Photograph Courtesy of J the Fleischmann Laboratories, Standard Brands Incorporated
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F r e e A n a l y s i s Kit. . . The S&S Filter Paper Sampler contains a generous assortment of 11 cm circles in a wide selection of grades. The S&S American filter papers represent a distinct advance in the manufacture and treatment of Analytical Filter Papers. The purity and uniformity of S&S papers are far ahead of those found in any European product, and systematic laboratory supervision of S&S production guarantees strict maintenance of this superiority. Send for your free sampler today. If you have been using another brand of paper, here's your chance to try the finest and compare right in your own laboratory with no obligation. Address Dept. IN.
• Extremely rapid foi filtra tion of coarse and gelatin ous precipitates. High wetstrength. Ash per 11 cm cir cle 0.04 milligram. For filtration of: Aluminum hydroxide Beryllium hydroxide Bismuth sulphide Cobalt sulphide Copper sulphide Ferric hydraxlde Iron salt of cupferron Iron sulphide Nickel dimethylglyoxlme Nickel hydroxide Rare earth hydroxides Silicic acid (precipitated! Silver sulphide Titanium hydroxide Tungsten-benzldene complex Zinc hydroxide Zirconium salt of cupferron
For highest precision specify available
at your
S&S favorite
S&S Analytical Filter Papers make possible new standards of precision Today the more precise laboratory techniques you use are made possible by specialized knowledge and a higher standard of measuring tools. S&S research has kept pace—it has met this challenge.
• FOR ALL GRADES: Standardization for consistent accuracy. Complete physical and chemical uniformity for each grade lot after lot. Selection from a wide range of grades to match more closely the requirements of any given analysis.
Every year many chemists who were once satisfied with other brands standardize their procedure on S&S Analytical Filter Papers for consistent accuracy lot after lot, large selection of grades, and the confidence that goes with using the finest. And the finest costs no more.
Even if you believe you are satisfied with your present filtration products, you owe it to yourself and your work to try S&S Analytical Filter Papers and filtration specialties, and compare. Send for the free S&S Analysis Kit sampler described on the opposite page. It costs you nothing, and there is no obligation.
Skilled S&S research chemists developed the exclusive features that set S&S apart from ordinary nitration products. • FOR QUANTITATIVE GRADES: Less than 0.007% ash—lower than any filter paper we believe your purchasing agent can buy. 97-98% alpha cellulose content—higher than any other filter paper we have tested.
We are proud to meet the challenge from chemists who are never satisfied. For we at S&S are never satisfied. Through continued research Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co. will continue to produce what we sincerely believe to be the finest Analytical Filter Paper in the world.
C A R L S C H L E I C H E R & S C H U E L L C O . , K e e n e , New Hampshire Unretouched section photographs of S&S 11 cm circles magnified VA times. All filter papers pictured for use in quantitative analysis.
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k•J'... '·'* · >, *' · "Black "'
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s&s 58s
' V*l.-^jjg'..,... _. ?" Green Ribbon
ψ Suitable for filtration of parse and gelatinous pre cipitates. Ash per 11 cm cir cle 0.055 milligram. f For filtration of: .luminum hydroxide leryllium hydroxide lismuth sulphide iobalt sulphide Copper sulphide erric hydroxide ron salt of cupferron ron sulphide lickel dimethylglyoxime lickel hydroxide :are earth hydroxides ilicic acid (precipitated; iilver sulphide itanium hydroxide ungsten-benzidene complex inc hydroxide irconium salt of cupferron
• Thick, rapid, medium re tention. Ash per 11 cm cir cle 0.1 milligram. For filtration of: Copper thiocyanate Mercuric oxide Palladium iodide Silver arsenate Silver chromate Silver thiocyanate Zirconium arsenate
s&s 589 White Ribbon
• Will retain moderately fine precipitates. Ash per 11 cm circle 0.055 milligram. For filtration of: Ammonium phosplwmolybdate Barium s u l p h a t e * Calcium o x a l a t e * Hydrated manganese oxides Lead c h r o m a t e * Lead sulphate Lead sulphide Magnesium ammnniem phosphate Magnesium hydroxide Mercuric sulphide Rare earth alkali doubla sulphates S i l i c a , a s in acid insoluble determinations Tin sulphide, stannous Tungstic acid Uranyl a m m o n i u m phosphate Zinc a m m o n i u m phosphate Zinc sulphide, from formic acid media Prec. from hot solution
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589 Blue Ribbon
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» Will retain fine precipi tates. Ash per 11 cm circle 0.055 milligram.
• Highly retentive. High wetstrength. Ash per 11 cm cir cle 0.065 milligram.
For filtration of: Barium sulphate, prec. from cold solution Calcium fluoride Cesium silicotungstate Cobaltic hydroxide Germanium sulphide Gold disulphide Magnesium basic carbonate Nickel sulphide Potassium p-dipicrylamine Potassium uranate Silver chloride Silver bromide Strontium sulphate Tin sulphide, stannic
For filtration of: Antlmonlous acid Antimontous sulphate Barium chloride from HCL media Barium nitrate from HNOa media Sodium chloride from HCL media Strontium nitrate from HNO3 media
All papers except S&S 589-1-H are extensively used in chromatography and electrophoresis (available in sheets or strips).
S&S 507