ceramics - ACS Publications

and clay pipe have made possible the vast construction of modern times. Less ... ings. textile thread guides, and ferrites have made possible the tech...
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C E R A M I C products have been the backbone of manufacturing industries since man's earliest creative achievrments. In recent times. refractories and abrasives have m a d e possible the vasr metal industry. Products such as bricks. tile. glass. insulation, portland cement. and clay pipe have m a d e possible the vast construction of modern times. Less \vel1 kno\vn to the public has been the role of ceramics in electronic producrs a n d as important items in larger complicated assemblies. T h u s . the capacitors a n d resistors a n d printed circuits. the memory cells. dielectrics. je\\.rl bearings. textile thread guides. a n d ferrites have made possible the technical and scientific achievements of o u r present era. The future of ceramics and ceramic materials has never been so promising. Inquiries for information. requests for research. a n d the requirements of designers in the j e t . nuclear. friction. infrared. a n d electronic fields indicate that only ceramic materials \?ill meet rhe temperatures of operation. 'Phe rigid specifications of materials for nuclear poxver Teneration and for rocket and j e t coiistruction have focused interest on the refractor)- a n d high temperature strength of ceramics. upon their radioactive proprrries. if any. a n d upon their resistance to radiation. T h e most significant developments of the past 18 monrlis i n the field of ceramics have been along these lines. although the vast industrJ- concerned \virh more traditional producls continues ro improve mrthods. materials. a n d products.

Research has bren initiatrd o n the reinforcement of high trrnperature allo)-s b>ceramic rods to prevenr c r w p a n d extend the usable tempera:urr range of alloys (70.4). A iechnique for coatiiig ceramic grains such as a l u m i n u m oxide. mullite. graphite. or titaniani carbide \vith metals such as nickel. chromiiim. or copper has been developed. This offers a ne\v approach to the cermet problem a n d offers ne17 possibilities of bondin? and fabrication of ceramic bodies ( I0.i). Se\-eral ne\\- compilations (6.1. 73.J. 77dj of phase equilibria diagrams o f spccial interest t u ceramists greatly- i n crease the avaiiability of such information. These includr prrtinen: rei'erences to rhr various fields oi' phase equilibria research as throry. interpretations. methods a n d techniques. ~ n a t l i c ~ n a r i ctreatment. al rhcrmodynamic calculations. silica:e chemistry. a n d rrlatcd diagrams. .I ne\v \cork (,v.4) o n methods and techniques of obtaining information \vir11 the microscope prol-ides a ready reference o f latrst interpretations of optical d a t a obtained from stiidy of rail materials. \\hire\\'ares. rei'racroi-ies.glass. c r m e n t . enamels. srrucrural clay producis. foundry sands. slags. a n d abrasi\.es. .Ideclassified edition of "Tlir Reactor Handbook" ( I O . 4 ) is no\\- available to rlie public a n d v o l u n i t ~ 3 of that \vork lists properties of numerous reactor materials iiicliidinq metals. alloys. a n d numero:is ceramics beryllia. graphite. carbidrs. cements a n d concretes. rare rarihs. and liiqh cross-section matcrials. Propri ties such as heat resistancr. formi n r proprriirs. corrosion behavior.

. ; ~ i ~ n q i hc,lasticily. . health hazards. ti it^chanical properries, p h y i c a l a n d chrinical emxiants. properties of spvcial in~ r r r s tto \vorkers in nuclear science. and i n ~ i c l iother information are discussed. S u m r r o u s srudies have been madc CJI-; i m p r o v c m t ~ n tof the techniques of difi'crvntial thermal analysis (.?A: .?A. 17'4. 31.1'~ and on application of these technique; I O wlutions of different problems 17.4. 72.1. I1.i. i7,ij. T r m p f m t u r e indicators kno\vii , i s 'I'liermocolor and T h r r m a c h r o m j . i ) ~itilizr pipinents \\,hich change coloi. rii drfinitr trrnperatures a n d are incorporated in paints and \vas crayons \ v h i c ! i ran be used on machine or engine p i i . ~ s o r rlrctrunic parts to indicate the aitainrd tc.mperatiire. Different p i n t s or ~ O ! O s I -ricalstructure of dry prrssed Ftpatite \lethods of preparation of maqnetic ferrite? Lead titanate and zirconate transducers Sature of semiconductors

