Centrifugation - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Separation of Nanoparticles in Aqueous Multiphase Systems through Centrifugation. Nano Letters. Akbulut, Mace, Martinez, Kumar, Nie, Patton, and White...
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January 1953



(291) Toshima, SbichirB, Busseiron Kenkyt?, No. 41, 89-95 (1951). (292)Tourneux, C., and Devin, C., Compt. rend., 232, 2430-2 (1951). (293) Trail, H. S., U.S. Patent 2,572,578(Oct. 23, 1951). (294) Trapnell, B. M. W., Trans. Faraday SOC.,48, 160-5 (1952). (295) Troesch, A., J . chim. phys., 48, 454-64 (1951). (296) Utsugi, Hiroshi, J. Chem. SOC.J a p a n , Pure Chem. Sect., 72, 812-15 (1951). (297) Van Nordstrand, R. A., Kreger, W. E., and Ries, H. E., Jr., J . P h y ~& . Colloid Chem., 55, 621-38 (1951). (298) Venturello, Giovanni, and Burdese, Aurelio, Ann. chim., 41, 155-62 (1951). (299) Vermeulen, Theodore, and Hiester, N. K., IND. ENG.CHEM., 44, 636-51 (1952). (300) Vernon, W.H.J., Nature, 167, 1037-8 (1951). (301) Vogt, Walther, Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 23, 580-1 (1951). (302) Voitko, L. M., and Kharin, A. N., Zhur. Prinklad. Khim., 22, 1237-48 (i949). (303) Ibid., 24, 509-19, 557-67 (1951). (304) Vold, M. J., J . Colloid Sci., 7, 1968 (1952). (305) Volman, D. H.,and Doyle, G. J., J . Phys. Chem., 56, 182-5 (1952). (306) Waksmundzki, Andrzej, WiudomoSci Chem., 3, 169-83 (1949). (307) Ward, A. F. H., and Tordai, L., Rec. trav. chim., 71, 396-408 (1952). (308) Weeks, R. L.,U. S. Patent 2,589,981(March 18, 1952). and Williams, T. I., Angew. Chem., 63,457-60 (1951). (309) Weil, H., (310)Westman, A. E.R., and Scott, A. E., Nature, 168,740 (1951). (311)Wittenberger, Walter, Chem.-Ztg., 76, 88-9 (1952). (312) ’&olstenholme, G. A., and Schulman, J. H., J . Oil & Colour Chemists’ Assoc., 34,571-80 (1951). (313) Yamane, Takeo, J . Sci. Research Inst., 45, 87-94 (1951). (314) Young, D. M., Trans. Faraday SOC.,47, 1228-33 (1951). (315)Zwietering, P., Oele, A. P., and Van Krevelen, D. W.. Fuel, 30, 203-4 (1951).

(267)Sato, Hideshi, J . Chem. SOC.J a p a n , Pure Chem. Sect., 72, 7903 (1951). (268) Saunders, L.,J . Pharm. Pharmacol., 3, 865-82 (1951). (269)Savage, R. H.,Ann. N . Y . Acud. Sci., 53, 862-9 (1951). (270) Schafer, Karl, Kolloid-Z., 124, 15-22 (1951). (271)Schexnailder, R.E.,Jr., U. 8. Patent 2,582,722(Jan. 12,1952). (272)Schuit, G.C.A.,Chem. Weekblad, 47, 453-65 (1951). (273)Schuit, G. C.A., and deBoer, H. N., Rec. trav. chim., 70, 106784 (1951). (274) Seybert, E. K., Petrolem Processing, 7, 1150-3 (1952). (275)Smith, T. D., J . Chem. SOC.,1952,923-7. (276) Spengler, G.,and Krenkler, K., Petroleum Refiner, 31, 111-14 (July 1952). (277) Standard Oil Development Co. Brit. Patent 661,741(Nov. 28, 1951). (278) Starobinets, G. L.,and Starobinets, K. S., Zhur. Fiz. Khim., 25, 753-8 (1951). (279)Ibid., pp. 759-67. (280) Stowe, V. M.,J . Phys. Chem., 56, 484-6,487-9 (1952). (281) Strazhesko, D. M., and Glazman, Yu, M., Dopovidi Akad. N a u k Ukr. R.S.R., 1950, 283-5. (282) Swietodawski, W., Przemyd Chem., 29, 6, 41-3 (1950). (283)Tanaka, Tomoyasu, Busseiron Kenky;, No. 14, 1-17; No.15, 29-37; NO.20,55-64 (1949); NO.40, 90-9 (1951). (284)Tarama, Kimio, Miyakawa, Toshio, and Morishima, Naomasa, Repts. Inst. Chem. Research, Kyoto Univ., 17, 108-11 (1949). (285)Tewari, S. N.,and Ghosh, Satyoshewar, Kolloid-Z., 124, 31-6 (1951). (286)Theimer, O.,Monutsh. 81, 1120-8 (1950). (287)Theimer, O.,Z. Elektrochem., 55,709-15 (1951). (288) Thomas, G. G.,Nature, 168, 474 (1951). (289) Thomas, H.C.,J . Chem. Phys., 19, 1213 (1951). (290) Todes, 0. M., and Bikson, Ya. M., Doklady Akad. N a u k S.S.S.R., 75,727-30 (1950).


