Change in Rate-Determining Step with Change in Phosphate Diester

J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1988, 110, 223-225. Cobalt( 111) Complex Promoted Hydrolysis of Phosphate. Diesters: Change in Rate-Determining Step with Change in...
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J . Am. Chem. SOC.1988, 110, 223-225


Cobalt( 111) Complex Promoted Hydrolysis of Phosphate Diesters: Change in Rate-Determining Step with Change in Phosphate Diester Reactivity Jik Chin* and Xiang Zou Contribution from the Department of Chemistry. McGill University, Montreal, Canada H3A 2Kd. Received April 9, 1987


Abstract: The effects of four Co(111) complexes, [Co(trien) (OH) (OH,)] [Co(en),(OH) (OH,)] ’+,[ Co(dien)(OH) (OH,),] ,+, and [ C O ( ~ ~ ) , ( O H ) ( N H , ) ]on ~ +the , rate of hydrolysis of bis(p-nitrophenyl) phosphate, p-nitrophenyl phosphate, and bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl) phosphate have been examined a t 50 OC, under neutral-pH conditions. In neutral water, the cobalt-bound phosphodiester [CO(~~),(OH)[OP(O)(OC~H~NO~)~]]+ is cleaved lo7 times more rapidly (2.7 X s-’) than the unbound phosphodiester, whereas the corresponding cobalt-bound phosphomonoester [Co(en),(OH) [OP(0)20C6H,N02]]is cleaved only 1O4 times more rapidly than the unbound phosphomonoester. The reactivity patterns for cobalt complex promoted hydrolysis of bis(p-nitrophenyl) phosphate and bis(2,4-dinitrophenyI) phosphate are, respectively, [ C ~ ( t r i e n ) ( o H ) ( O H , ) ] ~>+ [Co~ +[ C ~ ( t r i e n ) ( O H ) ( o H , ) ] ~>+ [Co(en),(en)2(OH)(OH2)]2+> jCo(dien)(OH)(OH,),]*+ and [ C ~ ( d i e n ) ( o H ) ( O H ~ ) , ]> (OH)(OH2)]2+> [Co(en),(OH)(NH3)12+. The difference in the reactivity pattern for the hydrolysis of the two phosphcdiesters is explained in terms of a change in the rate-determining step with change in the phosphodiester reactivity. The structure of the amine ligand on the cobalt complex has a significant effect on both the rate of binding of the phosphate ester to the cobalt complex and the rate of cleavage of the phosphoester bond.

There is increasing interest in developing artificial nucleases. Currently, the most efficient nonenzymic method of cleaving D N A is by an oxidative proced~re.I-~In contrast, enzymes cleave D N A by catalyzing the hydrolysis of the phosphodiester bond. Most DNases a r e activated by metal ions and enhance the rate of hydrolysis of D N A by over 12 orders of magnitude. More recently it has been discovered that self-splicing R N A molecules can function as true enzymes and catalyze the hydrolysis of R N A sequence specifically in the presence of metal ions.4 There have been numerous enzyme model studies involving metal ion catalyzed hydrolysis of phosphate esters5-’ Co(II1) complexes are highly efficient in promoting the hydrolysis of phosphomonoesters and have been studied extensively as alkaline phosphatase and ATPase models.*-’] Sargeson et ah9 elucidated the mechanism of Co(II1) complex promoted hydrolysis of phosphomonoesters through elegant isotope-labeling experiments. Milburn et al.’oJ1 showed that dramatic rate acceleration can be obtained for the hydrolysis of ATP when two appropriate cobalt complexes interact with ATP. However, phosphodiesters a r e very stable compared with phosphomonoesters a t neutral pH, and studies on Co(II1) complex promoted hydrolysis of phosphodiesters have been few. WeI2 recently showed that [ C ~ ( t r i e n ) ( o H , ) ( O H ) ] ~gives + a much greater rate acceleration ( 108-fold) for the hydrolysis of cyclic A M P , a phosphodiester, than for the hydrolysis of methyl

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Table I. Observed First-Order Rate Constants (kobsd,s d ) for Cobalt Complex (0.01 M) Promoted Hydrolysis of Phosphate Esters at 50 ‘C, pH 7.0 cobalt complex BNPP BDNPP NPP