Sing-le crystals of silicon carbide .\lumina metalized with hlo-kin for hiqh po\ver pulsrd klystt-ons hletallography of ferrites Hydrothermal study of antifcrroelectric lead zirconatcs Tables of electric and physical characteristics of dielrctrics

Applications of Ceramics in Nuclear Energy Production Li/pt ~ i i i r i Subject


Ceramics for nuclear power applications Formation of color centers in glasses exposed t o gamma radiation Reactor components and fuel element processing materials Acceleration of sintering rate of thoria by additions of calcia Bibliography of articles on solid-state reactions of the uranium oxides Diffu5ion of uranium through graphite .4 radiation sensitivc glass

VOL. 48, NO. 9 , PART II

( 10c. 7 K ; ) ( 6C) ( J C . 201 1 I,



(XCI (~




MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Semiconductor materials (4B) today a r e usually not ceramic in nature: but there are m a n y attempts to consider certain ceramics for this use (4B, SB: 77B, 33R. 35B, J l B , JdB, 47B). An excellent discussion of the nature of semiconductor materials is contained in a recent report. Semiconductors m a y include such diverse materials as those used for thermoelectric devices, rectifiers: amplifiers, or photo conductors. Each of these requires a n energy g a p ivithin a limited range, a n d charge carrier mobilities a n d lifetimes beyond certain minimum values. Several excellent papers (27B--335) on the physical structure a n d electric properties of ferroelectric materials discuss the reasons Lvhy such substances as barium titanate possess properties which allojc storage of information in memory cells. Domains a n d walls are defined. Recent highly specialized applications ha\.e demanded exacting a n d precise magnetic a n d electrical properties in materials. O n e study (75B)of fundamental properties reported on the reacrion beriveen magnesium oxide a n d ferric oxide a t temperatures het\ceen 700" a n d 1300 ' C.to form magnesium ferrite, T h e performance of b a r i u m titanate (26B) as a dielectric material, particularly as a capacitor for coupling a n d bypass uses in tube amplifiers, for filtering a n d for radio- frequency interference suppression depends on various factors such as m a n n e r of firing, or dilution Xvith other phases-i.e., the formation of mixed crystals. For piezoelectric transducers, barium titanate may be replaced commercially b!- other materials such as those (36B) derived from the lead titanate-lead zirconate-lead oxide-tin oxide system. .Applications such as sensing elements in accelerometers, sound detectors, sonar, velocimeters: strain a n d pressure gages, a n d as drivers in ultrasonic devices m a y extend the use of ceramic transducers. Basic studies involving phase diagrams in the titanate systems are beginning to furnish information in this important field of dielectric materials. Systems ZnOT i 0 2 , PbO-Ti02. PhTiOr-BaTiO.3. PbTiOa-SrTiOs are near completion

(70.4). ; ispodumene-lead bisilicate body (QEj has a dielectric constant of 6.4, loss factor of 0.029, a n d coefficient of thermal expansion of 2.02 times 10-6 (at 450' (2.). .lihigh frequency loxv loss dielectric is typified by a composition of COY6 lvollastonite, 20y0 ball clay, 10yobarium carbonate, a n d 10% lead bisilicate, a n d has a dielectric constant of 6.8 a t 1 megacycle a n d a loss factor of 0.0013. The lead bisilicate addition provides for the ultra lo\\ loss characteristics over a \vide frequency range.