The principal contributions to the field of centrifugation this year have been made b y companies or individuals involved in the sugar industry. Storrow i s continuing his fundamental studies on hydroextraction. Smith has presented extensive information on the cost of centrifuges. The fife and safety factors of centrifugal baskets are receiving more consideration.


N INCREASING number of books describing the appli-


cation of the centrifuge to industrial chemical processing is appearing, The most extensive general treatment of the subject this year is found in 7Jllmann’s Encyklopadie der technischen Chemie” (48). It contains descriptions of a variety of centrifugal machines together with their fields of application. The theory receives only a cursory treatment compared with that found in Perry (83)but, on the other hand, the descriptions and illustrations are better. Several books on sugar technology include sections on the use of centrifugals. Tromp (58),in a n early book, previously overlooked by the reviewer, presents a treatment of the principles of centrifugation, the types and details of sugar centrifugal, and typical centrifugal data. Lyle (SY), in his recent book, gives a rather diffuse treatment of the subject. McGinnis (38) has presented a n excellent exposition of the qualitative factors which influence the performance of centrifugal machines in the beet sugar industry. He considers such significant items as rotational speed, acceleration time, time at which wash water is applied, increments of wash water, amount of wash water, wash water temperature, wash water distribution, amount of load, the correct cycle length, and centrifugal covers. Users of centrifugals in other industries might profit from the great backlog of knowledge the sugar refiners possess.

Kerr (35) describes briefly the use of centrifuges in the starch industry. A bibliography is included in his book which will be of interest t o those who follow the hi’storical development of the application of the centrifuge. Radley (4.4) also treats the application of centrifuges t o the manufacture of starch. His references extend back to 1883 but he has apparently overlooked the application of the Merco centrifuge t o this industry in t h e United States (7). A comprehensive treatment of t h e application of the Sharples and DeLaval units in the manufacture of varnish is found in Chatfield’s book (16). Martin (39) gives a brief description of the early patents in the centrifugal field which have been applied t o the soap and detergent industry. Southern (55)’ in “Marine Diesel Oil Engines,” describes DeLava1 and Sharples oil purifiers and enumerates their advantages as purifying devices for lubricating and fuel oils. Smith (54) continues to render a valuable service t o the users of centrifugal equipment. His most recent contribution gives purchase prices, installation costs, maintenance costs, operating labor, and performance and capacity figures for a large variety of centrifugal machines. This information is t h e most recently developed and probably the best for present day purposes. The number of review articles and nomograms for t h e calculation of centrifugal force has decreased. Some extensive descriptions of new installations in the sugar plants are available. Broadbent (IO)has furnished a thorough description of two recent installations in sugar factories. The descriptions of the drive,


Vol. 45, No. 1


Figure I. Centrifu als at the American M a i z e Products Plant for %rodwing Starch (Roby, Ind.)

