Carbonium Ions. XI. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of the

By N. C. Deno, Herman G. Richey, Jr., Norman Friedman, James D. Hodge, John J. Houser, and. Charles U. Pittman, Jr. Received February. 13, 1963...
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Oct. 5 , 1963

dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate. T h e ether was evaporated and the oil gradually cooled t o -20". Crystals grown during this period were separated by filtration. T h e crude trans-1,4dichlorocyclohexane (3 .O 9.) was recrystallized from ethanol t o yield 1.3 g. of pure material, m.p. 102.0-102.8". The filtrate was distilled using a Todd column packed with glass helices t o give a fraction, b.p. 90.5-91.5' a t 17 mm., ~ Z O D 1.494i, t h a t was shown b y g.1.c. t o be 93Yc pure czs-1,4-dichlorocyclohexane. tvans-l-Bromo-2-chlorocyclohexane.-~hemethod of Goering and Sims \+asemployed utilizing the reaction of hydrogen chloride



in chloroform solution with 24.6 g. of cyclohexene and 50 g. of n-bromosuccinimide.*~ Distillation gave 41 g. of material, b.p. 69-70' at 8 m m . Rectification in a Todd column packed with glass helices gave 93.3% trans-1-bromo-1-chlorocyclohexane (64.5c&), b.p. 60" a t 2.6 mm. S o major impurities were revealed by g.1.c.

Ac~owledgment.-The n,m,r, spectrawere recorded by Dr. R. King. His assistance and helpful discussions with him are gratefully acknowledged.


Carbonium Ions. XI. BY K .


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of the Aliphatic Alkenyl Cations'





The nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of nine cyclopentenyl cations, six cyclohexenyl cations, and three linear alkenyl cations are presented The areas of the bands correspond t o values predicted from the structures of the ions The positions of the bands (such as H or CH3 on the central carbon of the allylic system or hydrogens on the carbon a t o the allylic system) are invariant with structure and serve t o identify these ions, either when present in complex mixtures or when produced from complex reactions The kinetics of decomposition of carbonium ions is discussed with the view of directing attention to the critical choice of conditions necessary t o achieve chemical stability This method gave a difference of 2.94 p.p.m. A direct comparison between (CH3)4W+CI-and ( C H Z ) ~was S ~ accomplished in methanol and in trifluoroacetic acid giving the differences 3.28 and 3.29, respectively. Obviously, we are plagued with minor discrepancies and can only emphasize t h a t a value of 3.10 p.p.m was chosen .for the difference between ( C H S ) ~ and P (CH3)4Si in 96% HzS04. Xeither (CHs)&Si,(CHs)sSi(CH*)SOaH,nor C H J S O S Hare ~ suitable calibration standards in sulfuric acid. (CH3)&3i is both inrapidly decomposes, and solubleand unstable, ( CH3),Si(CH*)3S0?H C H S S O ~ exhibits H variation in band position from 70 to96'J; HrSOa. The alkenyl cations were produced b y adding the dienes to 967, H2S04. Polymerization could be minimized by adding the diene through a capillary tube or as a fine film t o the peripherv of vigorously stirred HtSO4 a t 0". The syntheses of the dienes are described under the titles of the cations which they generat?d because in most cases the cations were better characterized than the dienes. We anticipate making a better characterization of these dienes at a later date and particularly to compare the cornposition of dienes when prepared by acid-catalyzed equilibration T h e n.m.r. spectra were recorded on a Varian A-60 instrument. and by quenching of the cations in alkali. Most distillations The field was adjusted with an ethyl bromide sample until the were conducted using a Nestor-Faust spinning band column, resolution was between 0.005 and 0.02 parts per million (p.p.m.). 1-Alkyl-3-methylcyclopentenylCations.-2,5-Hexanedione was The viscosity of 96% H2S04 prevents the resolution obtainable in cyclized t o 3-methyl-2-cy~lopenten-l-one.~ The three dienes more mobile solvents. Severtheless, t h e spectra were beautiful were made by treating this ketone with methyl, ethyl, and isoin their simplicity and examples are shown in Fig. 1-5. propyl Grignard reagents. The Grignard products were hyThe positions of the bands in t h e n.m.r. spectra in 9SY0 HlS04 drolyzed with a small excess of hydrochloric acid. The dienes were calibrated by reference to (CH3)4N+C1-as a n internal standwere isolated by distillation, and no attempts were made to ard (suggested by Prof. P . S . Skell and Miss Josephine de Luis). separate the components of the diene mixtures. The three These positions are presented in Table I and are expressed as t h e diene mixtures have been reported (methyl,' and isoprodifference in p.p.m. relative t o (CHa)aSi. Clearly, t h e actual py19), but in each case were prepared by other methods. The numbers depend entirely on the value chosen for the difference yields by the Grignard method were 44, 31, and 28!, , So between (CH3)rSi and (CH3LKf. A value of 3.10 p.p.m. was attempt was made t o achieve optimum yields. used, the silane a t higher field, and this is based on a measured 1-Alkyl (or Phenyl)-3,5,5-trimethylcyclohexenyl Cations.difference of 3.10 p.p.m. between (CH3)49+ and (CHa),Si(CH*)sThe four dienes were prepared by addition of methyl, ethyl, isoS 0 3 H in 96C;, HzSOacoupled with an assumed difference of zero propyl, and phenyl Grignard reagents t o isophorone ( 3 , 5 , 5 between (CH3)aSi and ( CH3),Si(C H Z ~ ~ S O ~ H . ~ trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one). The Grignard products were This choice is not free from objection. T h e difference behydrolyzed with saturated aqueous NHaCI. The dienes were tween (CH3)4N+and (CH3)3Si(CHz)3S0sHwas 3.19, 3.17, 3.12, isolated by distillation. The intermediate allylic alcohols can and 3.10 in 0, 50, 83, and 96Yc H2SO4. The latter two values dehydrate in either of two directions t o produce an endocyclic were independently confirmed by Miss d e Luis. An indirect or a half exocyclic diene. The n.m.r. spectra of the methyl and comparison between (CHa)dN' and ( C H S ) ~ was S ~ accomplished ethyl derivatives showed that both dienes were present and in using a precision coaxial n.m.r. tube. The (CH3)&+ was in nearly equal amounts. This is particularly evident in the g e m solution in 96% H z S 0 4in the inner tube and a lY0 solution of dimethyl bands which were well resolved for the two dienes and (CH3),Si in CCI4 was in the outer tube. Appropriate corrections had equal areas. The b.p. of each diene mixture agreed with were made for the magnetic susceptibilities of the s o l ~ e n t s . ~ reported values.'O