Nuclear Energy Applications of Ceramics Renerved interest is being expressed in the gas-cycle reactor (1C.3 C ) a n d this type of reactor uses ceramic fuel elements a n d other parts to gain advantage of their refractoriness. U r a n i u m carbide. U C + is chosen as the fuel because it can be heated above 3600" F. in contact with graphite a n d helium \cithout appreciable reaction or \,aporization. O n c e they are developed sufficiently for use. ceramic or ceramic-cermet fuel elements (.IC) \vi11 be more desirable than metallic elements because of their l o ~ vneutron absorption. higher !corking temperatures. a n d easier reprocessing. Fission product \caste disposal is a problem of highest magnitude in the construction of reactors. I t seems possible that \caste may be locked in place by adsorption or adsorprion of clays or other minerals or by ceramic sinters or sorbers (77C. roc). Refractories for use in nuclear re:ictors are discussed in several articles ( ic'. !IC. 70C, 7JC. 75C)Lvhich list some requirements of fuel elements, moderatorreflectors, controls, shields, a n d structural materials. Ceramic refractory components have much potential interest for reactors operatin: a t high temperatures. Interest centers on pure oxides. graphite. carbides. silicides, a n d cermets for such use. Ordinar!, porcelain enamel of several grades on steel Ii-as compared i 73C) with other materials a n d \vas found to have a great ease of decontamination after e s posure of radiation. Best quality acidresistant enamel \Then sub,jected to a mild contarninant registered a contamination factor of 1 . 5 times the factor for sheet glass considered as unity. .\fier decontamination the retained contamination was 0.107c, O t h e r porcelain enamels had factors of contamination of 1.03 a n d retention after decontamination of 1.54Yc, Cerium \vas found (.iC)to prevent coloration of glass d u e to garnrna radiation. Similar transition ions as iron. manganese, cobalt. nickel, vanadium. copper, a n d some others also under certain conditions suppress the formation of visible color bands. Conversely cobalt makes a relatively intense a n d stable visible color band, suggesting a possible use to indicate radiation dose. Research is undenvay a t iirgonne S a t i o n a l Laboratory (7C) on component4 for nuclear reactors. using

urania a n d thoria a n d o n fundamental properties of ceramic materials such as properties of single crystals a n d the sintering of oxides.

Abrasives T h e most significant advance of the past year in the field of abrasives has

---+ P e r m a g l a s smokestack Two coats of acid-resistant glass inside and out, fused to '/*-in. steel at 1600" F.; standard diameters size range up to 8 ft. in 6-in. increments; flanged section lengths to 20 f t .


Courtesy A. 0. Smith Carp.

CERAMICS been the development of the ceraiiiic cutting tool a n d its acceptance by industry ( 7 0 . .30-iD). O t h e r studies have been m a d e of abrasive marerials. Abrasive action of alumina ( 6 D ) requires considerarion of both the abrasive a n d the material being a b r a d e d . .Alumina heavily abrades a h a r d . brittle material such as plate glass a n d the abrasion is highly dependent upon the a m o u n t of calcination. Particle size of the abrasive does not affect the abrasion of glass m u c h if' the abrasive is very h a r d . \Vith soft materials such as aluminum. the degree of calcination of the alumina

is m u c h less important but the a m o u n t of abrasion is considerably less. Greater fineness of grain of the abrasive increases the abrasive action effecriveness against a l u m i n u m . -4wide variety of abrasive action is available \vith the aluminas; the most highly calcined aluminas leading to abrasive action comparable Lvith silicon carbide a n d commercial fused aluminas. A neiv method (20) of making a n abrasive article involves formins multiple disks of compressed titanium meral ivith some diamond po\vder a n d compressing the assembl>-a n d applying instantaneous hear to bond the \vhole.

Ceramic Abrasives Subjrct

Literature Cited

Ceramic cutting tools Properties of ceramic materials for machine design

(70, 3-50) (70)

Ceramic Whitewares


Properties of vanadium oxide Preparation of dense B e 0 Sintering of high purity magnesia .L\ spodumene porcelain of low thermal expansion and other superior qualities Effect of lithia in blocking silica inversion a t 1060 F. Electron microscope study of metallic luster glazes Ceramics for thermal shock resistance Synthetic highly crystalline cordierite Barite in whitewares Lithia as petalite in whitewares A new resistor spark plug with long tipped ceramic insulator of exceptional strength, thermal conductivity: and matched coefficient of expansion

Literature Cited

(8Ej (7E) ( 1E) (2E) t 7ZE) (3'9 !6E) ( 7 7E) ( TOE) (5E)


