Characterization of Alkali-Soluble Hemicelluloses ... - ACS Publications

Oct 7, 2003 - Characterization of Alkali-Soluble Hemicelluloses of Hardwood Dissolving Pulps. Ursula Mais1 and Herbert Sixta2. 1 Competence Center ...
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Chapter 7

Characterization of Alkali-Soluble Hemicelluloses of Hardwood Dissolving Pulps 1

Ursula Mais and Herbert Sixta



Competence Center Wood, Werkstrasse 1, A-4860 Lenzing, Austria R & D, Lenzing A G , Werkstrasse 1, A-4860 Lenzing, Austria

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In the first step of the viscose process, pulp is steeped in aqueous sodium hydroxide of about 18% at temperatures up to 50 °C removing alkali-soluble carbohydrates. After pressing off the cellulose, which is converted to its alkoxide, the so­ -called press lye is enriched with undesirable short chain material which is removed by membrane separation processes. A more profound knowledge of the fractions is necessary to improve the separation system and to possibly use them as source for new products. Here, hemicellulosefractionsof two pulps extracted at different sodium hydroxide concentrations andfractionsobtained from press lye have been characterized with respect to macromolecular properties, functionalities and carbohydrate composition. The results show that the properties of alkali-soluble hemicelluloses depend on the pulp origin and the steeping conditions. The molecular mass and molecular weight distribution were determined and detailed carbohydrate analysis revealed both the building units of the heteropolysaccharides and the amount of fragmentation products. Effort has also been undertaken to elucidate the presence of side chains in the high molecular weight fraction.


© 2004 American Chemical Society Gatenholm and Tenkanen; Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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Introduction Hemicelluloses are important cell wall components being associated with cellulose microfibrils and the lignin matrix. In hardwoods they constitute almost one third of the total organic material present with 0-acetyl-(4-0methylglucurono)xylan as the major component. The chemistry of hemicelluloses is currently undergoing a surge of interest as hemicelluloses are promising starting materials for the production of a variety of valuable chemical products both under destruction and preservation of the polymeric structure (1,2). During acid sulphite cooking for dissolving pulp production, hardwood xylan is hydrolyzed into acetic acid on the one hand, and monomer xylose on the other. Part of the xylose is oxidized to xylonic acid by bisulphite ions as oxidizing agent. Therefore the yield of xylonic acid strongly depends on the ratio of combined (HS0 ) to free, hydrated sulphur dioxide (S0 * H 0). Depending on both the acidity of the cooking acid and the temperature, xylose is further dehydrated to furfural. In the final cooking phase furfural can polymerize, with its precursors and degraded lignin moieties giving rise to condensation products (3,4). In a typical acid sulphite cook using beechwood as a raw material, 40-45% of the wood's xylose (in xylan) is converted to monomeric xylose, 10-12% to xylonic acid (as xylose), 6-8% to furfural (as xylose) and 28-30% to unspecific condensation products (as xylose) (5). The residual 10-12% are preserved as polymeric xylan in the unbleached pulp. To meet the specifications for viscose pulp, hemicelluloses have to be further decreased in the course of a hot caustic extraction stage prior to bleaching. Finally, a fully bleached beech sulphite dissolving pulp typically contains 6-7% of the xylan present in the wood. In commercial practice of viscose fibre production, pulp is steeped in aqueous sodium hydroxide of about 18% concentration at temperatures up to more than 50°C to form alkali cellulose after pressing off the slurry. During steeping, alkali-soluble hemicelluloses are largely removed, the extent of removal depending on the R18 of the pulp (13), on the process conditions and on the equilibrium hemicellulose level established in the recycled steeping liquor. Approximately 1-1.5% of the xylose present in beechwood remains alkaliresistant and stays with the final product. Due to economic reasons, steeping is a closed loop operation, which in turn results in hemicellulose accumulation. When exceeding a certain concentration, hemicelluloses have to be removed from the press lye system, which presently can only be achieved by means of dialysis. The dialysis system, however, has the disadvantage of rather low separation efficiency, the dilution of the treated sodium hydroxide solution with water, and rather poor specific performance of the membrane (6). Also the steeping liquor is discussed as a potential source of new products based on xylans, xylooligosaccharides, xylose and different xylose degradation 3