ing in the centrifuge. It is hoped that Storrow will illustrate the application of the fundamentals he is developing to the probleme of actual centrifugation as time goes on. The life and strength of centrifugal baskets have been considered by several authors. The British Standards Institution in 1981 (9) revised its specifications for centrifugal baskets established in 1938 (8). The method of calculating the stresses in the basket shell and hoops has been modified, The materials of construction are now limited to those in general use and allowable stresses have been brought in line with current practice Crawford (20) has considered the safety factor in centrifugal baskets and expresses the belief that taking into account the effect of corrosion on the endurance limit of ferrous materials, most modern high-speed centrifuges have a factor of safety less than unity and must eventually fail in fatigue. He feels that comprehensive tests of materials in the presence of molasses and other corrosive sugar liquors are needed, Gay ( 2 6 ) states that it is not possible to predict the life of a centrifugal basket. He ascribes the failure of baskets to corrosion, erosion, and fatigue. H e advocates preventive maintenance and tells where to look for points of possible failures. This is a good article and of interest to anyone concerned with the problems of basket failure. Preliminary tests on a centrifuge to remove the mud and other insoluble materials in the manufacture of raw sugar have been described by Savoie (@). Fessler ($2)has tested a Westfalia centrifuge as a device for clarifying white wine which contained added yeasts and lees in mrine. He lists the advantages of the use of the centrifuge over other procedures for clarifying mine. Perk (43) describes the various tests which are made on machines and steam engines in a sugar factory. He includes the testing of centrifugal equipment. ildditional information is available on the multistage Luwesta centrifugal extractor which was referred to last year. Performance data are now available on its throughput and efficiency in such operations as the removal of acetic acid from water

basket design, washing procedure, Safety device on the plow, and complete cycle schedules make this article of interest. The operation of a continuous centrifuge of the reciprocating type made by Escher-Wyss on sugar separations has been described by Ruegg (@). One gathers from his statements that he obtained data for a comparison between the Escher-Wyss unit and the usual batch centrifugal and t h a t the comparison was favorable t o the continuous unit. However, he supplies no data. H e claims that the quantity of wash water is less, owing t o a thinner cake, and that a lower current is used because of such infrequent starting. Martinez (40) describes the installation and operation of four western states’ 48 by 30 inch automatic centrifugals srparating sugar crystals. Tromp ( 5 7 ) has considered Table I. N e w Equipment Developments in Centrifugals the problems connected with Kame Application Manufacturer “high-speed” centrifugals. His Separation of oil from soap stock Sharples AD-26 duplex centrifuge term of high-speed refers to Continuous centrifugation of beet sugar Esoher-Wyss Model C-4 machines used in the sugar Poppleton valve Discharge of orystals from batch centrifuge Broadbent Component parts of aircraft and missiles Genisoo Inc. Centrifugal accelerator industry which generate effects Ultracentrifugal bowl, 1600 mi. Speed up preparative runs on sedimentary SpecialiLed Inst. Co. materials, also oan be used in preparations of from 1500 t o 3000 times requiring sterile handling gravity. H e describes the Centriwesta LWA-206 Rlultiple purpose unit for mixing, clarifica- Ceutrico, Inc. tion, concentration, or separation spindles, bearings, clutches, Base curd concentrator Production of baker’s cheese DeLaval Speedway tester Conducting Gerber test DeLaval plows, type of drives, and those Core analysis centrifuge Determination of capillary curves, connate International other modifications which have water, and residual oil in small core plugs .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Improvements in auxiliaries Sugar centrifugals made higher speeds possible. An illustrated procedure for Table II. Applications of Centrifugal Equipment cleaning a n oil purifier is availNanufacturing Process Type Unit iMaterials Separated able (21). FUNDAMENTAL STUDIES

Ambler’s ( 4 ) article presented at the White Sulphur Springs meeting in 1951 and discussed in the 1952 review has now appeared in a journal (8). Storrow (68)and his coworkers are continuing their fundamental work on hydroextraction. U n f or t u n a t el y some of their articles to which they refer have not yet been published, but all of this work will add to a better understanding of filtering and wash-

Lemon extracts Tapioca starch Processing of pear wastes Pineapple juice Coal washing Analysis of lead as lead sulfate Beet sugar Road oil Carbon recovery from black ash


DeLaval Batch solid bowl Merco MoNally-Carpenter International Semiautomatic Mitchell-Yardley Bird

Muscle extract Wine Embryo extract and tissue minces Sugar Hydroquinone Chemicals from milk Terramycin Food

Lemon juice from lemon oil Starch and cellulose from fruit water Juice from solids Partial separation of juice and solids Coal from water Lead sulfate from aqueous solution Sugar from solution Tar from road mixtures Calcium carbonate from aqueous sodium hvdroxide solution Cvtoohro-mes .” Clarificration-of ..... . wine .~ Embryo extract Cane juice from solids Mother liquor from hydroquinone Cream from milk Lactose from mother liquor Terramycin hydrochloride from solvent Removal of water from suinach and other food products Acetic acid from Hz0 solution using ethyl acetate Penicillin separated from solution using butyl acetate

Reference (65)

(48) (10)



(41) (10)


Reference (36)

(60) (87) (51) (13) (99) (11) (26)



Acetic acid recovery


Penicillin extraction






January 1953


using ethyl acetate and the removal of penicillin from its mother liquor using butyl acetate. It is interesting in the case of acetic acid t o compare the features of the Luwesta unit with the conventional unit.