Whitewares Research in the field of JvhireLvares a n d porcelains has been mainly confined to examination of bodies using minerals different from rhe traditional constituenrs. Lead. introduced into ceramic ivhite\ r a r e bodies ( 9 E ) as the borate, silicate or in frit form. produces loiv temperature niarurity a n d makes possible the production of unirs having zero shrinkage. IOIV dielecrric loss for high frequency applications, a n d cerrain desirable piezoelectric properties. T h e zero shrinkage bodies are typified by a composition of 6(lc; spondumene a n d 307, lead bisilicate. T h e body fired to 1970" F. has zero absorption. a n d zcro shrinkage if a n optimum forming pressure is used (22 tons per square inch u h e n using 200-mesh materials). O t h e r compositions are also possible.

Enamels and Refractory Coatings T h e vitreous enamel field which has been regarded traditionally as applying relatively lo\v temperature maturing glasses to metals has extended the remperature range i n both directions i n recent years. T h e enameling of alumin u m metal is now widely practiced a n d rhis calls for unusually low maturing glasses. O n the other h a n d , refractory coatings for metals exposed to high temperatures are being developed along \vith cermets a n d intermetallics. .4 successful recent use of traditional porcelain enamel has been in rhe production of glass-lined smokestacks ( 7 J F ) . Oxidation protection of low strategic alloys ivith a chromium-boron-nickel cermet coating ( 7 W ) was achieved for more than 800 hours a t 1500' F. T h e cermet la)-er was as thin as 0.002inch a n d had moderate ductility a n d excellent thermal shock resistance.


Experimental all-ceramic triode, Eitel-McCullough, Inc.

Alan!- ne\v developments have been made in the field of glass technology. \-anadium oxide-tellurium oxide glasses indicate tellurium oxide is a glass former ( 7 0 G ) . \'anadare glasses with other oxides a r e opaque to visible radiation. transparent t o infrared, a n d are semiconducting. LIuch Xvork has been done in the field of glass fibers. Glass fibers a r e increasingly used to reinforce plastics. -4 process ( 2 G ) to rernove binder material from glass fiber cloth uses hydrolysis Lvith strong alkali a n d a preliminary acid rreatment. followed by treatment \vith a chrome complex which makes the acidtreated surface receptive to resinous materials. Some resins? as curing-type silicones, laminate readily with the acidTreated glass surface without the chrome treat men t . VOL. 48, NO. 9, P A R T II




.A new process (7ZG) equips a teniprmd glass sheet with a transparent electricall! conducting film such as tin halides. d e posited by solution o r vapors. -4 bonded glass fiber product ( I G j i. m a d e of glass fibers a n d magnesium ox) chloride cement a n d has a hoardlikt character bvith density 15 to 30 pound. per cubic foot.

Vitreous Enamels and Coatings SzhjPct

f-namel coloring agents Flame-spray application of oxides to metals Insulating coatings for electrical insulators \.itreous coatings for concrete A ne\v metallic luster enamel An insulating enamel of glass-bonded vermiculite Cses of enameled aluminum Enameling of zirconium Applying metal phosphides as protective coatings on refractory metals Lead-free aluminum enamels Porcelain enameled curtain walls Enamels resistant to acids, alkalies, and ivarpage Glass-lined smokestacks

Ceramic-to-Metal Seals and Glass Solders


Collected papers of a symposium ( 3 H held in 1953 discuss the status of ceramicto-metal seals a n d consequent eft'ect. on design of electron tubes. A hiblicisr a p h y of 121 references on the subject i, included. T h e d e w l o p m e n t of glass solders ha\ been successfully achieved in the p i - i year.


