Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co. - ACS Publications - American

Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co. Anal. Chem. , 1955, 27 (12), pp 46A–46A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60108a758. Publication Date: December 1955. ACS Legacy Archive...
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petroleum products and liquefied petro­ leum gases by the lamp method has been introduced by Apex Scientific Co. The apparatus, consisting of 11 units, is suit­ able for use with both volatile and non­ volatile liquids. Nonvolatile liquids are blended with a sulfur-free volatile solvent before burning in the lamp.

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b e l o w : Crucible after mpleted incineration

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In operation, the gas or volatile liquid is burned in a glass lamp and the exit gases are absorbed in a hydrogen peroxide solution. The peroxide con­ verts the sulfur dioxide from the lamp to sulfuric acid, which is titrated against a standard base. The apparatus is con­ structed to allow the use of a mixture of carbon dioxide and oxygen for combus­ tion. This CO2-O2 mixture is superior to air, since it prevents the formation of the nitrogen oxides which aie formed with air. These nitrogen oxides prevent a direct titration if air is used. Individual rotameters meter the oxi­ dizing gas separately to each lamp, so that each lamp absorber receives exactly the same amount of air or C0 2 -0 2 as any other absorber. Also, each absorber re­ ceives exactly the specified ASTM rate of 3 liters per min. of the oxidizing gas. This results in more accurate and more reproducible analyses. An impinging jet mixer thoroughly mixes the C0 2 -0 2 mixture before it is distributed to the lamps. Spherical glass and stainless steel joints connecting each of the two traps on the apparatus prevent corrosion and allow ready removal of the traps.


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