of the fully-equipped paint technology section of Celanese Technical Service & Application Laboratories—ready to review formulations, make tests, comparisons, costs analyses· A revaluation of your solvent picture can give you the competitive edge you want· Ask your Celanese representative for the details· Celanese Corporation of America, Chemical Division, Dept.854-J, 180 Madison Avenue, New York 16, Ν. Υ.



Acetone n-Propanol η-Propyl Acetate η-Butyl Acetate Isobutanol n-Butanol Celanese Solvent 203 Celanese Solvent 601 Celanese Solvent 901-H Methanol

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