Introduction The discovery that the 1,3,5,5-tetramethylcyclohexenyl cation is stable in 96y0 H2SOd2opened the way to a direct study of the properties of a variety of aliphatic alkenyl (allylic) cations. Among the strictly hydrocarbon cations (excluding those with substituents such as hydroxy, chloro, etc.), chemical stability sufficient for n.m.r. studies has been achieved only with cations in which the terminal positions of the allylic system were completely alkylated. This paper presents the n.m.r. spectra of such ions. The papers immediately following will describe rearrangements, hydrogen-deuterium exchanges, ultraviolet spectra, and equilibrium studies. Experimental

(1) This research was supported in part by a grant from t h e National Science Foundation and in part by a grant from the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society, A grant from the Sational Science Foundation supported in part t h e purchase of t h e Varian A-60 n.m I. instrument J . Hodge received a fellowship from t h e Shell Companies All of this assistance is most gratefully acknowledged. Foundation (2) N. Deno, H. G Richey, J r . , J D Hodge, and 11. J . Wisotsky. J . A m . Chem. Soc., 84. 1498 (1962) (3) G 1'. D. Tiers, Abstracts, 137th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Cleveland, Ohio, April, 1960, p . 17R; G. V . D . Tiers and R I Coon, J . O v t . Chem., 2 6 , 2097 (1961).

(4) J . A. Pople, W. G . Schneider, and H J. Bernstein, "High-resolutir,n Nuclear Magnetic Resonance." RIcGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc , S e w \ ' i r k N. Y . , 1959, p. 81. ( 5 ) H . H a r t and P A L a w , J . A m . Chem. Soc., 8 4 , 2462 (1962) (6) K M . Acheson and R Robinson, J . Chem Sor , 1127 (1952) ( 7 ) R . Riemschneider and E . B. Grabitz, M O X Q ~ S 89, ~ Z .748 , (1958). ( 8 ) P . Duden and R. Freydag. C h e w . Ber., 3 6 , 94-1 (1903) (9) W Treibs, ibid., 66, 610 (1933) (IO) 0. H . Wheeler, J Ovg Chem . 20, 1672 (1966); J . P. Ferrin, 1' B Tom, N. L Koslin, K. \\' Greenlee, J . M . Derfer, and C . E. Boord, ibr0 19, 923 (1954).






