Carborundum Company

Mounting directly on the main process line, newly developed con ... Dept. IEC, In strument Division,. Robertshaw-Fulton. Controls Co., 2920 North Four...
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Jacketed Spring Loaded of t h e desired value c a n be main­ tained. Designed for t h e operation of fans and p u m p s in heat exchange processes, t h e system requires a m i n i m u m of attention a n d m a y be used in conjunction with heat exchange systems operating a t pres­ sures u p to 1000 p.s.i. (ask for speci­ fication sheet section 351, page 17 a n d Bull. F-1882). Dept. IEC, U. S. Electrical Motors, Inc., Box 2058 Terminal Annex, Los Angeles 54, Calif. 36

Portable Resistance Thermometer for Safe Spot Checks Approved for use in hazardous locations by Underwriters L a b o r a ­ tories, t h e Model 917 portable r e ­ sistance thermometer provides a quick, accurate means of securing spot temperatures of petroleum prod­ ucts, chemicals, a n d other fluids in barges, tankers, mobile o r sta­ tionary tanks, etc. T h e thermom­ eter consists of a two-range tem­ p e r a t u r e indication instrument, a resistance bulb with 60-foot connect­ ing cable, range checking switch, power switch, 6-volt battery, a n d a grounding terminal. T e m p e r a ­ ture compensation for ambient tem­ p e r a t u r e changes over t h e range of 0 ° t o 150° F . gives t h e instrument accuracy of ± 1 % of t h e scale span. Dept. IEC, Weston Electrical Instrument Corp., Newark 12, N. J. 3 7

In-Line Conductivity Cell M o u n t i n g directly on t h e m a i n process line, newly developed con­ ductivity cell is designed to operate efficiently a t temperatures u p t o 400° F . with t e m p e r a t u r e compensa­ tion a n d u p to 1000° F . without compensation, yet there is no need of sampling lines a n d coolers as required with conventional conductivity cells. I n s t r u m e n t is available with flanged or threaded ends in pipe sizes 3 / 8 , Va, 3 Λ, a n d 1 inch. Dept. IEC, In­ strument Division, Robertshaw-Fulton Controls Co., 2920 North Fourth St., Philadelphia 33, Pa. 38 M o r e information is as near as your mailbox! Just write to the manufac­ turer of the item in which you a r e in­ terested. Use of your company letter­ head will ensure a speedy reply







H & B's new fully jacketed spring loaded plug valves feature an inverted tapered plug inserted and lapped into the housing from the bottom of the valve—then spring loaded. The spring wedges the plug to a perfectly tight seal, eliminating troublesome leaks. Easy to operate—no big handwheel . . . no freeze . . . no "breaking loose" necessary. Easy to clean. Made in two port or multi port design, with any special stop arrangement desired. Bulletin J-57 sent on request

HETHERINGTON & BERNER I N C . , 7 3 3 Kentucky A v e . , Indianapolis 7 , I n d .

NEW TEST KIT m a k e s c h o i c e of catalyst supports easy... costs just $15.00

These 16 big vials each contain over 80 cc. of representative samples of many of the compositions, degrees of porosity, pellet shapes and sizes of catalyst supports available from Carborundum. The test samples, and a folder giving complete product information, are packed in a compact, durable storage kit. Carborundum offers you the widest choice of catalyst supports in the field. These include seventeen different compositions in aluminum oxide, silicon carbide and silica materials as polysurface, spheroidal, cylindrical and ring pellets. All are highly refractory and inert to most acids. Complete kit costs only $15. Send order to Refractories Division, The Carborundum Company, Perth Amboy, N . J., Dept. Y-127.

CARBORUNDUM Registered Trade Mark

VOL. 49, NO. 12 ·

