CEEM's TOTAL RESOURCE CENTER ISO 9000 ... - ACS Publications

tion on the ISO 14000 series of EMS. \ standards. Our writers literally travel the world to bring you the information you need to know. This monthly. ...
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CEEM's TOTAL RESOURCE CENTER ISO 14000 Publications and Training The ISO 14000 Handbook gives you clause-by-clause explanations and the guidance you need to evaluate ISO 14001 HMS requirements, develop and execute an implementation plan and answer questions on the certification process. Edited by Joseph Cascio, US TAG Chairman and leader of the US delegation in negotiations. Includes top i level contributions. Co-published with ASQC. It includes actual text of the standards! Price $75 + S&H ^k

What is ISO 14000?, Questions & Answers is a convenient, easy-touse reference guide that gives environmental professionals a reference on the evolving EMS standards. This handy publication answers more than 50 of the most commonly asked questions concerning ISO 140(H). Price $24.95 + S&H

International Environmental Systems Update brings you the latest informar tion on the ISO 14000 series of EMS \ standards. Our writers literally travel the world to bring you the information you need to know. This monthly J* publication is devoted to what companies. regulatory organizations and governments are doing to prepare for ISO 14000. Price $390lyr. ($607 outside US) CEEM offers F.MS training with public and in-house course options. Courses range from one to three days and include: Understanding the ISO 14000 Series for an Effective EMS, Developing and Implementing an ISO 14001 EMS, and Internal Auditing far ISO 14001. Call about our upcoming EMS conference in Marina Del Ray, CA on October 2-4! . ^^^_ ISO 14000 In Focus video training course provides you with a basic understanding of the ISO 14000 series and its application to your business. The total training package includes a video that explains the standards, the associated guidance documents, a training workbook and a copy of What is ISO 14000? Questions & Answers. Price $199.95 + S&H

CEEM INC. 10521 B r a d d o c k R o a d Fairfax. Virginia 22032 703-250-5900 • 800-745-5565 Fax 703-250-531 3

Integrated Management Systems Update provides readers with indepth information on the struggles and solutions of integrating multiple management systems, including environmental, financial, health and safety, and quality issues. This highly focused publication brings the latest Integrated Management news from various international and US industries right to your desk. Price $199lyr. ($299 outside US)

ISO 9000 Training CEEM offers ISO 9000 training through the British Standards Institution (BSI), a pioneer in the certification of quality systems. Courses include Understanding ISO 9000, Internal Auditor, Documentation, Auditing to ISO 9000 and Lead Auditor. Courses tailored to the QS-9000 standard include Internal Auditor and Lead Auditor for the Auto Industry.

For more information on any of our products or training, call