Gatenholm and Tenkanen; Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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96 products. The isolation of new products from the steeping lye as well as the potential use of unrefined and thus cheaper pulp as a raw material in the viscose process are certainly driving forces for the development of appropriate, new pressure-driven membrane separation processes (7). A deeper knowledge of the chemical composition and macromolecular properties of the alkali-soluble hemicellulose fraction is a prerequisite to both the development of a new process technology, and characterization of product properties. As the amount of hemicellulose fraction removed is proportional to the R18 values for pulps, experiments were carried out based on the alkaliinsoluble R- and alkali-soluble S-fractions for comparative studies. Only a few attempts have been made so far to determine the molecular weight properties of hemicellulosefractionsfromviscose-grade pulps isolated at the mercerization stage (8,9). The viscosity- and weight-average molecular weight (MW) values were determined to range between 5.000 and 10.000 g/mol and were thus significantly lower as compared to the hemicelluloses directly isolated from wood and annual plants, due to more severe degradation reactions during cooking and bleaching (10). Recently, we have employed a variety of analytical approaches to determine the chemical composition and the molecular weight distribution (MWD) of alkali-soluble pulp fractions (11). Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) revealed a bimodal molecular weight distribution reflecting the low-molecularweight gamma- and the higher-molecular-weight beta-cellulose fractions. Dynamic light scattering experiments confirmed a negligible amount of aggregates asserting that MWD determination was not impaired. Both carbohydrate and HPAEC-PAD measurements demonstrated a significantly higher degree offragmentationproducts in the press lye as compared to the SI 8fraction. Two thirds of the hemicelluloses in the press lye (46% in SI8) were attributed to the gamma-fraction, with a carbohydrate content of only 33% (88% in SI8). Surprisingly, the latter also contained rather high-molecular weightmaterial which has an important impact on the development of new membrane separation processes. The aim of the present study was to investigate the structural composition of the hemicellulosefractions,e.g. the presence of uronic acid side chains by means of MALDI-MS analysis, FT-IR- and solid-state NMR-spectroscopy. For comparison also a softwood-derived starting material was used.

Experimental Part Materials. TCF-bleached beech Mg-sulphite dissolving pulp (BS), with 93.8% R18, 2.9% pentosan, and 1.7 copper number, and Eucalypt prehydrolysis kraft pulp (EK), with 96.6% R18, 3.6% pentosan and 0.2 copper number, were

Gatenholm and Tenkanen; Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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97 extracted according to the sample preparation methods described below. Press lye was obtained from a commercial steeping lye system, supplied by Lenzing AG. For comparison, unbleached hemicellulosefraction(beta-cellulose) isolated from the steeping lye by Lenzing A G contained 78% of xylan with 79.8% pentosan. All commercial reagents used were of analytical grade (12). Isolation of hemicellulose fractions. A standard method for R/S-fraction determination (13) was adapted and conducted as follows: Pulp samples were swollen for 2 min in aqueous sodium hydroxide solution (10 or 18%), then pulped for 3 min and incubated for 60 min at 20 °C. Next, the slurry was separated by filtration into the alkali-insoluble R-fraction and the alkali-soluble S-fraction. For quantitative separation of the beta-cellulose,fractionationwas done by precipitation with sulphuric acid and subsequent centrifiigation, gammacellulose remained in the filtrate. Carbohydrate analysis. Anion-exchange chromatography (AEC) with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD) was applied directly (for monomers) or after total hydrolysis (TH) with H S 0 (for polymers) as described in (11). Carboxyl group determination. A solution of methylene blue was added to the fraction and the amount of bound methylene blue was measured photometrically at 665 nm (14). Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC). The SEC system consisted of two 2 MCX, 1000 A, 300*8 mm (PSS) columns with refractive index and UV (262 nm) detection at a flow rate of 0.5 M NaOH of 1 mL/min. Calibration was carried out with a set of cello-oligomers and pullulan standards (11). The Rfractions were determined by SEC according to (15) in 0.9% LiCl/DMAc as eluent, employing pullulan standards for calibration. FT-IR spectroscopy. FT-IR spectra were recorded on a Bruker IFS 66 spectrometer in a transmission mode using KBr pellets. This method is based on WAXS and NMR-techniques as reference measurement. Crystallinity and amount of cellulose I/II were determined as described earlier (16). Solid-state NMR spectroscopy ( C CP/MAS NMR). The C CP/MAS NMR measurements were performed on a 400 MHz Bruker DSX-Spectrometer with a 4 mm probe head at a MAS-frequency of 12.5 kHz and 256 scans. Initially the experiments were conducted at cross polarization time of 1 ms and repeating times of 2 s and 10 s to determine different Tl-times in the proton domain. MALDI-TOF-MS. MALDI-TOF mass spectra were obtained using a Dynamo system from Thermo Bioanalysis with 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid as the matrix. Spectra were recorded in the positive ion mode with an average of 50 shots. Methylation of hemicellulose fractions. Methylation of the beta-cellulose fractions and xylan was carried out according to (17,18). 2



