Cannizzaro-based molecular oxygen-dependent cleavage of DNA by

Nov 1, 1992 - Robert M. Williams, Tomasz Glinka, Mark E. Flanagan, Renee Gallegos, Hazel Coffman, Deihua Pei. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1992, 114 (24), ...
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J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 114. No. 24, 1992 9727

Computer Software Reviews

Additions and Corrections C 3 ” B a s e d 02-Depedentcleavage of DNA by Qldwcarcin [ J . Am. Chem. SOC.1992, 114, 733-7401. ROBERTM. WILLIAMS,*TOMASZGLINKA,MARK E. FLANAGAN, RENEE GALLEGOS, HAZELCOFFMAN, and DEIHUAPEI Page 736,Table I: Under entry 8 the rate constant reads 4.2 X lo4. This should read 4.2 X lo4.

Tbe ’CUPID” Method for Calculatingthe Contiouous Probab~ty Distributionof Rotamen, from NMR e t a [ J . Am. Chem. SOC. 1992, 114, 619541991. ~ E L J K ODZAKULA,WILLIAMM. WESTLER, ARTHURS.EDISON,and JOHNL. MARKLEY* Page 6195: The last sentence of Abstract should read as follows: The theory underlying CUPID is presented here; the accompanying article (DZakula, 2.; Edison, A. S.;Westler, W. M.; Markley, J. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc.,following paper in this issue) demonstrates an application of CUPID to the analysis of experimental data for L-leucine and of simulated data for an &-helix in a protein. Page 6198: Equation 20 should read

Equation 25 should read a 4 = P,


Equation 27 should read fli =

MI mil





where i = 1,

..., 2 N


m= 1

Analysis of x1 Rotamer Populations from NMR Data by the CUPID Method [ J . Am. Chem. SOC.1992, 114, 6200-62071. ~ E L J K ODZAKULA, ARTHURS.EDISON,WILLIAM M. WESTLER, and JOHNL. MARKLEY* Page 6204: The sentence starting in the 1 lth line of Paragraph 3.2.should read as follows: Thus the solid lines in Figures 5 and 6 show the initial distributions and the (identical) distributions reproduced by CUPID analysis of error-free data.

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