Cellulose Mucilage. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

Cellulose Mucilage. Jessie E. Minor. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1921, 13 (2), pp 131–133. DOI: 10.1021/ie50134a011. Publication Date: February 1921. ACS Lega...
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Feb., 1921


the fact t h a t t h e curve for Mixture D, which contains aniline and zinc oxide, falls below t h a t of B, which contains aniline but no zinc oxide, argues against the formation of diphenylthiourea (and the subsequent formation of the zinc salt of its decomposition or conversion products) from the aniline originally present in the mixture.




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The preceding observations are probably applicable t o mixtures of the same general type and composition as employed in the course of this work only. CONCLUSIONS

I n a rubber-sulfur mixture, the activity of aniline in t h e acceleration of vulcanization is much greater than t h a t of a molecularly equivalent quantity of diphenylthiourea. (2) I n mixtures which contain zinc oxide, diphenylthiourea is more active than aniline. (3) I n mixtures accelerated by aniline, either with or without zinc oxide, the same maximum tensile strength is obtained, accompanied by a higher sulfur coefficient in the absence of zinc oxide than when this substance is present. (4) Mixtures which contain zinc oxide, and which are accelerated by either aniline or diphenylthiourea, show large increases in tensile strongth in the early stages of the vulcanization. ( 5 ) Mixtures which contain zinc oxide and which are accelerated by either aniline or diphenylthiourea, attain the same maximum tensile strength a t approximately the same sulfur coefficients. (6) There is apparently no general relation between the physical properties and sulfur coefficients of accelerated mixtures. (1)


DuringLthe past year, Schwalbe and Beckerz have published some very interesting conclusions as t o the exact chemical changes which occur in the making of paper from wood and cotton, based on laboratory experiments, and some practical applications of these 1 Presented at the Cellulose Symposium of the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry at the 60th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, Ill,, September 6 to 10, 1920. 2 Z angew Chem , 33 {1920), 14, 5 7 , 58


facts. These conclusions seemed to be in such complete accord with conclusions reached earlier by the author that i t was deemed worth while t o present this summary of both lines of work. Schwalbe and Becker have assumed that the first step of the decomposition of cellulose consists in the formation of an insoluble hydrocellulose or oxycellulose which has properties very similar t o the hemicelluloses of wood incrustation, in that it reduces Fehling's solution and is in general unstable and reactive. Decomposition of this hydrocellulose or oxycellulose or of the hemicellulose produces a mucilaginous substance which has a higher copper number than the hydro-, oxy-, or hemicellulose from which it was made, and which constitutes the cementing material of the parchment paper. If the decomposition is carried too far, the mucilage is decomposed and we get sugars or acids. I n our previous publications we have assumed t h a t pure cellulose exercises a marked positive residual valence by means of which i t strongly adsorbs hydroxyl ions from the solution, the adsorption being greatly aided by mechanical treatment. These hydroxyl ions, by means of their close proximity t o t h e cellulose, are able t o hydrolyze the celliilose molecule with increasing velocity into a series of products of which the earlier ones are insoluble and mucilaginous, the latter ones soluble dextrins or acids. Hauser and Herzfeld have shown that the first product, which Schwalbe and Becker call hydrocellulose, is a mixture of cellulose with more or less easily soluble dextrins, for if the pulp is thoroughly washed with hot water the dextrin is washed away, the copper number is reduced, and the development of mucilage is re'tarded. If these reactive dextrins were adsorbed by pure cellulose, they would without doubt catalyze the decomposition of the cellulose, giving an adequate explanation for the increase in reaction velocity as decomposition pro-ceeds. The first evidence of the presence of these dextrins would be merely the increased reactivity of the cellulose but, since they are mucilaginous by nature, we should gradually get the increased slowness of the pulp and the turbidity of the solution due t o aggregates of cellulose and dextrin. When the insoluble cellulose became completely changed t o soluble dextrin or sugar, the solution would lose its turbidity, but this would not occur until after all the fiber structure had been destroyed. Schwalbe and Becker say that when a mucilage is formed b y beating, a reducible substance must be present in the original material. I n other words, the earlier decomposition reaction must be so catalyzed by the adsorbed dextrins disseminated throughout the pulp mass as t o occasion a rapid formation and a n accumulation of mucilage a t the time when, by drying, reaction ceases. Another evidence for this adsorption theory is in the colloidal properties of t h e mucilaginous product. If this mucilage is allowed t o dry slowly in the air, one obtains a horny, rather viscous mass which swells quite decidedly in water-saturated air, much more