Vol. 85






Fig. 1.--S.m.r.

spectrum of 1,3-dimethylcyclopentenylcation.


h y l......




Fig. 4.-IC.m.r. hexenyl cation.

spectrum of 1,3-dihydroxy-5,5-dimethylcycloThis is protonated dihydrodimethylresorcinol

1.00 Fig


m r.

spectrum of 1-ethyl-3-methylcyclopentenyl cation.

I-Isopropyl -3- met hy I...

/& '

'48 11.38

Fig. 5.-X.m.r. spectrum of 2,4-dimethyIpentenyl cation showing the two sharp peaks due t o the cation and the extraneous background caused by impurities.

Fig. 3.-X.m.r.

spectrum of 1-isopropyl-3-methylcyclopentenyl cation.

In the isopropyl derivative, the endocyclic diene predominates as indicated by the areas of the isopropyl doublet and t h e bands of the two vinylic hydrogens. Weak bands of the part exocyclic diene were present and a n estimate from the areas of the gemdimethyl bands or the vinylic hydrogen bands indicated t h a t 70% of the diene mixture vias the endocyclic diene. The initial product was contaminated with isophorone, t h e b.p. of the mixture being 112-113" (73 m m . ) . The yield of diene after correcting for the isophorone contamination was about 40'7~. In the phenyl derivative, the presence of three distinct and nearequal gem-dimethyl bands indicated that three isomeric dienes were present in near-equal amounts. The b.p. of the mixture was 102-103" ( 1 nim.) and t h e total yield of dienes was 53y0. Anal. Calcd. for CI5Hl6: C, 90.8; H, 9.2. Found: C , 90.6; H, 9.2. 1,3,4,4,5- and 1,2,3,4,4-PentamethylcyclopentenylCations.3-Methyl-2-butanone was converted to 3,3,4,4-tetramethyl-2,5hexanedione by the method reported." The dione cyclized in high yield using conditions identical t o those used t o cyclize 2,5-hexanedionen with the exception t h a t t h e solvent was a 1: 1 mixture of methanol and water. The 3,4,4,5,5-pentamethy1-2cyclopenten-1-one was characterized by the ultraviolet spectrum (A,,,, 230 mp, t 12,300), b.p. 2-54' (1 mm.), and n.m.r. spectrum, which was in accord with the assigned structure. The yield of purified material was 72'3. .4nal. Calcd. for CloHlsO: C, 78.9; H, 10.6. Found: C , 78.9; H , 10.7. The ketone was reduced with LiXIHa in ether. The crude product after hydrolysis and removal of ether exhibited a n infrared spectrum with a strong hydroxyl band and no carbonyl band. The reduction was concluded t o have been quantitative and the 3,4,4,5,5-pentamethy1-2-cyclopenten-l-o1 was not further characterized. (11) 11. F Ansell, 349 (1935).


W . J Hickinbottom, and P. G. Holton, J . Chem.

