REPORT FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS cision instruments and exact meth ods (both chemical and physical) for investigation of substances. In our country this term is more limited—we use it in reference to scientists doing research on the chemical composition of substances. "Analytical chemists in the U.S.S.R. are trained a t t h e univer sities and to some extent in high schools. For 3 t o 3 V 2 years this training is focused on t h e study of basic principles. Special courses begin during t h e fourth year and are completed with a diploma-work. As a result of this 5 t o 5V2 years of education, t h e 'young special ists,' as we call them, receive really good general theoretical and practi cal knowledge of a method of in vestigation such as mass, radio, or optical spectroscopy, x-ray diffrac tion methods, techniques of working with tagged atoms, etc. This spe cial training, obtained a t t h e uni versity, is continued later when the analytical chemist works a t a r e search institute. "After t h e specialist graduates from the university, the State Dis tributing Commission suggests to him a number of places for his future work, taking into consideraNEUTRON
tion his qualifications, family status, etc. As a rule his new work is closely connected with t h e type of work with which he is most fa miliar. " I n t h e laboratory where he works he will study t h e research and development program and look for t h e most promising a n d inter esting application of the method in which he has specialized for the solution of problems which are p u t before him. Often he has to im prove this method of investigation or even create a new one. Of course, his scientific director and more experienced colleagues help constantly with advice or through discussions and consultations. H i s project and other proposals are dis cussed in a staff-seminar. If his project is approved, he outlines his experimental needs. If an instru ment exists which can be modified for the job, he outlines his require ments. H e obtains help from ex perts in electronics, engineering, design, and other fields in design ing his instrument, which is then made for him by t h e technicians of t h e institute shop. A similar procedure takes place if t h e nec essary instrument does not exist."
S&S Membrane Filter Folder Detailed information and simple directions for use of membrane niters. This folder describes the new S&S "BacT-Flex"*, flexible membrane filter with a larger, green-col ored grid designed for easier, more accurate bacteria count.
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S&S Filter Paper Sampler S&S Analytical Filter Papers are known for their consistent accuracy, physical uniformity, and a wide variety of types. Make your own tests. Com pare. Send for your free sam pler of many S&S grades. *"Bac-T-FIex" Is Β trademark
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matic radioactive contamination alarm, Model CY-1, is quite sen sitive. Its threshold of sensitivity for Co60 gamma-rays is in the range of 0.03 and 3 ,uR/second and beta radiation from 1 to 100 β particles/ sec./sq. cm. over a surface of 150 sq. cm. Operating time of the in strument is 4 seconds.
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