Chaotic Dynamics and the Recurrence Spectra of the Rydberg

2737–2743. DOI: 10.1021/jp910437y. Publication Date (Web): February 4, 2010. Copyright © 2010 American Chemical Society. * E-mail: [email protected]...
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J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 2737–2743


Chaotic Dynamics and the Recurrence Spectra of the Rydberg Hydrogen Atom Near a Dielectric Surface Dehua Wang* College of Physics, Ludong UniVersity, Yantai 264025, China ReceiVed: NoVember 1, 2009; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: December 21, 2009

The classical electronic motion of the Rydberg hydrogen atom near a dielectric surface has been studied by using the Poincare´ surfaces of section method and the closed orbit theory. The structure and evolution of the phase space as a function of the scaled energy is explored extensively by means of the Poincare´ surfaces of section. The results suggest that when the scaled energy is less than the critical energy εs, the whole phase space structure is regular. However, when the energy is larger than εs, chaotic motions appear. The recurrence spectra of this system have also been calculated. The results show that, for a given scaled energy larger than the critical energy εs, when the dielectric constant R is small, the influence of the dielectric surface can be neglected and the number of closed orbits is very small. With the increase of the dielectric constant R, the effect of the dielectric surface becomes significant, the number of closed orbits increases, and there are more peaks in the recurrence spectra. When R ) 1.0, the recurrence spectra approach the case of the Rydberg hydrogen atom near a metallic surface. This study provides a new method to explore the dynamic behavior of the Rydberg atom interacting with a dielectric surface. I. Introduction Atom-surface interaction represents the universal interaction of importance in the fields of physics, chemistry, and biology. The attractive nature of the force is essential in many physical and biological systems. Atom-surface interaction plays an important role in atomic force microscopy. Over the past decade, many researchers have studied the dynamics problem of a Rydberg atom near a metal surface both theoretically and experimentally.1-7 Because the interactions of the Rydberg atom with the metal surface take place relatively far from the surface, the atom-surface interaction potential can be modeled by using the electrostatic image method.1 Therefore, as a typical theoretical and experimental model, this system can simulate many dynamic effects of atoms in strong fields, such as the Zeeman-Stark effect, diamagnetic effect, instantaneous van der Waals interaction, etc.2-4 Besides, the Rydberg atom near a metal surface constitutes a different system to study the atomic dynamics as well.5-7 In this system, the images of charged particles of the atom exert additional forces on the atomic electron. The classical motion of this system can be regular or chaotic depending on the energy and the distance between the atom and the metal surface. Recent theoretical calculations using closed orbit theory show that the oscillation in the absorption spectra of the Rydberg atom near a metal surface are also correlated to the closed orbits of this system.8,9 Contrary to the many studies on the dynamics of the Rydberg atom near a metal surface, the dynamics of the Rydberg atom near a dielectric surface has received relatively little attention. In 2003, Failache et al. studied the resonant coupling in the van der Waals interaction between an excited alkali atom and a dielectric surface.10 Hoever, they did not give a detailed study of the dynamics of the Rydberg atom near a dielectric surface. In this paper, by using the semiclassical closed orbit theory, we study the dynamics of the Rydberg atom near a dielectric surface for the first time. We still choose the Rydberg hydrogen atom in * E-mail: [email protected].

our approach. With this atom choice the interaction of the Rydberg electron with the nucleus is purely Coulombic. In our work, we still adopt the electrostatic image method to study the interaction between the atom and the dielectric surface. As we will see throughout the paper, our goal is twofold. On the one hand, by studying the structure of the Poincare´ surfaces of section of this system, we show that for a given dielectric surface, when the scaled energy is less than the critical energy εs, the whole phase space structure is regular. However, when the energy is larger than εs, chaotic motions appear. On the other hand, for a given scaled energy, the variation of the recurrence spectra with the dielectric constant has been discussed in great detail. Our results suggest that the dielectric constant has a great influence on the dynamics behavior of the Rydberg atom near a dielectric surface. II. Classical Dynamics of Rydberg Hydrogen Atom Interacting with a Dielectric Surface Considering the interaction between the hydrogen atom and the dielectric surface, the physical picture of this system can be described using the closed orbit theory. Suppose being irradiated by a continuous laser, the hydrogen atom would be excited from the ground state or a low excited state to a high Rydberg state. When an atom absorbs a photon, the electronic wave representing the electron is created near the atom. This wave propagates outward from the atom in all directions. In the region that is close to the nucleus, the Coulomb interaction between the electron and the nucleus dominates and the influence of the dielectric surface could be neglected. With the increase of the distance, the electrostatic image potential induced by the dielectric surface becomes more important. For distances greater than 50a0 (a0 is the Bohr radius), the electron waves travel along classical trajectories under the field of both the Coulomb potential and the electrostatic image potential. The waves’ propagation can be approximated by semiclassical mechanics and they are correlated with outgoing classical