1,3,4,4,5,5- and 1,2,3,4,4,5-Hexamethylcyclopentenyl Cations. -3,4,4,5,5-Pentamethyl-2-cyclopenten-l-onewas treated with methyllithium in ether. The product was worked up by adding water and a slight excess of hydrochloric acid. The ether extract was separated, dried, and distilled. The diene, b.p. 53-54' (10 m m . ) , was obtained in 44% yield. I t is pure 3-methylene-1,4,45,5-pentamethylcyclopentene as shown by the n.m.r. spectrum. The ultraviolet spectrum in ethanol had ,,A,, 238 mp, e 18,100. Anal. Calcd. for C l l H I 8 : C, 87.9; H , 12.1. Found: C, 87.8; H , 11.9. 2,4-Dimethylpentenyl Cation.-2,4-Dimethyl-l,3-pentadiene was prepared from mesityl oxide and CH3MgI.l2 An n . m . r . spectrum of the diene showed bands a t 1.71, 4.55,4.72, and 5.41 p.p.rn.andtheareaswere8.3:1.0:0.9:1( c a k d . 8 : l : l : l ) . These areas account for 99.5c/, of the total hydrogen in the spectrum. 2,3,4-Trimethylpentenyl Cation.-Powdered zinc chloride (50 g.) was added over a period of 30 min. t o a stirred mixture of 60 g. of 2-methyl-2-butene and 175 g. of acetic anhydride. The temperature rose t o 45' during the addition. The mixture was stirred for 20 hr., poured onto ice, extracted with ether, and the ether extract washed with aqueous NazCOa. After drying over MgS04, the solution was distilled to give a fraction, 20 g . , o.p. 130-132", which was 3,4-dimethyl-4-penten-2-or1e~~ and a fraction, 14 g., b.p. 146-147', which was 3,4-dimethyl-3-penten-2-0ne.'~ 3,4-Dimethy1-4-penten-Z-one (note t h a t the unconjugated ketone was used) was added t o CHIMgI in ether. After hydrolysis with ice and dilute hydrochloric acid, the ether extract was washed with aqueous XanCOs, dried over MgSOa, and distilled. The product was 2,3,4-trirnethyl-4-penten-2-o1, b . p . (io-63" (27 m m . ) , 665; yield. The analysis is high on both C and H , perhaps due to the presence of small amounts of the diene arising from addition of the CH3MgI t o s ~ n a l lamounts of the conjugated unsaturated ketone. Anal. Calcd. for CsHlaO: C, 71.8; H , 12.6. Found: C , 75.7; H , 13.0. (12) 0 S Jitkow and h l T Bogert, J A m . Chern S O L , 63, 1979 11941) T h e addition of ketone t o the Grignard a t 0' (rather than 25') a w c a r s t o be critical (13) G K . Estok and J . H. Sikes, ibid., 76, 2743 (1B.iS)


Oct. 5, 1963 TABLE I:


-H on C2




Band position in p.p.m. downfield from (CHs)aSi CHs a t C3 CH3 of (and CI ethyl or when CH3 on isopropyl H on CI and Cs present) Cz group

7.64 7.65 7 68

3.55 3 . 5 1 (3.4)'' 3.54 (3.4)"

2.98 3.00 2.99

.. .. ..

1.42b 1.43d










2.87 2.75



meth)-1 ethyl = isopropyl =











7 62 7 63 7 61 7.59-8.38'

H on Ca

7 . 70h

2.84 2.84 2.84 2.76

2.83 2.71



0 9 3 9 6 0 8 5 5 3 0 3 084796

1:4:6 1.4 2:3:3 1:4 1 3:6


1: 1: 2 : 6 . 2e: 10'

1 :1 : 6 : 9












1.3gd 1.34 1.28









1.32 1.25


13@ 135d

. .

, .

CHa on CZor Cd

CHs on Ca

2 .9 j h 2.97 2 . 95(




+ + +

+ 3 4- 3

gemDimethyl on Ca

3.06 3.09 3.09 3.42 2.93


CH3 on A -era-s CI and Ca


H on Cd and Ca

R = methyl R = ethyl R = isopropyl R = phenyl


2.45 2.62 2.76


110 110 110 116 6 2

0 1 0 1

9 0 9 5

3 9 8 1

6 0 0 5

6 3 6 3

0 2 1 1

6 6 6 6







1:4:6:6 1.4 + 2 +3:3:6 1 : 4 + 1 + 3:6:6 6:2:2:3:6

- ~ _ _

-Areas Exptl.



1: 12


3 : 12



a Center of a broad band ranging over 0.3 p.p.m. which is interpreted t o be the unresolved quartet of the CH2 of the ethyl group. Center of a triplet with J = 6.8 C.P.S. which is typical of ethyl groups. Center of a broad band ranging over 0.5 p.p.m. which is interpreted t o be the unresolved septet of the C H of the isopropyl group. Center of a doublet with J = 6.6 C . P . S . which is typical of splitting by a single hydrogen. e The spectrum measured 70-90 sec. after mixing already contained about 30Yc of the ion B as judged by the fact t h a t the area of t h e 2.15 band was 1.2 times t h e area of the 7.62 band. Since the total aggregate band centering a t 2.93 b u t extending from 2.i-3.2 had a total relative area of 8.8,30% of this was subtracted out in order t o estimate the area of the 2.93 band due t o ion .I. 'Some arbitrariness was exercised in outlining the lower portions of this band since there was adjoining absorption. This spectrum will he shown in the following paper. Bands were present a t 7.59, 7.70, 7.83, 7.96, 8.06, 8.25, and 8.38. The hydrogen a t C Bwas presumably one of these bands. T h e bands and areas listed account for onll- 227, of the observed hydrogen; see text a n d Fig. 5, The bands and areas listed account for only 4070 of the observed hydrogens. The remainder occupied a broad diffuse pattern similar t o t h a t of the preceding ion, shown in Fig. 5.






