Castor oil plant grows wild in Mexican fields - American Chemical

become hot and ignite." Ozone: "Thanks,I guess. I won't return that knowledge." (Exit. ... 'Wealthy man commits suicide by inhaling chlorine.' Chlorin...
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Ozone: "Well, we fellows are trying to build a camp-fire and, someway, we just can't make i t burn." Molecule: "Well, I suppose you are using green leaves and sticks, aren't you?" Ozone: "Well-there aren't so nrery many green ones." Molecule: "Ozone, in building a camp-fire always select materials that bum readily or are combustible, such as wood, paper, and coal. Lay the sticks criss-cross so that air can circulate. Heat causes the fuel to bum, so in starting a fire use materials that have a low kindling temperature-as dry grass or paper. Then your wood and coal will become hot and ignite." Ozone: "Thanks, I guess I won't return that knowledge." (Exit.

Atom stops work. Spot is removed.)

Atom: "It worked great." (He puts napkin on tahlc and starts studying. Door opens and a gang of baysZinc, Lead, Barium, Sduer, A l u m i u z , Mercury-ntrr shouting, Inu~hiog,and waving their ~ a p s . )

Zinc: "Come on, you fellows, and go to the show." Atom: "What's on?" Lead: "Iron plays in 'Slow Oxidation.' Boy, it's heavy stuff." Molecule: "No, we can't. Have t o study for a chemistry test coming tomorrow. Hang around and we'll go to the second show." ( A t m and Molecule continue studying and the other boys busy themselves aroond the room. Boriuln picks up evening paper and reads a while.)

Barium: "Gee! Look'it here-(reads)-'Wealthy man commits suicide by inhaling chlorine.' Chlorine? Chlorine? Why that's the poisonous gas they used in the World War." Lead (throwing pillow a t Barium): "Oh can the chatter! Let's get something on the radio." (Lead walks t o the radio and tunes in.)

Voice: "Station KHS. Professor Philip Milo Bail of Keokuk High School will now give us a lecture on 'Purification of Water.' " Lead: "Oh, Bunk! Let's go to the show!" (Whole gang lcavcs.)


Castor Oil Plant Grows Wild in Mexican Fields. Vast fields of castor ail plants grow wild in Mexico, according to information received by the American Chemical Society. There are two varieties, one of woody growth whose seeds yield thirty per cent of oil, and the other of herbaceous habit with seeds yielding about fifty per cent. The nntivcs know the plant as "Higuerilla."-Science Service