Catalysis of hydrogen production in irradiated aqueous solutions by

Apr 23, 1979 - 1760 from the National Eye Institute and by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. References and Notes. (1) J. Saltiel and J. L. Charlton In ...
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Communications to the Editor

arguments about B a r e not occasioned by mathematical artifacts, the first step of the vision process is likely to be a cis-trans photoisomerization reaction that can be described as a "through-space" charge separation2' where the isomerization leads to separation of the positively charged Schiff base nitrogen and a negatively charged group of the protein6$22 (Figure 3). The high quantum yield of the visual pigment indicates that the protein eliminates the excited-state barrier; this might involve proton transfer between two acids.I3

Table 1. Dose and Dose Rate Effect on G(H2) in the Aqueous 2Propanol. Acetone, and Gold Sols dose rate, krad/min



References and Notes J. Saltiel and J. L. Charlton in "Molecular Rearrangements", 2nd ed., Paul


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In summing the quantum yields for stilbene, one has to consider the quantum dihydrophenanthrenereaction, which is estimated to yield of the cis be 0.1-0.2. The relatively low quantum yield of bathotodopsin rhodopsin was evaluated only at low temperature and might be due to a small barrier and/or a shallow excited-state surface causing lackadaisical torsional motion at 100' d 160' with significant calculated crossing probability (8' 0.01)at @ 150'. A. Warshel, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 2558(1978). A. Warshel. Photochem. Photobiol., 30, 285 (1979). 6. Aton. R. H. Calender, and B. Honig, Nature (London), 273, 785
