C&EN Webinars - Finding the Balance: Setting Up Data Independent

Oct 13, 2014 - C&EN Webinars - Finding the Balance: Setting Up Data Independent Acquisition on a Q Exactive HF MS Using Spectronaut and Application to...
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Finding the Balance: Seting Up Data Independent Acquisition on a Q Exactive HF MS Using Spectronaut and Application to a Hepatotoxicity Study

WEBINARS Stronger bonds.

OCTOBER 30, 2014 8:00 a.m. PDT / 11:00 a.m. EDT / 16:00 BST



Dr. Lukas Reiter, Head of Research & Development BiognoSYS AG

Dr. Yue Xuan, Product Specialist FT-MS Termo Fisher Scientifc

Linda Wang, Senior Editor C&EN



Tis webinar, in two parts, will cover the development of an optimized Data Independent Acquisition (DIA) workfow for a proteomics study using the Termo Scientifc™ Q Exactive™ HF mass spectrometer and Spectronaut™ sofware.

• Te prerequisites, including both hardware and sofware, for the data independent acquisition (DIA) current workfow

In the frst part, Yue Xuan will introduce the Q Exactive HF hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer featuring an ultra-highfeld Orbitrap analyzer, which doubles its speed and resolution. Te benefts of fast scan speed, high mass accuracy, and excellent HCD MS/MS spectra quality of QE HF MS for DIA applications are reviewed along with a demonstration of the workfow strategy using data from analysis of various samples. In the second part, Lukas Reiter will present DIA for protein profling of human 3D liver microtissues on a Q Exactive HF MS and using the Spectronaut™ sofware. Te microtissues were exposed to biologically relevant concentrations of Acetaminophen and measured in triplicates. With the instrumentation and sofware advancements it became feasible to robustly profle thousands of proteins across dozens of conditions with reasonable time, cost and very limited starting material.

• Te DIA workfows based on Q Exactive HF MS platform • High Resolution Accurate Mass information for both MS/MS and MS to confdent identify and quantify samples • A study of DIA protein profling of human 3D liver microtissues on a Q Exactive HF MS and using the Spectronaut™ sofware

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: • Proteomics Scientists • Mass Spectrometrists • Core Lab Researches & Directors


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