10.1021/jp910437y  2010 American Chemical Society Published on Web 02/04/2010


J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 8, 2010

Wang Hamiltonian (eq 1) exhibits an important scaling property,11 it is useful to scale the coordinates and momentum in the form

p˜ ) p√d,

r˜ ) r/d,

ε ) Ed

Then the classical motion is governed by the scaled Hamiltonian:


2 ˜ ) p˜ - 1 + H 2 r˜



R 4(1 + z˜)


+ (2 + z˜)



˜ as ε, we get If we omit the tilde and rewrite H Figure 1. Schematic plot of the hydrogen atom near a dielectric surface and its electrostatic image, R ) (ε - 1)/(ε + 1) > 0. ε is the dielectric constant.

trajectories, which are determined by the classical Hamiltonian canonical equations. Due to the attractive interaction of the dielectric surface, this wave cannot travel into infinity; some of the waves will turn back. The waves returning to the nucleus would interfere with the outgoing waves, thus giving rise to the oscillation in the absorption spectra. Assuming the hydrogen nucleus (infinitely heavy) is at the origin of the coordinate system, the distance between the electron and the nucleus is r, and the dielectric surface is kept in the z ) -d plane, d is the nucleus-surface distance; see Figure 1. Since the problem has cylindrical symmetry, we use cylindrical coordinates (F,z,φ). According to the electrostatic image method,1 each charge has an image inside the dielectric surface but the charge of the image has the opposite sign. The potential acting on the excited electron in the atom-surface system can be described as V ) Vc + Vic + Vie. Vc is the Coulomb interaction between the excited electron and the hydrogen nucleus; Vic is the interaction between the excited electron and the image hydrogen nucleus:







+ (2d + z)


ε-1 ε+1

R is the dielectric constant. Vie is the interaction potential between the excited electron and the image electron e′ ) RE, which is a Coulomb-like attractive image potential:

Vie ) -

Re2 4(d + z)

For the hydrogen atom and in atomic units, we set Z ) e ) 1. Therefore, the Hamiltonian for the hydrogen electron near a dielectric surface has the following form (atomic units are used):


p2 1 - + 2 r





+ (2d + z)


R 4(d + z)


in which r ) √F2 + z2 and p2 ) pF2 + lz2/F2 + pz2, and lz ) xpy - ypx is the z-component of the electron’s angular momentum. Owing to the cylindrical symmetry, the z-component of angular momentum is conserved and the φ-motion is separated from that in the (F,z) plane. Therefore, this system is reduced to a problem with two degrees of freedom. For simplicity, we consider the lz ) 0 case. Since the classical motion of



R 4(1 + z)


+ (2 + z)



From eq 3, we find that the scaled Hamiltonian does not depend on the energy E and the nucleus-surface distance d separately, but only on the scaled energy ε. Then, by keeping ε constant and simultaneous changing E and d, we can explore the dynamics of this system. In order to study the classical motion of the electron, we explore the shape of the effective potential in eq 3 through the determination of its critical points. The effective potential is given by

U(F, z) ) -











+ (2 + z)


R 4(1 + z)


The critical points of the above potential are given by the roots of the equations Uz ) 0 and UF ) 0:

Uz ) Vic ) -


p2 1 - + 2 r

∂U(F, z) R(2 + z) z - 2 + ) 2 2 3/2 ∂z (F + z ) [F + (2 + z)2]3/2 R ) 0 (5) 4(1 + z)2

UF )

∂U(F, z) RF F - 2 )0 ) 2 2 3/2 ∂F (F + z ) [F + (2 + z)2]3/2 (6)