Refractories and Cermets

Glass Literature



t.ffect of Z r O ? on chemical stability of glass Fused quartz as a new refractory for glass industry h device to seal germanium crystal diodes in a glass envelope \vithout impairing crvstal structure PliolLhdenum-copper-glass seal with matching coefficients of thermal espansion Llethod of making glass-to-metal seals by controlling configurations of parts and preheating the assembly Quartz-to-metal seal comprising dual metal sheets in contact and hermetically sealed in quartz, allowing relative movement and hence preventing rupture Review of glass fiber manufacture, properties, and structure Glass fibers with oriented chain molecules-a nelvly achieved demonstration of a concept of certain glasses as polymers ASThf standards on glass and glass products Antimony oxide glasses Glass fibers containing copper oxide svith high resistance to abrasion and flexurr Germanium dioside glasses Infrared transmitting glasses High index glass elements Bibliography of available translations of foreisn articles on glass technolog.)

Ceramic-to-Metal Seals and Glass Solders Subjrc I

LitrriiiirJt. ('it+/

Compressed glass-to-metal seals C:erarnic-to-metal seals Solder glass sealing Glass solders of lead borate .\ cuplike qlass-to-metal seal useful in sraling Fernico metal and hard borosilicate glasses Solderahle ceramic materials utilizing niinrrals of lo\v espansion bonded \vith an organic glue Sealing kovar member to F66 steatite bvith 1Io-Fe suspension S i mposiuni on ceramic-to-metal scals

(KH) ( 72H I (7Hi (2H) (3Hl


Traditional refractories continur 1'1 sustain the high temperature industrieImprovement of dolemite refractories (232)by t a r bonding. hy certain additi\.e>. a n d hy certain processing is the subjrci of numerous European patents. A stable high lime refractory has brc.:1 developed (70.4) in the laboratory C O I I taining 78 to 79% calcium oxide. 11 [ [ J 15% silicon dioxide. a n d 7 to 8%, kaoliii. Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (P.C.E. ( J I this material is in the range of cone 41 t o 42. T h e refractory is stable a n d ivithstands a n autoclave test \\-ith no a;'parent hydration or loss of strength. Ir also has excellent resistance to iron slat. attack. This adds another refractor! to meet industry's requirements providing the transfer to production is satihfactorily accomplished. O t h e r ph!-sic'tl properties need to be determined. A new method of placement of castal>lt. refractories ( 7 S i ) involves extrusion i n uniform column by prcssure from sealed mixin? c h a m b e r to the area c?! application. FVorli on super high temperature rt'fractories for rockets. jets. a n d reactor. a n d cermets for other parts is bein. L~

" M a n ' s advance up the temperature scale i n all branches of technology has now reached the point where the nonmetallic, ceramic materials must provide the engineering materials for construction. The future of these materials has never been more promising. "Much fundamental research in the field remains t o b e done before the maximum application o f these materials results." W. G. Lawrence Chairman Department of Ceramic Research The N e w York State College of Ceramics

1 706


CERAMICS pushed greatly. M u c h work of this nature has been carried o n a t Wright Air Development C o m m a n d a n d its projects located a t various schools a n d research laboratories, a t General Electric Co., Westinghouse Electric Corp.: Carborundum Co.. Xorton Co., a n d in the various aircraft plant research laboratories.

Structural Clay Products, Cement, Plaster, and Concrete Research projects on lightlteight clay products. mortar, facing tile, brick packaging, atomic blast resistance. therm a l properties, preassembled masonry walls, a n d other new products a r e in progress a t the neiv ,$500.000research center of the Structural Clay Products Research Foundation a t Geneva. Ill. A new process ( 4 F ) allows coating of concrete masonry units Lrith a ceramic colored glaze which is permanently bonded to the block. Reactivitv of a n effective pozzualana ( I J ) can be greatly increased a t early ages by treatment \\ ith hydrochloric acid. Four-day strength was increased 250 to

300%. Activation seems d u e to formation of a “reactive” silica rather t h a n t o a n y increase in surface area. Inert pozzualanas are not improved a n d advantages of activation a r e lost when much acid-soluble impurity is present. A new technique is making plaster of Paris case molds 15J)which makes use of epoxy resins. ,4n aggregate compounded of granulated slag a n d expanded vermiculite ( 6 4 has Lvorkability like sand b u t is less dense, cracks less, a n d has lower water requirements than xrould 1 @ O q c vermiculite aggregate.

