Challenging problems in organic reaction mechanism (Ranganathan

DOI: 10.1021/ed058pA114.2. Publication Date: March 1981 ... 2001 78 (1), p 33. Abstract: Mastering the ... PDF w/ Links (0 KB) · Abstract. Tools & Sha...
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the periods 1955-66 and 1966-71, respect i d y . The book contains 417 problems listed - in a random fashion. The reactant, reaction conditions, product, and literature reference are listed for each entry. The reader is thus lntroductlon t o Magnetic Resonance challeneed to orovide a "reasonable" meehanistic pathway that fully accounts for the A. Carringtonand A. D. McLachlan. Chapchemical t m n s f m n a t i m There are no rx266 pp. man & Hall. London. 1967. v Figs. and tables. 23 X 15 cm. planations, discussions, or suggested solutions provided in the text. The reader may, of This paperback edition is an unaltered course, always compare his solution to those reissue uf the original book published in 1967 postulated in the original paper. A proposed solution should he judged according t o its by Harper and Row and reviewed in this elegance and consistency with current Journal by Richard W. Fessenden in Dechemical knowledge and may, in fact, he cember 1967. The authors have succeeded preferable to that given by the original auadmirably in the integration of NMR and ESR principles in a concise mathematical thors. treatment a t a more advanced level than The book is a potential reference source for chemical transformations and reaction types. found in other intn~ducturymagnetic resoProvisions for this use have been provided by nance textbwks. Because the book deals with theoretical principles, the material presented the authors in the form of two indices. Transformations induced by common reis not outdated, but it dues lack the inclusion agents or characteristic of structural units in of modern developments such as pulse Fuuthe reactant or intermediate can he located rier transform NMR. The first half of the book deals with a in ihr compound-typr inrlrr. A rrnrtion type index list., the tranrf