Due to the Coulomb term, the effective potential U(F,z) shows an infinite well at the origin. By solving the above equations, we find the critical points Ps ) (Fs,zs) of U(F,z) take place on the z-axis (Fs ) 0). Setting Fs ) 0 in eq 6, we get the values of zs. Further discussion suggests that the critical point Ps ) (0,zs) is a saddle point. From a physical point of view, the saddle point Ps ) (0,zs) is the ionization channel through which the electron can be captured by the dielectric surface. By substituting Ps ) (0,zs) into the effective potential U(F,z), we can obtain the critical energy of this system:

εs ) -

1 R R + |zs | |2 + zs | 4(1 + zs)


From the calculation, we find that the values of the critical point zs and the critical energy εsdepend sensitively upon the dielectric constant R. With the decrease of the dielectric constant, the critical energy becomes increased. For example, when R ) 0.9,

Rydberg Hydrogen Atom near a Dielectric Surface

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Figure 2. Evolution of the Poincare´ surface of a section as a function of scaled energy ε with dielectric constant R ) 0.5. (a) ε ) -2.0; (b) ε ) -1.6; (c) ε ) -0.9; (d) ε ) -0.6.

εs ≈ -1.4861; when R ) 0.5, εs ≈ -1.4332; when R ) 0.3, εs ≈ -1.3747. There is an essential difference between the cases ε > εs and ε < εs. As to this problem, we can analyze from the phase space structure of this system. From eq 3, we find there is a Coulomb singularity at F2 + z2 ) 0. In order to remove the Coulomb singularity, we introduce a regularized transformation using the semiparabolic coordinates (u,V),12 where F ) uV, z ) (u2 - V2)/2, and with conjugate momenta, pu ) du/dτ, pV ) dV/dτ, defined with respect to a rescaled time τ, given by dτ/dt ) 1/(u2 + V2). This results in a regularized Hamiltonian:

1 h ) (pµ2 + pV2) - ε(µ2 + V2) + 2 2R(µ2 + V2) R(µ2 + V2) ) 2 (8) 2 2 √4µ2V2 + (4 + µ2 - V2)2 2(2 + µ - V ) Here, the scaled energy ε occurs as a parameter and the physical trajectories evolve in an effective potential whose pseudoenergy is always equal to 2. After this regularized transformation, the Coulomb singularity has been diminished. By integrating numerically the Hamiltonian’s equation of motion and applying certain analytical techniques, we can investigate the dynamic property of this system. One way to illustrate the classical phase space structure is to look at Poincare´ surfaces

of section of the system, which eliminate redundant information from classical trajectories.13 At a fixed scaled energy ε, the classical motion is confined to the energy shell, which is a threedimensional subspace of the four-dimensional phase space spanned by u, pu, V, and pV. The Poincare´ surface of section is a two-dimensional slice in the three-dimensional energy surface. The set of all intersections of a trajectory with this surface contains most of the information related to the particular trajectory. Periodic orbits are always characterized by one point or a finite number of points on the surface of section, where they are called a fixed point or an n-cycle of the map. Regular orbits, whose motion is restricted to two-dimensional invariant manifolds called tori on the three-dimensional energy shell, appear as an array of dots on the surface of section, which densely fill a one-dimensional subset of the two-dimensional surface. Irregular orbits densely fill a finite volume on the threedimensional energy shell and appear as irregularly but roughly uniformly spattered areas on the surface of section. In Figure 2, we plot the Poincare´ surface of a section of the Rydberg hydrogen atom near a dielectric surface for four different values of the scaled energies. The Poincare´ surface of section is plotted in the V-pV surface; therefore, the Poincare´ surface of section is defined by all trajectories which intersect u ) 0 with pu > 0. Suppose the dielectric constant R ) 0.5. Figure 2a,b shows the cases when ε < εs. Under these conditions, the system is near integrable; the area is almost circular. The whole phase space is divided into several different regions. The ellipses in the