T E E " J 0 U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y

s probably related t o ption when in the excessively dried, goes back t o the i t is then pressed, as hard ironed or pleated cloth or calendered paper, then the adsorption is still further decreased. Further interesting evidence of the variation in the nature of these decomposition reactions is shown by the effects of cold and hot water upon cellulose. When a wood pulp lies in cold water, the slowly formed dextrins are firmly adsorbed by the cellulose, thus forming the insoluble, reactive aggregate which gives slowness t o the stock. Mechanical beating increases t h e velocity of the reaction t o such an extent t h a t the increase in copper number is quite apparent, but washing decreases the copper number by slowly removing the more rapidly formed and, therefore, less firmly adsorbed soluble products. Hot water treatment so hastens hydrolysis and weakens adsorption t h a t mucilaginous products are destroyed more rapidly than made. An interesting experiment which bears on this point was recently made in our laboratory. A part of a sample of good parchment pulp, which had been merely disintegrated in a beater, was triturated in a mortar for I . 5 hrs., then the triturated and the nontriturated portions were washed with water which was neutral t o methyl red in filter papers which had also been washed neutral t o methyl red. The triturated pulp was decidedly more alkaline than the original sample and, when washed with hot, neutral water, the alkalinity increased. On washing later with cold, neutral water, both pulps became acid t o the indicator, but on again washing with hot water, more alkalinity was developed. This alternating of acidity and alkalinity could be continued €or some time, Apparently, hot water developed hydration enough more rapidly than i t could be washed out through a filter paper t o have its alkalinity apparent to this sensitive indicator, whereas t h e more slowly formed hydrate of the cold water is washed out as quickly as formed. Incidentally, since, after triturating for I . 5 hrs., the pulp tested more alkaline than before, and this in the presence of an indicator which can easily detect the excess alkalinity of hydration in hot water, i t would seem reasonably certain t h a t acids are not developed by beating except in the presence of an oxidizing agent like bleach. Schwalbe and Becker showed that, if pulp is allowed to remain in hot water, 100' C., for 24 hrs., pulp degradation will proceed so far that, after subsequent beating, the copper number is decreased and the strength of the paper made from the pulp very much lessened. The making of paper from wood or cotton would then consist in so controlling the decomposition reactions as t o get the minimum of soluble sugars a n d acids, which constitute a complete loss of material, and such a ratio between mucilage and undecomposed fiber as will give the maximum strength and all other desired physical properties t o the finaper. For a plain paper, the maximum fiber nd strength and just enough mucilage t o hold