Gatenholm and Tenkanen; Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.



Results and Discussion

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Carbohydrate composition Hemicelluloses extracted from a hardwood and softwood source, namely beech wood sulphite pulp (BS) (19) and Eucalyptus prehydrolysis kraft pulp (EK) (20) respectively, were characterized and the results were compared to the press lye obtained from the viscose process. Table I contains the standard specification of the starting materials. The characteristic data of press lye (PL) are summarized in Table II.

Table I. Standard specification of starting materials Parameter

Kappa number Brightness Viscosity R18 RIO Glucan Xylan Mannan Copper number Carboxylic groups DCM extractives GPC-data Mw Mw/Mn


% ISO mL/g % % % % % %

mmol/kg %




0.36 91.2 565 93.8 88.1 93.7 3.00 1.00 1.51 24.4 0.18 219.5 8.13

0.37 89.0 447 96.6 93.3 93.9 3.7 0.4 0.21 30.8 0.26 135.8 3.13

For better evaluation the hemicellulose fractions were extracted using a sodium hydroxide concentration of 18 and 10% which corresponded to the R18 and R10 values of pulp tests (13). After separation of the alkali-soluble Sfraction and the alkali-insoluble R-fraction the carbohydrate compositions were determined by anion exchange chromatography. The data are presented in Table III. The differences between the fractions of press lye and the S-fractions are clearly visible. Two thirds of press lye consisted of the gamma-cellulose-

Gatenholm and Tenkanen; Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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Table II. Characteristic data of press lye (PL) Parameter Density (20 °C) Total alkali Total alkali Sodium carbonate Sodium carbonate Sodium hydroxide Sodium hydroxide Total Hemicellulose Gamma-Cellulose Beta-Cellulose

PL 1.2 16.7 201.5 0.47 5.7 16.4 197.2 36.2 24.4 11.8

Unit g/ml %

g/1 %

g/1 %

g/1 g/1 g/1

Table III. Carbohydrate composition of R- and S-fractions [%dry substance] ^-fraction Glucan Xylan Mannan Sugar in 3 y-fraction Glucan Xylan Mannan Sugar in y Total sugar

BS SJ8 53.7 53.7 42.6 2.0 98.3 46.3 17.6 45.8 24.8 88.2 93.6

R18 95.3 0.7 0.0


S10 91.2 80.0 17.7 2.2 99.9 8.8 2.0 57.0 15.8 74.8 97.7

R10 95.8 0.7 0.0


S18 80.0 23.7 69.4 0.6 93.7 20.0 10.4 54.6 13.4 78.4 90.6

EK R18 570 97.3 93.4 59.9 2.1 34.7 0.9 0.0 95.5 2.7 0.0 69.4 0.0 69.4 95.5 94.8

R10 94.0 1.4 0.0



1 JU

32 2.6 91.6 0.0 94.2 68 6.9 17.9 8.4 33.2 52.7

fraction, whereas the S-fractions from pulp are mainly beta-cellulose. From the original pentosan content of 3% and 3.7% for BS and EK, respectively, more hemicelluloses (percentage of xylan, mannan) could be extracted from BS than from EK. Beta-hemicellulose appeared to be the dominant fraction extracted with 10% sodium hydroxide for both substrates, but contained a rather high amount of glucan (80% and 60% for BS and EK, respectively) and hence a low amount of xylan. The difference between the pulps was more significant in the S18-fractions: here, half of the S-fraction of BS was attributed to beta-cellulose, whereas in EK still 80% was isolated as the high molecularfraction.Concerning