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middle belong to quasiperiodic vibrational orbits. They are separated from quasiperiodic rotational orbits represented by the ellipses in the left and right parts of the section. Since ε ) -1.6 is close to the critical energy, the circular area in Figure 2b is deformed near V ) (1. When ε > εs, the system tends to be nonintergrable, and the vibrational and rotational orbits decrease; some of the ro-vibrational orbits appear. At ε ) -0.6, chaotic orbits appear. The trajectories become unstable and they fill most of the phase space randomly. See Figure 2c,d. Another way to study the dynamics character of this system is to look at the classical orbits of the excited electron. By integrating the Hamiltonian motion equations for u, V, pu, and pV with a standard fifth-order Runge-Kutta method, we can find out all the closed orbits of the Rydberg hydrogen atom near a dielectric surface at different scaled energies. Some of the closed orbits are given in Figure 3. From the calculation we find, the orbit perpendicular to the dielectric surface always exists. For a given scaled energy larger than the critical energy, with the increase of the dielectric constant, the number of the closed orbits increases correspondingly. III. Recurrence Spectra of Rydberg Hydrogen Atom Near a Dielectric Surface III.1. Oscillator Strength Density. According to the closed orbit theory, the photoabsorption cross section is related to the oscillator-strength density Df(E) by8

σ(E) )

2π2 Df(E) c


The oscillator strength for dipole transitions from an initial state ψi to final states at energy E is

2 ˆ + |Dψi〉 Df(E) ) - (E - Ei) Im〈Dψi |G π


ˆ + is the outgoing Green function and D is the dipole where G operator, which equals the projection of the electron coordinate onto the direction of the polarization of the laser field. For z-polarized light, D ) z ) r cos θ. As given in ref 8, the oscillator-strength density can be written as

Df(E) ) Df0(E) + Df1(E)


Each oscillatory term arises from a closed orbit, labeled by km. Tmkm is the period of the kth closed orbit. The amplitude and phase constants, Cmkm and ∆mkm in the sum of sinusoidal oscillation terms, are given by the following formulas:8 Cmkm ) (-Ei)(219/4)π3/2rb-1/4(sin θimkm sin θfmkm)1/2Amkmy(θimkm) y*(θfmkm)

(13) ∆mkm ) Smkm -

Df0(E) ) -4Ei

i |bl'm I(n, l, l')| 2



y(θ) )

Df1(E) )

∑ km

i I(n, l, l') Yl'm(θ, 0) ∑ (-1)l'bl'm



where bil′m is the expansion constant and I(n,l,l′) is the overlapping integrals which are given in ref 8. III.2. Recurrence Spectra at Constant Scaled Energy. Recurrence spectra are the Fourier transformation of the photoabsorption spectra. Because the classical action scales as Sk ) 2πS˜kd1/2, each closed orbit k contributes a sinusoidal modulation in d1/2 to the oscillator-strength density at constant scaled energy. The modulations become more apparent in the Fourier transform of the photoabsorption spectra at constant scaled energy ε. The recurrence spectra exhibit sharp resonances at the scaled classical action of closed orbits; i.e., they can be interpreted semiclassically in terms of closed orbits starting at and returning to the nucleus. Applying the scaling relation for the classical action and introducing w ) d1/2, the oscillating part of the photoabsorption spectra can be written as

f(w) )

∑ Cj sin(2πS˜jw - π2 µj + π4 )



The Fourier transform recurrence spectra can be calculated in the interval [w1,w2]. With w j ) (w1 + w2)/2 and ∆w ) w2 - w1, we obtain

1 ∆w 1 ) ∆w

∫ww f(w) exp[2πis˜(w - wj )] dw ∫ww exp[2πis˜(w - wj )] ∑ Cj sin(2πS˜jw 2





π π dw µ + 2 j 4



∑C j

i is the coefficient of the partial-wave expansion, and I(n,l,l′) bl′m is the radial dipole integrals involving the initial state and the regular zero-energy Coulomb wave function.11 The second part is the oscillating part of the oscillator-strength density:


m and θmkm are in which Ei is the energy of the initial state, θmk i f the outgoing and returning angles of the kth closed orbit, and Amkm, Smkm, and µmkm are the amplitude, action, and Maslov index of the corresponding orbit. y(θ) is defined as

F(s˜) ) The first term is the smooth background term, which is precisely the oscillator-strength density that would be obtained without any external field:

π mkm 3π µ + 2√8rb 2 4


sin[π(s˜ - S˜j)∆w] π π j - µj + exp -i 2πS˜jw 2 4 2π(s˜ - S˜j)∆w

[ (


(17) For finite length ∆w, the F(s˜) are complex numbers. In our calculation, we take the square of the absolute value of F(s˜). IV. Results and Discussion