Vol. 13, No. 2

the fibers together are desired, whereas for a parchment i t is essential t h a t the mucilage be sufficient in quantity t o give grease-proof qualities t o the paper. and, with this amount Qf mucilage, it is possible t o sacrifice considerable fiber strength and still maintain paper strength. Schwalbe and Becker note that pulps with a high copper number, t h a t is, pulps containing a large per cent of reactive material, beat t o mucilage more easily than those with a low copper number. They were able t o show t h a t pulps, which in practice are known t o make good parchment papers, always contain a relatively high copper number, whereas the softer wood pulps, from which the incrustation has been removed, and cotton, neither of which make good parchment paper, have a relatively low copper number. If the cementing mucilage must be made a t the expense of the pure cellulose of the fiber, i t would be impossible by beating ever t o obtain enough t o make a grease-proof sheet, since its degradation occurs probably as rapidly as its formation. Therefore, for parchment making, the papermaker chooses a pulp which is rich in the reactive hemicelluloses, t h a t is, one in which the wood fiber incrustation has been attacked just sufficiently t o cause it t o yield easily t o the beating process, but not sufficiently t o make i t soluble, then beats it until he has obtained the maximum mucilage formation consistent with the maximum fiber disintegration allowable. I n experiments performed in the laboratory by Schwalbe and Becker and in our laboratory, it has been shown that parchment quality can be developed in a pulp of low copper number by treating i t with acid or a n acid-forming salt previous t o beating, so t h a t the hydrocellulose formation is accelerated and the subsequent mucilage formation increased. I n an experiment with a sulfite pulp of low copper number, the time required t o reach a standard slowness was reduced by acid softening from 3 . 7 5 hrs. t o 2 0 min. Under the same treatment a parchment pulp with a high copper number required 2 hrs. I O min. t o reach the same slowness. Mullen pop tests upon hand sheets made from this acid-treated pulp show a decided increase in strength over those made from the same pulp, not acid treated, and the blistering quality of the paper is decidedly developed by this treatment. So far as known, this treatment has not been tried on a commercial scale and the engineering details have not been worked out, but i t would seem t h a t i t would make i t quite possible to make good, blistering, greaseproof, parchment paper from such pulps as t h a t recovered from old paper. The practical difficulties are in the standardization of the exact conditions for the acid treatment, since excessive acid hydrolysis would also accelerate mucilage destruction. A German patent has been issued for a process of treating waste papers with chlorine and water, enough partially t o decompose the cellulose, then grinding under water and incorporating this mass with paper pulp t o make a close, strong sheet of paper, I t would seem as if a similar mixture would also be satisfactory t o use as a waterproof coating for papers.