Gatenholm and Tenkanen; Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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the carbohydrates present in the beta-cellulose of S18-fractions, the amount of xylan increased significantly compared to SlO-fractions, and in press lye almost only xylan was found as intact carbohydrate. On the other hand, in gammafractions a decrease in xylan content was observed in the following order: S10EK > S10-BS - S18-EK > S18-BS » press lye. It is also obvious that in the alkali-soluble S-fractions the total amount of carbohydrates was relatively high (90-98%), in contrast, only half of the press lye could be attributed to intact sugar components. There, due to this low total sugar content, a strong formation of non-monosaccharide portion was assumed. However, no further characterization of these components was attempted so far.

Carboxyl group determination Relatively low amounts of COOH-groups were present in the alkaliinsolublefractionas these groups should be found linked to xylan (Table IV).

Table IV. Carboxyl group content in R- and beta-fractions Sample BS-R18 BS-P-S18 BS-R10 BS-P-S10 EK-R18 EK-P-S18 EK-R10 EK-p-SlO PL

COOHfumoUg] 15.4 157 14.4 113 22.1 221 19.3 161 315

COOH [weight %j 0.07 0.7 0.07 0.51 0.1 0.99 0.09 0.73

Ratio 0:R 10:1 8:1 10:1 8.4:1


calculation was not possible The ratio of COOH in beta:R-fractions was about 8:1 for S10 to 10:1 for SI8. It appeared that more COOH-groups were detected in EK, but with respect to the amount of xylan in the S-fractions the COOH-value was higher in extracted BS samples. The amount of COOH-groups found in PL was in the range of the BS-S18-beta-fraction.

Molecular weight distribution Molecular weight distribution of allfractionsis summarized in Table V.

Gatenholm and Tenkanen; Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

101 Table V . Molecular weight determination of hemicellulose fractions



BS-20°C-18 S p y 6.7 9.9 3.7 2.2 1.8 1.8 EK-20°C-18 S p y 13.9 13.2 4.3 2.4 1.6 1.9

BS-20°C-10 S p y 16.6 10.1 3.9 4.4 1.8 1.6 EK-20°C-10 S p y 25 14.7 3.2 2.4 1.6 1.9

BS-50°C-18 S p y 7.9 12.2 5.1 1.9 1.4 1.9 PL S p y 9.1 12.8 4.4 1.8 1.4 1.5

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values in [kg/mol]

Acid sulphite cooking depolymerized xylan more extensively than kraft cooking. Also the treatment with a higher concentrated sodium hydroxide solution resulted in increased degradation. A fraction was also extracted at elevated temperature and gave a better approximation of the press lye data. In Figure 1, a typical molecular weight distribution of the beta and gammacellulosefractionof press lye is depicted.

Figure 1. Typical molecular weight distribution for PL (beta- and gammafraction) The low-molecular part of the gamma-fraction could not be evaluated because of the interfering salt peak. After separation into the alkali-soluble and alkali-insoluble fraction an overlapping of the molecular weight fractions was detected showing that parts of the same molecular weight are both acid soluble and insoluble.