Cmkm(E) sin(TmkmE + ∆mkm)


Consider the hydrogen atom is excited from the ground state to the high Rydberg state (n ) 20). By integrating the

Rydberg Hydrogen Atom near a Dielectric Surface

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Figure 3. Some closed orbits of the Rydberg hydrogen atom near a dielectric surface with ε ) -0.6 and R ) 0.5. The scaled action of each closed orbit is as follows: (a) S ) 0.8232; (b) S ) 0.8366; (c) S ) 3.8467; (d) S ) 4.6858; (e) S ) 5.5355; (f) S ) 6.3849; (g) S ) 7.2363; (h) S ) 8.0838.


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Figure 4. Recurrence spectra of Rydberg hydrogen atom near a dielectric surface. The scaled energy ε ) -0.6; 34.64 e w ) d1/2 e 120. Dielectric constant (a) R ) 1.0, which is the case near the metal surface; (b) R ) 0.8; (c) R ) 0.6; (d) R ) 0.5; (e) R ) 0.4; (f) R ) 0.3.

Hamiltonian motion equations, we find out all the closed orbits of the Rydberg hydrogen atom near a dielectric surface with scaled actions smaller than 10. In our calculation, we keep the scaled energy at ε ) Ed ) -0.6 and vary the dielectric constant R between 1.0 and 0.3. Under these conditions, the scaled energy is larger than the corresponding critical energy εs for different dielectric constants. The results are given in Figure 4. Figure 4a is the recurrence spectrum with R ) 1.0, which is the case of the Rydberg hydrogen atom near a metal surface.9 There are many peaks in the recurrence spectra; each peak corresponds to the contribution of one closed orbit. With the decrease of

the dielectric constant, the influence of the electric image potential induced by the dielectric surface weakens; therefore, the number of closed orbits reduces and the peaks in the recurrence spectra are decreased correspondingly. For example, when the dielectric constant R ) 0.8, we find 11 closed orbits; when R ) 0.4, there are altogether eight closed orbits. When R is decreased to 0.3, only three closed orbits are found. In the above figures, because the amplitude of the perpendicular orbit is zero, its influence on the recurrence spectra is omitted in each plot. If we further decrease the dielectric constant, the situation approaches the case of pure Coulomb field. The reasons can be

Rydberg Hydrogen Atom near a Dielectric Surface

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interpreted as follows: in our work, the distance between the hydrogen atom and the dielectric surface is larger than the size of the atom; therefore, we can expand the electrostatic image potential caused by the dielectric surface. Since d2 . r2, we can retain only the quadratic terms in the binomial expansions. Thus the Hamiltonian of the hydrogen atom near a dielectric surface (eq 1) can be approximated by7


p2 1 - + 2 r




+ (2d + z) p R 2 1 R 2 ) F - - 3z 2 r 8d 16d3 2


R 4(d + z)



From eq 18, we find that the last term implies diamagnetic effects of a stronger external magnetic field. This term is functionally equivalent to the diamagnetic interaction term (1/8)γ2F2 of an external magnetic field interacting with the excited electron; γ ) B/c (B is the magnetic field strength, c is the light velocity).8 Therefore the term (R/16d3)F2 is responsible for generating chaotic trajectories in our system. In our calculation, with the final states corresponding to the principal quantum numbers around n ) 20, the energy of the excited electron is E ) -1/2n2 ) -1.25 × 10-3 au. For the scaled energy ε ≈ -0.6, the atom-surface distance d ) 480 au. With the decrease of the dielectric constant, the diamagnetic term (R/16d3)F2 caused by the dielectric surface becomes decreased. For example, when R ) 0.8, the diamagnetic term (R/16d3)F2 caused by the dielectric surface is equivalent to the diamagnetic interaction (1/8)γ2F2 caused by the magnetic field B ) 14.13 T. This magnetic field is strong enough for generating chaotic motion. When R ) 0.6, the equivalent magnetic field strength B ) 11.17 T. When R ) 0.3, the equivalent magnetic field strength B ) 8.65 T. Compared to the Coulomb attraction interaction, this magnetic field is not strong enough for generating the rotary motion. Therefore, the number of closed orbits is decreased and the structure of the recurrence spectra becomes simple. V. Conclusion The Poincare´ surface of section of phase space together with the closed orbit theory is a very effective method for investigating the dynamic character of the Rydberg hydrogen atom near a metal or dielectric surface. The scaled energy controls the structure of the Poincare´ surface of section and the electron motions. For a given dielectric surface, there exists a critical scaled energy value εs. The calculation results suggest that when the scaled energy is less than the critical energy εs, the whole phase space structure is regular. However, when the energy is larger than εs, chaotic motions appear. Also, the recurrence spectra of this system depend sensitively upon the scaled energy and the dielectric constant. For a given scaled energy larger than the critical energy εs, with the increase of the dielectric constant, the number of closed orbits increases. As R approaches