Feb., 1921



According t o Schwalbe and Becker, another evi- of which i t is desired t o preserve, but t o impregnate dence for the colloidal nature of cellulose mucilage is such a product with a mucilage which has been sepai n its ready splitting of metal salts and adsorption of rately prepared, possibly using i t as a part of t h e size. t h e base. This is t o be expected from the more strongly SUMMARY negative residual valence of the hydrolyzed product. I n the foregoing t h e author has attempted t o deThe accumulation of residual valence over the surface velop t h e following propositions: of the molecule very largely favors the colloidal state ( I ) The first step in the decomposition of cellulose by its repulsion of its own particles carrying like forms a mucilaginous soluble dextrin which easily charges. Particles carrying opposite charges, like reduces Fehling’s solution. These dextrins, as soon metal ions, are readily adsorbed, and t h e rate of ad- as formed, are adsorbed by pure cellulose, thus formsorption would increase with increased hydration and ing a reactive insoluble aggregate, called hydrocellulose. hydrolysis. A practical application of this is found ( 2 ) Mucilage differs from hydrocellulose in the in t h e partial conversion of the cloth of gas mantles larger per cent of soluble adsorbed dextrins present. into a hydrolyzed product before impregnation with (3) These adsorbed dextrins serve to catalyze the metals, a treatment which, because of increased adsorp- hydrolysis of cellulose. tion, causes a better retention of metal. (4) Complete hydrolysis leaves only soluble dextrins. When a pulp is treated with alum, t h e liquid very ( 5 ) Mucilage, possibly through its colloidal nature, quickly becomes acid, but the acidity is very readily has a greater power of adsorbing water t h a n has pure washed out, leaving an alkaline pulp. This is due t o cellulose. a splitting of the salt and a n adsorption of the free (6) Cold water immersion causes a slow hydrolysis. base b y the fiber, leaving the free acid in the solution. Hot water hastens hydrolysis and weakens adsorption, The power of splitting salts and adsorbing their bases so t h a t mucilaginous products are destroyed as rapidly increases as t h e amount of mucilage in the pulp is as formed. increased, and this is further evidenced b y the in(7) With methyl red as an indicator, it is possible crease in the colloidal properties of the cellulose on t o detect the increase in t h e alkalinity of the hydrahydrolysis. tion of pulp. This theory would also explain why, when mor(8) Pulps with an original high copper number danting with the salt of a weak acid like an acetate, beat t o mucilage more easily than those with a low the presence of some strong acid, like sulfuric, which copper number, owing t o the larger amount of catalyst aids the hydrolysis of the fibers, gives a better coloring. present. The adsorption of metal very markedly weakens (9) The copper number of bleached pulp can be the strength of the paper made from it, no doubt by increased by a careful acid treatment prior t o beating. diverting some of the intermolecular affinities t o ( I O ) Cellulose mucilage will split a salt and adsorb the holding of the metal. By means of this loss of the metal ion more easily than pure cellulose, owing t o strength, Schwalbe and Becker were able t o deter- the more colloidal state. mine t h a t papers impregnated with as little as 0 . 2 5 ( r I ) Moisture or acid treatment aids dyeing by per cent of magnesium chloride and hung in an forming mucilage. air which was partially saturated with moisture, were able t o split the salt and adsorb the metal, and t h a t THE PREPARATION AND TECHNICAL USES OF t h e amount of metal adsorbed depends on t h e amount FURFURAL’ of moisture present. The greatest effect was with a n By K. P. Monroe air which contained decidedly less moisture than COLOR INVESTXGATXON LABORATORY, U. s. BUREAU OF CHEIISTRY, enough t o saturate it. The function of the air is, no WASHINGTON. D. C. doubt, t o aid hydrolysis of both salt and fiber. Although i t has long been known t h a t furfural (2-furThrough this theory of the easy hydrolysis of salt aldehyde) and fiber in moist air, one can explain the fact t h a t HC-CH loose piles of freshly colored, unwashed fibers take on (4JJ cI/ ( 3 )CHO a deeper color than do fibers not so spread out. The (5) (2) loss of weight experienced in dyeing cotton goods may (1) be attributed t o the further fiber hydrolysis forming some soluble products. In steaming under pressure may be prepared by distillation of pentose or pentosan with basic dyes, we find not only the possible forma- containing substances2 with acid, and this has indeed tion of a dye-fixing hydrocellulose arising from the 1 Presented before the D y e Section at the 59th Meeting of the Amerihydrochloric acid of the dye, but also oxidation through can Chemical Society, St. Louis, Mo., April 14, 1920. Ann., 3 (1832), 141; Stenhouse, I b i d . , 35 (1840), 301; atmospheric oxygen in the steam, which would give P o m2eDobereiner, s , Ibid., 54 (1845), 52; v. Babo, I b i d . , 85 (1853), 100, Vdlckel, I b t d . , reactive oxycellulose. 85 (1853), 6 5 ; Schwanert. I b i d . , 116 (1860). 258; Stenhouse, I b i d . , 156 (1870), Although acid presence aids mucilage formation 199; Gudkow, 2. Chem., 1870, 360; Williams, Jahresb., 1874. 770; Heill, 10 (1877), 936, v. Meyer, I b i d . , 11 (1878), 1870; Hill, Am. Chem. J . , and dyeing, it must always be used with care, inasmuch Bev., 3 (1881), 36; Stone and Tollens, A n n , 249 (1888). 227; Gtmther, de Chalas excess causes loss of strength of t h e finished product. mot and Tollens, Ber., 25 (18921, 2569; Gross, Bevan and Smith, I b i d . , Looking a t the matter from a purely theoretic stand- 28 (1895). 1940; Tollens. Ann., 286 (1895), 301; Kruger and Tollens, 2. angew. Chem., 9 (1896), 44; Semmler, Ber., 89 (1906), 731; Brdmann and point, it would seem as if it would be much safer not Schafer, I b i d . , 43 (1910), 2401; Gildemeister and Hoffmam, “Die kterischen to attempt acid treatment on the fiber, the strength Ole,” Leipzig, 1910, p. 44%
