Union Carbide Chemicals Company Division of Union Carbide Corporation—31st Floor 270 Park Avenue, New York 17, N.Y. Gentlemen: I am interested in learning about Carbide's family of water-soluble chemicals. Please send technical data on CELLOSIZE hydroxyethyl cellulose, Glyoxal/Special, and UCAR Poly ox Resin in the use areas checked. As new information is developed in the fields checked, I would appreciate receiving it.
CELLOSIZE HEC offers high thickening efficiency, ease of solution, and scrub-resist ance for latex-based paints. Glyoxal/Special gives wet-rub resistance. UCAR Polyox Res in finds use as a stabilizer and thickener, particularly in spat ter finishes and semi-gloss and gloss latex coatings.
Glyoxal/Special is a unique insolubilizing agent for paper and p a p e r b o a r d coatings based on starch, hydroxyethyl starch, polyvinyl alcohol, ca sein, and protein; improves wet-rub and pick resistance. CELLOSIZE HEC easily con trols viscosity; provides grease proofness. UCAR Polyox Resin shows promise as a low-cost pigment retention aid.
ADHESIVES CELLOSIZE HEC offers ease of solution, thickening effi ciency, and compatibility with borates and other additives. UCAR Polyox Resin has good quick-tack properties. It is particularly well-suited for many h o t - m e l t adhesive formulations.
CELLOSIZE HEC helps fibers withstand mechanical stresses, provides a durable soil-resistant finish; an effec tive carrier for pigments and colors, too. UCAR Polyox Res in may be used as a thicken er for printing pastes, a non durable anti-static agent, and a finishing size. G l y o x a l / Special is a useful textile resin intermediate.
D COSMETICS UCAR Polyox Resin, in addi tion to being an effective binder, thickener, film-former, stabilizer, and dispersant, im parts a creamy-smooth "feel" to facial and hand creams, lo tions, and other toiletries. CELLOSIZE HEC contributes smoothness and silkiness; its solubility at elevated temper atures speeds up production.
Economical UCAR Polyox Res in gives improved flow char acteristics to asphalt emul sions and also helps prevent run-off on hills. Asphalt emul sions based on UCAR Polyox Resin have excellent adhesive p r o p e r t i e s — even to wet aggregate.
The nonionic character and ease of solution of CELLOSIZE HEC are useful in the prepa ration of agricultural sprays, dusts, and wettable powders. UCAR Polyox Resin is of inter est as a protective root and seed coating, for crop mulch ing and soil conditioning.
CELLOSIZE HEC and UCAR Polyox Resin are effective binders for detergent bars and tablets; excellent thickeners for liquid detergents, too. UCAR Polyox Resin provides a better "feel." Both are com patible, enhancing foaming and foam stability properties.
CARBIDE is your source for water-soluble chemicals. ' ,%'i''-'\V#,£l
CELLOSIZE, POLYOX and UCAR are registered trade marks.
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