(5.4) (6.4)


(7.4) (8.4)




Fundamental and General (1.4) Baroody, E . 11.;Simons, E . XI., Duckw-orth, LV. H.. J.Am. Crram. SOC. 38, 38-43 (January 1955). (2.4) Boersma, S. L.? I b i d , 38, 281-84 (August 1955). (3.4) Bryson Oil Co., Harriman. Tenn., Bulletins R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, P. 49, T-I, T-2, T-2a, T-3, T-4, other publications available on request, 1954. (4.4~1 Campbell. I . E . . “High-Tempera-

(12.4) (13.4)

(14.4) (15.4) (16.4)

Refractories and Cermets

(17.4) Literature Cited (21i) ( 7i,2 5 ) (27i)

Subject Boron carbide handbook Fundamental concepts of cermets Boride cermets Ceramic nozzles for qas welding torches of unique patented shape (4i) Progress report on cermets (31) Slip casting, sintering, and hot pressing of ber!,llia (77i) A review of bonding in cermets (3Oi) Mechanical properties of titanium carbide-nickel cermets at room temperature (8i) Mechanical properties of tungsten carbide-cobalt cermets at room temperature ( 9 ; ) Properties of titanium carbide-type cermets at elevated temperaturrs (72i) Fundamental studies of 34 AlD-GbCr-;Llo cermets (26ij Need for ceramics for jets, reactors, and missiles (24 Friction materials made of ceramics and cermets (5’) Special ceramics for rocketrv ( 77i, 20i) Study of the systems Tic-SiC-BIC and Tic-VC-ZrC (7i) Refractory materials for use in high temperature areas of aircraft (28i) Preliminary microscopic studies of cermets at high temperatures (16i) Heat treatment, reinforcement, and cladding of titanium carbide cermets ( 70;) Metal- and self-bonded silicon carbide (.?2i) Ceramic fiber base cermets (29i) Thermal expansion of cermet components for high temperature x-ray diffraction ( 731 ) Ultrasonic examination of cermet turbine buckets (22;) Molecular basis of metal protective coatings (18) High alloy cermets with TiB2 as minor constituent (31i) Fatigue strength of low alloy steel as prestressed by selected ceramic coatinqs ( 73i) High temperature-resistant ceramic coatings of increased long heat stability ( 79i) Metal protective and radiation reflective ceramic coatings (6i) Behavior of brittle-state materials (24i)

Structural Clay Products, Cement, Concrete, and Plaster Subject Chemistry of portland cement Epoxy resins used in making plaster case molds Timely coverage of brick and tile problems Activation of pozzualana

ture Technology,” \.L’iley, New York, 1956. Das, S. S., Indian Ceramics 1, 167-76 (1Lfay 1954); 1, 207-15 (June 1956). Friedberg, A, L. Lynch, E. D., .4ndreivs, A I., ”Phase Equilibria in Ceramics.” duplicated text of Dept. of Ceram. Engr., Univ. of I11 Urbana, 111.. 1955. Honeyborne, D. B., Chemistry Industry 1955, No. 24, pp. 662-69. Insley, Herbert, Frenchette, V. D., “Microscouv of Ceramics and Cements!“’ iicademic Press, New York, 1955. Johns, LV, D.! Grim, R. E., Bradley, LV. F., J . Sediment. Pelrol. 24, 24251 (April 1954). La\vrence. LV, G., New York State Collece of Ceramics. Alfred, N. Y., p e r s o h communication, .June 1956. Lehmann. H., Ber. deut. I r r m . GcJ., 32, 172-75 ( J u n e 1955). Lehmann. H., Fahn, R . , Tonl’nd. Z t g . u . Keram. Rundschnti 79, 3-5 (.January 1955). Levin. E. Z l , , XfcZlurdie, H. F., Hall, F. P.! ’.Phase Diagrams for Ceramists.” The -4merican Crramic Society, 4055 N. High St., Columbus 14, Ohio. 1956. Linseis, Xf., Brr. deut. keram. Ces. 32, 152-54 f51av 1955). R O Y R., R&, 6, 51. krancis F,. E . ? J . A m . Ceram. SUC.38, 198 -205 (June1955) Rumford F. “Chemical Engineering hfaterials,” Constable & Co., Ltd. London 1954. Schairer J. F., ‘,Heterogeneous Equilibria and Phase Diaqrams,” indnrz. Rei’.of Phis. Cliem. 6,45-70, .4nnual Kevie\vs. Inc., Stanford, Calif., (1955 1. Tripp, H. P., King.. B. \,t‘., J . A m . Ceram. Sac. 38, 432-37 (December