Gatenholm and Tenkanen; Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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MALDI-TOF-MS Another technique suitable for providing more information about the presence of substituents in oligosaccharides is MALDI-TOF-MS. The advantages of MALDI-TOF-MS include its ability of mass measurements of extremely large biomolecules (>500 kDa) with a high degree of precision and sensitivity (21,22). Furthermore, sample preparation is relatively easy, only single-charged ions are generated with negligible fragmentation of the molecules, and results are obtained quite fast (21-23). However, limitations occur regarding the quantitative determination of the molecular weights if the polymer consists of a mixture with a wide molar range (21). Some investigations have already been done concerning the determination of the molecular weight of hemicelluloses from various pulps. Size-exclusion chromatography was applied prior to MALDI tofractionatethe samples (24-26). Also the distribution of 4-Omethylglucuronic acid residues along the chain was studied, and it was found that the residues are irregularly distributed along the polymer chain using hardwood as substrate (25). Also the combination of HPAEC with MALDITOF-MS was investigated to identify the nature of unknown oligosaccharides (21,27). There, an on-line desalting step and automated handling of the fractions made peak identification relatively easy (21,27). In this study, MALDI-TOF-MS was employed to determine the structure and amount of side chains as the presence of uronic acid is known to have effects on the molecular properties of xylan (25). The MALDI-TOF-MS spectrum of an acid-insoluble hemicellulose fraction isolated from the press lye, which was methylated (17,18) prior to measurement, is shown in Figure 2. 1000




Figure 2. MALDI-TOF-MS



mass (m/z)

spectrum of PL

The spectrum exhibits a broad distribution with maximum intensity at 2950 mass units (m/z). The distance between the peaks was 160 which is one unit of a completely methylated xylose. Complete methylation of the sample was also confirmed by FT-IR (28). The maximum mass peak therefore corresponded to one 4-O-methylglucuronic (40MeGlcA) residue linked to the xylo-oligomer backbone with a DP of 17. Two series of oligosaccharides were found with

Gatenholm and Tenkanen; Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

103 either one or two 40MeGlcA residues bound to the xylan backbone with the increasing chain length corresponding to a composition of 4OMeGlcAi(Xyl)i -30 and 40MeGlcA (Xyl) . 6, respectively. So MALDI-TOF-MS analysis confirmed the presence of 40MeGlcA side chains, and the ratio of 40MeGlcA to xylose was calculated to be about 5:100. This result was in agreement to the carboxyl group determination, assuming the 40MeGlcA residue as source of the COOH-groups. It is particularly pointed out that the average molecular weight determined by MALDI analysis can deviate from that of other determination methods if a polymer mixture is present. Deviations of the molecular weights obtained from SEC and MALDI analysis could partly be attributed to the standard calibration used in the SEC and also to thefractionationthat could have occurred during methylation and subsequent extraction. 2


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Structural characterization by FT-IR spectroscopy FT-IR spectroscopy proved to be an adequate method for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of lignocellulosics (29-32). In Figure 3, typical deconvoluted spectra of BS, BS-S18-beta-fraction and PL-beta-fraction are given. 1649 cm-




Wave number [crrr ]

Figure 3. FT-IR spectra of BS, BS-S18-beta-fr action and



The carboxyl bands at 1736 cm" can clearly be seen in the xylan-containing S-fractions (33). Also the range of OH-resonances showed the characteristic differences for xylan and cellulose. An estimation of the crystallinity in the Rfractions was possible as well as a rough evaluation of the ratio of Cellulose I and II in RIO-fractions (see Table VI)( 16,30,34-36). This method is calibrated for cellulose I/II ratio comparing the bands at 1370 and 670 cm' . The starting materials consisted of cellulose I with a crystallinefractionof 45.3% and 51% for BS and EK, respectively. In the R18fractions the conversion of cellulose I into cellulose II was already completed, whereas with 10% NaOH parts of cellulose I still remained. The crystallinity decreased to 44% and 47%, respectively. 1

Gatenholm and Tenkanen; Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

104 Table V I . Percentage of cellulose modifications present and degree of crystallinity (italics in parenthesis) in samples obtained from IR- and N M R analysis

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Sample BS BS-R10 BS-R18 EK EK-R10 EK-R18

IR Cellulose II Crystallinity 45.3 59% (2.6%) 44 44.9 100% 50.8 100% 79% (37.1%) 21% (9.9%) 47 47

Cellulose I 100% 4\%(18%)