Discussion Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra.-Certain characteristic bands appear in the n.m.r. spectra of the aliphatic alkenyl cations. .A lone hydrogen on the central carbon of the allylic system appears a t 7.5-7.7 p.p.m. with little sensitivity to alkyl substitution and little sensitivity to whether the cation is cyclopentenyl, cyclohexenyl, or linear alkenyl, Similarly, a methyl on the same carbon is equally sharp and invariant a t 2.12-2.15 p.p.m. The positions of the bands of the hydrogens on carbons a: to the allylic system appear a t 2.7-3.6 p,p.m. Xgain the variation is small between cyclopentenyl, cyclohexenyl, and linear alkenyl cations. Perhaps these small variations are related to the amount of positive charge delocalized into these hydrogens and/or the intensity of charge on the carbonium carbons. A clearer example of this effect is exhibited in the 1 , l diarylethyl cations, Ar2C+CH3. Greater charge delocalization and less intense charge on C-l would be expected when Ar is anisyl than when Xr is phenyl. Accordingly, the CH3 band was a t 3.25 p.p.m. when Ar was anisyl and a t 3.65 p.p,m. when Ar was phenyl. An extreme case is (CH3)3C+. Olah and co-workers found the band for this ion a t 4.35 p.p.m.14 Bands due to hydrogens on carbons a to the allylic system can be as sharp as any as shown in Fig. 5 (and Fig. 1 and 2 of the following paper, no. XI1 of the series). However, if hydrogens are present on adjacent 0-carbons, these a-hydrogen bands markedly broaden, as exhibited in Fig. 1-3. It is concluded that in the cyclopentenyl and cyclohexenyl cations a coupling occurs between such hydrogens on nearby acarbons. Because of motion of the alkyl groups containing the a-carbons, the coupling expresses itself as a line broadening rather than a splitting. The resolution of the CH3 bands in the 2,4-dimethylpentenyl cation into bands of equal areas a t 2.95 and 2.97 p.p.m. (Fig. 5 ) is under study. This nonequivalence or splitting of methyl groups is more clearly shown in the n.m.r. spectrum of the 4-methyl-2hydroxypentenyl cation (protonated mesityl oxide), where the three methyl bands appear a t 2.45, 2.62, and 3.76 p.p.m. In the protonated a#-unsaturated ketones, the hydrogen on the central carbon of the allylic system appears at 6.2-7.0 p.p.m., which is a t somewhat lower field than general for vinylic hydrogens. Such ions are hybrids between the protonated ketone form and the hydroxyalkenyl cation form. The latter structure makes an important contribution to the hybrid. Chemical Stability of Carbonium Ions.-The ease with which several physical properties of carbonium ions have been measured is deceptive because it depends on a thorough understanding of the chemical reactivity of such ions. The 1,3-dimethylcyclopenten$ cation ( I ) is typical. Compound I is half-formed from the diene I1 in 357f H2S04. A t this acidity, the rate of reaction of I with 11 is significant even in 10-6 M solution so that half of I I 1 has reacted after 170 sec. The second-order rate constant is 600 1. set.-' mole-'. In calculating this rate constant, no attempt was made to correct for the absorption of the dimeric ion, provisionally 111. This could not have introduced much error because the rate constant, calculated from the diminution in optical density in the early stages of the reaction, was strictly constant when calculated from the equation




= kzcicri


I1 i ) G. A Olah. 'iV S . Tolgyesi, S J. K u h n , h l . E Moffatt. I. J . Gastien, and E B Baker, J A m C h e m . SOL., 86, 1328 (1963).