(19.4) U. S. -4tomic Energy Commission, (Supt. Documents, tYashington 25, D. C. ), “The Reactor Handbook,” vol. 3, sect. 1 , 1955. (20.4) i\-altoni J. D., J r . , J . A m . Cerarn. Sac. 38, 438-43 (December 1955). (21.4) Llieber, B. C., Garrett, H. J., others, Ibid., 39, 19?206 (June 1956). (22.4) Zwetsch, A . . Rer. deut. keram. Ges., 32, 63-69 (hfarch 1955).

Ceramics for Electronics (1B) Albers-Schoenberg, E. (to Steatite Research Corp.). U. S. Patent 2,715,109 (Xug. 9 , 1955). (2B) American Lava Corp., Chattanooqa, Tenn., Bull 561; 562; 563, 1955c, JU.

(3B) Andrus, A. Xi,,Code 816 B, Bureau of Ships, Kavy Dept., LVashington! D. C., personal communication, July 1956. (4B) Burstein, E., and Eyli, P. H.. NKL Rept. 4595, Naval Research Lahoratory, Washington, D. C., Jan. 16, 1956. (5B) Coda, h-ello, Procerdiiigs of the . V d . Conf. on Aeronautical Electronics, p. 273, M a y 1956. (6B) Coffeen, LV. L\’., J . Am. Cerarn. Soc. 39, 154-58 (April 1956). (7B) Compagne GCntral de T61Cgraphie sans Fil, French Patent 1,062,238 (Dec. 2, 1953). (8B) Cook, W.R . . Jr., J . A m . Cerarn. SOC. 39, 17-19 (January 1956). (9B) Darrow? K. K.. Endeai’oui 13, 101-6 (1954).

VOL. 48, NO. 9, P A R T II






(10B) Digest of the Literature on Dielectrics (Philofsky. H. M . , and Crowe, R . W., editors), Nat. Acad. Sci. (U. S.)-Natl. Research Council, NAS-NRC Publ. 382, November 1955. (11B) Douglas. R. W., Nature 175,1059-61 (1955). (12B) Economos, G., J . A m . Ceram. SOC. 38, 241-43 (July 1955); 38, 29297 (August 1955); 38, 335-40 (September 1955); 38, 353-57 (October 1955); 38, 408-11 (November 1955). (13B) Egerton, L., Koonce, S. E., J.A m . Ceram. SOC.38, 412-18 (Sovember 1955). (14B) Fisher, J. R . , Potter, J. F.: .Im. Ceram. Soc. Bul!. 34, 177-81 (June 1955). ( l 5 B ) Fresh. D . L., ” A Study of the Solid State Kinetics and Diffusion Phenomena of the Reaction Between Xlagnesium Oxide and Ferric Oxide at Elevated Tempcratiircs,” Ph.D. dissertation, Catholic University of Xmerica Press, LVashington, D . C. (1956). (16B) Garton. C:. G., J . Inst. Elec. Engrs. (British) 1 , (New Series) 576-80 (September 1955). (17B) General Electric Co., Lamp Div., 1133 E. l52nd St., Cleveland 1, Ohio, ”Fused Quartz Catalog,” 1952. (18B) General Electric Co., Tube Dept., Schenectady, N. T.,Booklet on Micro-hliniature hletal Ceramic Receiving Tubes, ETD-1212,lOM 1955. (19B) Hall, J. 5 . ,Code 815 C , Bureau of Ships, Navy Department, FVashington 25, D. C.. personal communication. July 1956. (20B) Fligby, Russ, Eitel-hlcCullough, Inc. San Bruno, Calif., Final Rept. on Contract AF. 33 (600)-17125, 1956. (21B) Holden, A . N., hfatthias, B. T., others, Phvs. Reo. 98, 546 (April 15, 1955). (22B) Hooton, J. :I., Xlerz: W. J., Bell System Monograph 2416; Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 463 \Vest St.! Yekv York 14, N. Y., 1955. (23B) Hooton. J. A. Xlerz, \)V.J., Phys. Keu. 98, 409-13 (April 15: 1955). (24B) T h e Institute of Radio Engineers, Directory, pp. 497-8 (1955). (25B) Jaffe, Bernard (to U. S. X. as represented by Secy. of the Army), U. S. Patent 2,708,244(May 10, 19553. (26B) Jonker. G. H., Philijs Tech. Rev. 17. 129-37 (November 1955). (27B) Kulcmr, F., j . Am. Ceram. SOC.39, 13-1 7 (January 1956). (28B) LaForge, L. H., Jr.. Am. Ceram. SOC. Bull. 35, 117-22, 127 (March 1956). (29B) Lely, J . .4., Bey. deut. keram. Ges. 32, 229-31 (.%uguSt 1955). (30B) Lcvesque, P., Gcrlach, L., J . Am. Ceram. Suc. 39, 119-20 ( l l a r c h 1956)