1, the recurrence spectra studied here are quite similar to the case of the hydrogen atom near a metal surface. In this work, we calculate the recurrence spectra of the Rydberg hydrogen atom near a dielectric surface by using the closed orbit theory. This theory is a semiclassical approximation method. For a dielectric surface, the quantum effects are very crucial, which might cause a complete change in the interpretation of the results. In order to mimic a real system, we should adopt ab initio calculations to incorporate the quantum effects explicitly. In our next work, we will consider the quantum effects of the dielectric surface and compare our results with the exact quantum calculation results. Recently, the interaction of Rydberg atoms, ions, and molecules with metallic surfaces and thin metallic films has been investigated,14-18 although no experiments on the photoabsorption process of a Rydberg atom near a dielectric surface have been carried out. Our calculations show that we can use semiclassical closed orbit theory to treat these complicated systems, once an accurate potential between the atoms, ions, or molecules and the surface is available. We hope that our results will be useful in understanding the photoabsorption process of atoms, ions, or molecules in the vicinity of dielectric surfaces and external fields. Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 10604045, the University Science & Technology Planning Program of Shandong Province (Grant J09LA02), the Natural Science Fund of Shandong Province for Distinguished Younger Scholars (Grant JQ200802), and the Discipline Construction Fund of Ludong University. References and Notes (1) Jackon, J. D. Classical Electrodynamics; Wiley: New York, 1975. (2) Friedrich, H.; Wintgen, D. Phys. Rep. 1989, 183, 37. (3) Main, J.; Wiebusch, G.; Welge, K.; et al. Phys. ReV. A 1996, 49, 847. (4) Landragin, A.; Courtois, Y. J.; Labeyrie, G. Phys. ReV. Lett. 1996, 77, 1464. (5) Salas, J. P.; Simonovic, N. S. J. Phys. B 2000, 33, 291. (6) Simonovic, N. S. J. Phys. B 1997, 30, L613. (7) Ganesan, K.; Taylor, K. T. J. Phys. B 1996, 29, 1293. (8) Du, M. L.; Delos, J. B. Phys. ReV. A 1988, 38, 1896. (9) Wang, D. H.; Lin, S. L.; Du, M. L. J. Phys. B 2006, 39, 3529. (10) Failache, H.; Saltiel, S.; Fichet, M.; Bloch, D.; Ducloy, M. Eur. Phys. J. D 2003, 23, 237. (11) Hill, S. B.; Haich, C. B.; Zhou, Z.; et al. Phys. ReV. Lett. 2000, 85, 5444. (12) Wethekam, S.; Mertens, A.; Winter, H. Phys. ReV. Lett. 2003, 90, 037602. (13) Friedrich, H.; Wintgen, D. Phys. Rep. 1989, 183, 37. (14) Inarrea, M.; Lanchares, V.; Palacian, J. F.; Pascual, A. I.; Salas, J. P.; Yanguas, P. Phys. ReV. A 2007, 76, 052903. (15) Zhao, H. J.; Du, M. L. Phys. ReV. A 2009, 79, 023408. (16) Oubre, C.; Nordlander, P.; Dunning, F. B. J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 8338. (17) Hill, S. B.; Haich, C. B.; Zhou, Z.; Nordlander, P.; Dunning, F. B. Phys. ReV. Lett. 2000, 85, 5444. (18) Wang, L. F.; Wang, Y. W.; Ran, S. Y.; Yang, G. C. J. Chem. Phys. 2009, 130, 174706.