Vol. 85

These tests of eq. 1 encompassed a tenfold variation in 11. the initial concentration of I Using eq. 1, it is computed t h a t in a 0.1 *I1solution in 35y0 HzS04,half of I I1 disappears in 0.02 sec. so that I or I1 can be said to polymerize instantly in 35yG acid. Using eq. 1 and the Ho acidity function HO= PK log CB/CBHt (2)'s it can be estimated that it will take 2 days for half of I I1 to disappear in either water a t pH 5 or in 967, HzS04. I t is a general property of these systems that they are least stable a t acidities where concentrations of carbonium ion and diene are equal.I6 This principle is derived readily from eq. 1 and the restriction that the total conI1 remain constant. I t is for this centration of I reason that cations which are stable for days, perhaps years, in 9Gq7c H2S04are polymerized instantly in dilute acids. In the recovery of the diene mixture V from the cation IV,2it is necessary to add the solution of I V in 9GYo H2S04through a capillary to well stirred aqueous NaOH a t 0 ' in order to race through the dilute acid region with all possible speed. Only in this way can the monomeric dienes be recovered, and the recovery by this technique can be quantitative.










k VIa, R = H b, R=CH3

It has been assumed that the second-order rates of disappearance were due to dimerization. There is an alternative destruction reaction that would exhibit the same rate law, eq. 1. This alternative is hydride abstraction from the diene by the alkenyl cation to produce an alkene and a dienylic cation. Dienylic cations are well known t o absorb in the 400 mp region both from LCAO M O theory and directly from experiment." As yet, such absorption has appeared only in traces during the destruction of the alkenyl cations described in this paper, from which it is concluded that dienylic cations are not produced. These problems in chemical instability became particularly important in measuring the n.m.r. spectrum of the 2,4-dimethylpentenyl (VIa) and 2,3,4-trimethylpentenyl (VIb) cations. 2,4-Dimethyl-1,3-pentadiene gave different n.m.r. spectra in 96% HZSO4depending on the mode of addition of the diene to the acid. When the amount of diene was reduced to a minimum and when it was added from the end of a capillary into vigorously stirred 96% H2S04 a t O', up to 50% of the total band area was due to the three bands of the 2,4dimethylpentenyl cation (7.70, 2.95, and 2.97 p.p.m.). The spectrum shown in Fig. 5 has 22% of the hydrogen (15) T h e data on alkenyl cation equilibria seem t o fit this function more closely than any other as discussed in a following paper (16) This generalization pertains equally well t o secondary carbonium ions t h a t disappear by hydride transfer reactions of the type K K H ' RiCHOH = RgCH2 4- R C O 4- H t . (17) Exemplary are heptamethylcyclohexadienyl cation (W. von E. Doering, M . Saunders, H Boynton, H. Earhart, E Wadley, U'. Edwards, and G. Laber, T e t v a h p d r o n , 4,178 (19,58)), hexamethylcyclohexadienyl cation, protonated hexamethylbenzene ( S Deno, P. Groves, and G Saines, J . A m C h e m Soc , 81, 5790 (19jQ));and a variety of protonated benzenes ( C . Reid, ibid., 76, 3264 (19,541, and G. Dallinga, E . L . Ifackor, J . H. van der Waals. and A V. S t u a r t , M o l . P h y s , 1, 123 (1958)). For evidence t h a t protonated benzenes possess the dienylic cation structure, see C . MacLean, J H van der Waals, and E. L. Mackor, ibid., 1 , 247 (1958))


Oct. 5 , 1963



accounted for by the 2,&-dimethylpentenylbands and was prepared by addition of the diene from a simple eye dropper. This spectrum was chosen for presentation because there was a moderate amount of diene added, the 2.95 and 2.97 bands were well resolved, and the spectrum shows the nature of the other material formed during the process of solution. If the diene is simply added dropwise with slow stirring to 96YGHzSOl a t 2 5 O , none of the hydrogens present are those of the 2,4-dimethylpentenyl cation. Since



the diene is 99.5% pure (see Experimental), it is clear that dimerization (and perhaps further polymerization and rearrangement) are taking place during the process of dispersing the diene into the acid. Since the monomeric cation is stable for at least minutes, it is also clear that it should be possible to obtain a spectrum in which the 2,4-dimethylpentenyl cation bands account for 100% of the hydrogen if the diene could be introduced in a sufficiently attenuated form. This has not as yet been achieved.


Carbonium Ions. XII.