Conventional Unit (81) Feed 3500 liters/hour Solvent 10,400 liters/hour Inlet concn. of acetic 200 grams/liter acid Outlet concn. of ace- 2 t o 3 grams/liter tic acid Tower is of copper, Description of unit 1 meter in diameter, 12 meters h i g h , packed with 1-inch Raschig rings

Luwesta Extractor (14) 5300 liters/hour 10,640 liters/hour 250 grams/liter

2 to 3 gramsjliter Two 3-stage Luwesta units hooked up in series

These units could be very useful in extraction operations in which it is difficult t o achieve a theoretical stage because of viscosity or interfacial surface tension conditions. Application of such units in t h e petroleum industry may merit consideration. Hes (30)studied the effect of centrifugal force on t4e germination of sugar cane cuttings and found that it increased the rate of germination-provided the buds were properly oriented t o the centrifugal field. NEW EaUlPMENt

The principal items of new equipment known to the reviewer are found in Table I. Additional comments on some of them seem warranted. Smith (68) describes the evolution of a new design for a two-centrifuge unit in a single case. The specifications on t h e motor for the drive are given also. Many of the component parts of aircraft and missiles have t o withstand large accelerations. A device can now bepurchased t o carry out t h e testing of these component parts (46). The Centriwesta laboratory centrifuge is a versatile instrument. It can be arranged t o operate as a mixing device, as a nozzle discharge unit, as a disk bowl, or a s a chamber bowl. The Westfalia organization is now set up in this country t o sell centrifugal apparatus. Their units include t h e usual ones for yeast, wine, brewery, a n d oil separations as well as centrifugal extractors. APPLICATIONS

Table I1 presents either new applications or additional descriptions of earlier applications of centrifugals. w


The recent patents which have come t o the reviewer’s attention are: Centrifugal separation (66) Centrifugal separators (6) Charging valves for centrifugals (6) Continuous centrifuial (62) Continuous centrifugal machines (18) Friction clutch for centrifugal ( 1 ) Procedure for slowing down a centrifuge (24) Speed control for centrifuge (32) Separating b y combined filtration and centrifugation (3) LITERATURE CITED

Aktiebolaget Separator, Brit. Patent 666,018 (July 14, 1949). Ibid., 670,260 (April 16,1952). Ambler, C. M., Chem. Eng. Prog., 48, 150-8 (1952). Ambler, C. M., preprint of White Sulphur Springs meeting Am. Inst. Chem. Eners.. DD. 97-117. March 11-14. 1951. (5) Baker-Perkins, Ltd., B&. Pitent 653,125 (May 9, 1951). (6) IbirE., 663,126.

(1) (2) (3) (4)


(7) Bishop, W., and Dustin, J., Food I n d s . , 23, No. 3, 121-4,211-12 (1951). (8) British Standards Institution, London, “Specifications for Hydroextractors,” 1938. (9) Ibid., “Hydroextractors and Centrifugal Machines,” 1951. (10) Broadbent, F., Intern. Sugar J., 54, 128-30 (1952). (11) Browning, J. E., and Havighorst, C. R., Food Eng., 23, No, 11,93-102,122-6 (1951). (12) Buskett, E. W., Colliery Eng., 29, 268-73 (1952). (13) Centrico, Inc., “Centriwesta Universal Laboratory Centrifuge

