C&EN's annual feature devoted to employment in the chemical

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CAREER* OPPOR- l TUNITIES March 13,1967 C&EN's annual feature devoted to employment in the chemical process industries 14 C&EN

the issue: Career Opportunities is a special yearly supplement (published separately in 1967) which reviews careers in the chemical process industries and in chemical science and education. Its purpose is two-fold: (1) To give the reader a clear, concise analysis of trends within the industry so that he can plan his career more intelligently, and (2) to offer the advertiser perhaps the only real chance he has to outline the complete scope and purpose of his company and the advantages of working for it. In essence, it's an opportunity for employer and employee to meet on a common professional and practical ground. Results have shown this to be true. Editorial has generated widespread interest and comment among readers, and they in turn have sent in nearly 20,000 inquiries annually to listed and advertised companies for more information.

editorial: Examine this package. Weigh its value to the reader and the exceptional opportunity it offers your company for corporate advertising.

section I: annual highlights 1. Survey: Discusses current manpower needs, salary levels, changing conditions, etc. 2. Guide to Job-Hunting Tools. 3. Directory of Companies: Listing of over 800 companies that employ chemists and chemical engineers, addresses and type of specialty desired. 4. Readers' Service Card: On which the reader can list companies from whom he would like to receive career information. C&EN processes the card and forwards the name of the individual to the company.

section 11:1967 special feature This year the editors will examine six major economic fields. What's going on in these areas? What are the trends? Manpower needs? How will they affect the chemist and chemical engineer?His training and specialties? Areas examined: medicine: Including medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, clinical instrumentation, and otherhealth and related areas.. consumer products: Aerosols, foods, clothing, leisure products, and many more. construction: Homes, buildings, roads, dams,etc. transportation: Cars, planes, trains, trucks, buses, subways, high-speed systems, the problem of outer space, etc.

agriculture: Changes coming about in earth-oriented sciences. New techniques, new programs for feeding the world. education: Changes in current educational training that are being made to fill changing needs. Techniques, goals, personnel, plants and equipment. This special feature will definitely be oriented to career guidance. It will answer such questions as: 1. What kinds of jobs are available? Will be available? 2. Where might new technology create new needs? 3. Where are there shortages in certain disciplines? 4. Where are changes in job emphasis occurring? 5. Where is "science-orientation" preferable to "practice-orientation" (and vice-versa)? 6. Where are advanced degrees needed? Complete and authoritative, entirely staff-written Career Opportunities is one of the few publications that is literally in use "all year long."

circulation: Picture your ad in Career Opportunities. It will be read by C&EN's regular circulation of 124,000-management, research, development, production and sales; chemical and engineering students and instructors; consultants. PIUS t h i s FREE BONUS DISTRIBUTION:

• 300 job placement directors at ACS approved schools • unlimited distribution at two National ACS Meetings • unlimited distribution through the ACS National Employment Clearing House • extra distribution through ACS local sections and an OVERPRINT of 30,000 copies of Career Opportunities to fill the many requests for additional copies (all purchased) from industry and associations, companies and individuals. 155,000 copies in a l l . . . the largest chemical and engineering audience ever available!

For further information on Career Opportunities, write Robert J. Halliday

Chemical and Engineering News Advertising Management: ^ Reinhold Publishing Corporation (£> A Subsidiary of Chapman-Reinhold, Inc.

430 Park Avenue, New York 10022

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