chances are that research with electron diffraction will have helped

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When cars have a life expectancy of 1,000,000 miles . . .

Electron diffraction can help solve problems in chemistry, pbysics and metallurgy. B y diffracting a beam of electrons from a surface, you can identify the crystal structure of that surface. By using this technic for research into t b e structures of lubricants and metals, it's quite likely that your car of the future w i l l have fantastic longevity.

chances are that research with electron diffraction will have helped make this come true • The General Electric electron diffraction instrument is versatile and easy to operate. Trie unit consists of vacuum system, electron gun, power supply and compLete camera assembly — all the components required to produce both reflection and transmission photographs from a w i d e variety of samples. Electron beam energy is continuously adjustable from 25 to 50 kv, for precise selection o f operating voltage. Electron beam is focused on the p h o t o g r a p h i c plate by a magnetic coil which provides the best focused beam for each experiment. You. can examine specimens u p to 4 inches i n diameter. Camera plate magazine holds up to 5 plates, so you can take as many as 5 e x p o s u r e s w i t h o u t breaking vacuum. G e t further information from the G-E x-ray representative in your locale . . . or write X-Ray Department, General Electric Company, Milwaukee 1, Wisconsin, forPub.AP64.

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