The Direct Observation of Rearrangement and Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange in Cycloalkenyl Cations1




RECEIVED F E B R U A R13. Y 1963 Such generally accepted principles as the greater stability of tertiary over secondary carbonium ions, the increasing stability of carbonium ions with increasing a-hydrogens, and the increasing stability of alkenes with increasing alkyl substitution can be observed in a most direct way from n.m.r. spectra of cycloaikenyl cations. The rate of hl-drogen-deuterium exchange into such ions is base-catalyzed so t h a t the rate is much slower in 965L H2SOI than in more dilute acids. The rearrangement of 1,3,4,4,5- t o 1,2,3,1,4-pentametli~lcyclopentenyl cation is also base-catalyzed, b u t the rearrangement of 1,3,4,1,5,5- t o 1,2,3,1,4,5-hexametliylcyclopentenyl cation is not

The properties of aliphatic carbonium ions have in the past been inferred from the rate constants and the products produced in reactions believed to proceed via such carbonium ions as unstable intermediates. The preparation of stable solutions of these aliphatic carbonium ions now enables the direct observation of some of these properties. Experimental The n . m . r . spectra were recorded as described in the preceding paper 2 The D2SOrD20 solutions were prepared by combining General Chemical Co. Sulfan (SO3 containing a n unknown polymerization inhibitor) with D20. Several methods of effecting the combination were tried, but since none were entirely satisfactory, they are not described in detail. The problem centers around solidification of t h e SOs in the presence of small amounts of DzO. Subsequently, Miss Josephine de Luis and Dr. P . S. Skell a t Penn State slowly distilled liquid Sulfan into D2O (stirred). This would appear t o be the method of choice because the SOs is kept warm and liquified. In the fast hydrogen-deuterium exchanges, some temperature control was attained b y adding the dienes t o t h e D2S04-D20 a t 35", loading the n.m.r. tube, and immediately inserting the tube into t h e probe. Since the probe temperature held a t 35 f Z 0 , the reactions were approximately thermostated. Slow exchanges were simply held a t 25" except for short periods of measurement. The identification of the cations are presented in the preceding paper,2 as are the methods of calibrating and reporting the n.m.r. spectra.

Discussion Rearrangements.-Addition of 3-methylene-1,4,4,5,5-pentamethylcyclopentene (I) to 96y0 H2S04would give on initial protonation the 1,3,4,4,5,5-hexamethylcyclopentenyl cation, 11, The first spectrum observed,



p.p.m. is definitive2 as are the six hyperconjugated hydrogens a t 2.90 p.p.rn. Already in Fig. 1, the incipient conversion to a new cation is apparent from the small band a t 2.15 p.p.m. which is characteristically narrow and is definitive for methyl a t C-2.2 As time progresses, the band a t 2.15 p.p.m. continues to grow concomitant with the gradual disappearance of the band a t 7.49 p.p.m. This shows that the hydrogen a t C-2 is being replaced by methyl. After about 1 hr., a stable n.m.r. spectrum is attained. A spectrum measured 3 hr. after mixing is shown in Fig. 2 . This spectrum is entirely in accord with structure I I I . 2 The predominance of 111 over I1 a t equilibrium may be associated with relief of steric repulsions and possibly with the fact t h a t I11 has one more hyperconjugation hydrogen than I I. The conversion of I1 to I11 takes place a t the same rate in iOyOH2S04 as in 96% H2S04. The rate of conversion of I1 to 111 is about the same in 0.1 A4 solution, measured by n.rn.r. spectra, as in lop5M solution, measured by ultraviolet spectra, showing that the rate of conversion is first order in 11. A similar type of rearrangement takes place when 3,4,4,5,5-pentamethy1-2-cyclopenten-l-o1 (IV) is dissolved in 96% H2S04. The initially formed cation, V, was not observed. The n.m.r. spectrum after 1-2 min. is shown in Fig. 3 and approximates that expected for cation VI. The comparison of observed and calculated n.m.r. band areas has already been presented.2 I t is of interest that the rearrangement from the secondary to the tertiary carbonium ion is so rapid.

I I11

1-2 min. after mixing, is that of I1 and this spectrum is shown in Fig. 1. The single hydrogen on C-2 a t 7.19 (1) This research was supported in p a r t h y a grant from t h e National Science Foundation and in part by a grant fron the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society J. Hodge received a fellowship from the Shell Companies Foundation. Grateful acknowledgment is hereby made of this support. (2) S C. Deno, H . G. Richey, Jr., PIT. Friedman, J . D. Hodge, J. J Houser, a n d C . U . P i t t m a n , J r . , J . A m . Chem. Soc., 86, 2991 (1963).






The spectrum of VI is not permanent, but continues to change leading to the stable n.m.r. spectrum shown in Fig. 4. The identification of this spectrum as that due to VI1 has been presented.2 This conversion of VI to VI1 requires about 1 hr. for completion in 96YG HzS04.