(31B) McQuarrie, Lf., -4m. Ceram. SOC. Bull. 34, 169-72 (June 1955); 34, 225-30 (July 1955); 34, 25660’ (August 19’55); 34, 295-98 (September 1955); 3 4 , 328-31 (October 1955). (32B) McQuarrie. M., J. A m . Ceram. SOC. 39, 54-5 (January 1956). (33B) Miller, W. A., (to Radio Corp. of America), U. S. Patent 2,729,880 (Jan. 10, 1956). (34B) Mroz, E. A , , “Electronic klaterials-



(36B) (37B) (38B) (39B)


(41B) (42B)


(44B) (45B) (46B) (47B) (48B) (49B) \


.4 Temperature Characterization,” Code 817 A, Bureau of Ships, Navy Department, LVashington 25, D. C., 1956. Mroz, E. A,, Code 817 A, Bureau of Ships, Navy Department, \%‘ashington 25, D. C.: personal communication, July 1956. N d . Bur. Standards ( C . .C.), Tech. il’em Bull. 39, 149 (November 1955). Norante, N. J., Ceram. .4ge. 64, 3132, 39-42 (.lpril 1954). Reed, L., Katy, G., J . .im. G r a m . Soc. 39, 260 (July 1956 !. Robinson, P.. Peck, D . B. (to Sprague Electric C o . ) , U. S. Patent 2,704,105 (.\larch 15, 1955). Ruffner? L. I.,C;*rnm. I d . 63, 81-82 (“ay 1954); 6 3 , 75-6, 97 (June 1934:; 64, 7OG2 (February 1955). Shockley, \V. (to Bell ‘Telephone Laboratories, Inc.), U. S. Patent 2,730,470( J a n . 10, 1956). Smith-Kose, R . L.,others, Dept. of Scientific and Indiistrial Research (British). Charles IIouse. 5-11 Regent St.. London, S. L V . I.. England, Radio Research Special Report No. 25, Decernher 1953. Sorg, H . E., Eitel-hlcCullough. Inc., San Bruno. Calif.. delivered before Sational Conference on Airborne Electronics, 51ay 1954. Sparks, ?,lorgan (to Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. ). U. S. Patent 2,727,839(Dec. 20; 1955). ‘Teal, G. K. (to Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.), Ibid.,2,727,840 (Dec. 20, 1955). ’Technical Cornm. Survey on Ceramics, J . Brit. Inst. Radio Engrs. 15, 506-17 (Octobcr 1955). Tillman, J. R . , .\hture 176, 9-11 (1955). Von Hippcl, ,4. R., “Dielectrics and \Vaves,“ Lt‘iley, New York, 1954. Von Hiuuel. .\. R . . ”Dielectric l l a t e r & and :\ppli&tions,” New York. 1954. .~~~ St‘allacc, J. D., U. S.Patent 2,724,171 (Yov. 22, 1955). ’kt‘heeler, \%’,I