Changes in Official Methods of Soil and Ash Analysis. - Journal of the

Changes in Official Methods of Soil and Ash Analysis. Alfred M. Peter. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1894, 16 (11), pp [792]–[792]. DOI: 10.1021/ja02109a013. ...
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NOTES. Cilaiigcs i?i Oficinl .Ifctiiotis ~fS o i l i z i i d -4.Th i I i ~ n ~ ~ . s i s . - - T h c followiiig are the principal chniiges i i i :iiethotls of soil aiitl ;tsh arialysis adopted at the la>t iiieetiiig c j f :iie -1ssjociatioii of Official X gric u 1tu ral C hein i st s : I . X sieL-e Ii-itli circular openings one-half iiiiii. in diameter is to be u s e d i n preparation of the fine earth for srial!.sis. 2. Noistui-e is to 1,e tletermiiietl i i i the a i r - d r i e d prepared sample b y dr>.iiig a \veighed portion to coiist:liit n-iiglit i r i :t \vater-oveii, t h e water of w1iic.h is kept briskl!. lmiliiig. n . T h e digestion is to lx clone i i i n flnsk provided ivitli :i retur-11 condeiisiiig tube and lic-atetl for ten hours coiitiiiiiousl!. i n h i l i n g Ivater ; ten grams of soil : i i i d roo c c . of H C I c.)i si). g r . I , I I j a r e to 1)e used, and the solutioii is to be niade it11 t o joo cc. and aliquots taken for anal!.sis. except \\.liere tlic iiisoluljlc residue escceds niiiet!. per c e n t . , iii i\-liicli c:ise twciit!, g : ~ i i i . sarc to 1)e used ivitli loo cc. of ncitl. 1,arger qumtitic, ( i f soil may l e used i i the proportion of acid anti nniourit of clilutioii lie preserved. 4, Tlic silica soluble in Sn,2C0, solution is to be separated before t h e ignitioii of the " insoluble residue ' ' i i i both ash a n d soil aiialJ.sis. 'I'lic methods of analysis are essentially the same a s those provisioiially adopted for t h e past two years. hut as the\- have been rewritten and revised, it is necessary to refer to the forthcoiiiirig proceedings for t h e tletnils. T h e proceedings. are iion i i i the h a n d s of t h e printer am1 will sooti be ready for distriliutioii. T h e recoiiimeridatioii of t h e reporter, that tlic qiiestioii of t h e determination oi available €'?Ob aiitl K 2 0 i i i soils. p;irticularly by the action of dilute organic acids, lie uiatle riiic of t h e SUI)jects for investigation next year, was also adopt &%I.rxI.:r). AI. ~);;TI:K, I.I:SISGTOS. K y , Oct. 3. 1S94, / i t . p o i . t L ~ iO-I I S o i l u t i ( / ., ..?. 0. -4. C-.

ERRATUM.-Page 6j0, October 1894, fifteenth line, for A t i r e i z ~ z read '-1 viherst.