LWA-205,” New York, Centrico, Inc. (14) Centrico, Inc., “Countercurrent Solvent Extraction.” (15) Chapman, F. M.,Intern. Sugar J.,54,69-71 (1952). (16) Chatfield, H. W., “Varnish Manufacture and Plant,” pp. 2606, London, Leonard Hill, 1950. (17) Chem. Eng., 59, No. 3, 206-9 (1952). (18) Clark, G. M., Brit. Patent, 651,681 (April 4, 1951). (19) Clifford, G. F., Jr., International Equipment Co., private communication, Sept. 12, 1952. (20) Crawford, W. R., Intern. Sugar J., 54,41,45 (1952). (21) Diesel Power, 30, No. 5,54-5 (1952). (22) Fessler, J., W i n e s & Vines, 33, No. 3, 23 (1952). (23) Flowers, A. F., and Hill, S. H., “Chemical Engineers’ Handbook,” 3rd ed., pp. 992-1013, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1950. (24) Frankenstein, C., U. S. Patent 2,548,299 (Sept. 20, 1946). (25) Gay, F. E., Intern. Sugar J.,54, 188-9 (1952). (26) Gough, C. M., and Green, E. H., J. A p p l . Chem. (London), 2, 198-202 (1952). (27) Graham, R. P., et al., Food Eng., 24, No. 2, 82-3, 136-9, 151-3 (1952). (28) Haruni, M. M., and Storrow, J. A., Chem. Eng. Sci., 1, 154-84 (1952). (29) Hauschka, T. S., and Poppe, E., Science, 114, 664-5 (1951). (30) Hes, J. W., Sugar, 14, No. 8,11 (1952). (31) H. M. Stationery Office, B.I.O.S. Final Report No. 1051, Item No. 22. (32) Huser, R. J., and Stuhlreyer, A. H., U. S. Patent 2,551,838 (June 21,1947). (33) Jamagan, R. C., et al., Anal. Chem., 24,1115-17 (1952). ENG. CHEM.,44, (34) Kastens, M. L.. and Baldanski, F. A., IND. 1257-68 (1952). (35) Kerr, R. W., “Chemistry and Industry of Starch,” 2nd ed., pp. 56-7, New York, Academic Press, Inc., 1950. (36) Kieser, A. H., and Havighorst, C. R., Food Eng., 24, No. 9, 114-16,136-9,156-9 (1952). (37) Lyle, O., “Technology for Sugar Refinery Workers,’’ London, Chapman and Hall, 1950. (38) McGinnis, R. A., “Beet Sugar Technology,” pp. 359-69, New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1951. (39) Martin, G., “Modern Soap and Detergent Industry,” Vol. 2, VI 33, VI1 37, London, Technical Press, Ltd., 1951. (40) Martinez, R. J., Sugar, 14,28-32,74 (1951). (41) Meystre, F. J., Jr., DeLaval Separator Co., private communication, Sept. 30,1952. (42) Miessner, H., in “Ullmann’s Encyklopldie der technischen Chemie,” pp. 510-20, Miinchen-Berlin, Urban and Schwarzenberg, 1950. (43) Perk, C. G. M., Intern. Sugar J . , 54, 188-9 (1952). (44) Radley, J. A., Food Manuf., 27, No. 1, 20-2 (1952). (45) Reeves, R. V., Chem. Eng., 59, No. 1, 145-7 (1952). (46) Bev. Sci. Instr., 22,713-14 (1951). (47) Ibid., 23,453-4 (1952). (48) Ruegg, E., Intern. Sugar J.,54,212-13 (1952). (49) Savoie, C. C., Sugar, 14, No. 9, 38-40 (1952). (50) Shearon,.W. H., et al., IND. ENO.CHEM.,44, 1730-5 (1952). (51) Sheffield, E. S., Jr., Food Eng., 24, No. 1, 66-7, 187 (1952). (52) Slobod, R. L., et al., J. Petroleum Technol., 3, 127-34 (1951). (53) Smith, F., Elect. Manuf., 50, No. 1, 92-7 (1952). (54) Smith, J. C., Chem. Eng., 59, No. 4, 140-3, 147 (1952). (55) Southern, J. W. N., “Marine Diesel Oil Engines,” 8th ed., Vol. 2, K36-44, Glasgow, Jos. Munro and Co., Ltd. (56) Tholl, J. E., U.8. Patent 2,544,367 (March 6, 1951). (57) Tromp, L. A., Intern. Sugar J.,54, 159-61 (1952). (58) Tromp, L. A., “Machinery and Equipment of the Cane Sugar Factory,” pp. 526-38, London, Norman Rodger, 1936. (59) Van Biema, CT., and Shipman, L. C., Food Eng., 24, No. 3, 56-8, 132-5,182,184 (1952). (60) Wainio, W. W., et al., Science, 115, 573-4 (1952). (61) Weicker, F. C., Tolhurst Centrifugals, private communication, Sept. 19,1952. (62) Western States Machine Co., Brit. Patent 675,417 (July 9, 1952). (63) Willcox, 0. W., Sugar, 46, No. 10,56 (1961).