NMR Cellulose I



Structural characterization by solid-state N M R spectroscopy

The structural composition of thefractionswas also examined by solid-state NMR spectroscopy which has already been applied extensively for cellulose, cellulose derivatives and xylan (37-42). For example, determination of the crystallinity of pulps was achieved, and it was found that the amount of hemicelluloses in sulphite pulp was higher than in kraft pulp because of the more intensive resonances present in amorphous region where also hemicellulose resonances can be monitored (43). Spectra of alkali-insoluble and alkali-soluble products were compared with a spectrum recorded from press lye (Figure 4). The spectrum of press lye gave very sharp signals (where, for C - l , C-2, C-3,4, and C-5 the chemical shifts 8 are: 102 ppm, 73 ppm, 75 ppm and 64 ppm, respectively) compared to signals resulting from cellulose (with shifts at 105 ppm for C - l , region around 89 ppm for C-4 highly ordered and around 84 ppm less ordered cellulose, 72-77 ppm for C-2, 3, 5 and 62-66 ppm for C-6) (40-45). A) B) C) i

120 110 100 90



























Figure 4. Solid-state NMR spectra of A) PL (xylan), B) R-fractions ofBS, BSR10 and BS-R18 and C) S-fractions ofBS-SW and BS-S18 and PL (Reprinted with permissionfromMais, Milacher, Baldinger, Roder and Sixta 2002 Copyright 2002 European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp)

Gatenholm and Tenkanen; Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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105 In the present spectrum of beech wood the amorphous part was clearly noticeable due to the relatively broad peaks besides the crystalline cellulose I form. In the alkali-insoluble fraction R18 partly amorphous cellulose II was predominant. The difference between xylan and cellulose could clearly be seen at the chemical shift of 102 ppm originating from C - l . Comparing the spectra it could be assumed that press lye consisted of pure xylan. It has also been described that the structure of xylan is very sensitive to the close environment having an influence on the spectra (40). No indication for residual lignin could be found in the samples. Also by this method the alkali-insolublefractionsfrom10% NaOH extraction were composed of cellulose I besides cellulose II as indicated by the presence of the signal at 66 ppm. By difference spectra the amount of xylan could be estimated, and the results matched the data from the carbohydrate analysis (Table VII).

Table VII. Comparison of carbohydrate analysis data obtained from solidstate N M R spectroscopy and H P L C l3


BS-S18-beta BS-SlO-beta EK-S18-beta EK-SlO-beta PL-beta 1

C-CP/MAS Cellulose (%)

52 80 28 57 0

NMR Xylan (%)

AEC-PAD Glucan (%)

48 20 72 43 100

54 80 24 60 2

after TH Xylan (%)

43 18 69 35 81


PL-Beta was assumed to consist of pure xylan and the spectrum was subtracted form all other spectra for carbohydrate estimation

The degree of crystallinity strongly depends on the amount of hemicellulose and lignin present in the sample (41,44). The crystalline amount of cellulose I of the R-fractions was assessed and was found comparable to the crystallinity values calculated from the IR-spectroscopy data. The percentage of crystalline cellulose I was about 18% for BS and twice as much in softwood-derived samples (see Table VI).

Conclusions Alkali-soluble hemicellulose fractions from press lye and different pulps have been investigated. The carbohydrate composition strongly depended on the pulp and sodium hydroxide concentration. Employing 10% NaOH the S-fraction

Gatenholm and Tenkanen; Hemicelluloses: Science and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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contained almost only beta-hemicelluloses with a higher percentage of glucan compared to the S18-fractions, whereas press lye consisted of two thirds of gamma-cellulose. Using solid-state NMR spectroscopy the beta-fraction of press lye was determined as rather pure xylan and the sugar composition was comparable to the values obtained by AEC-PAD. The presence of 4-Omethylglucuronic acid in the beta-fraction of press lye as detected by FT-IRspectra and COOH-analysis was confirmed by MALDI-MS with a similar 40MeGlcA:Xylose-ratio of 5:100 at the maximum. In a subsequent work the influence of storage conditions (time, temperature) on the S18-fractions will be investigated to furnish a better model system for the press lye composition. Acknowledgement. The authors wish to thank the Austrian Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH, Linz, Austria and the Lenzing AG, Lenzing, Austria for financial support. We would also like to thank Dr. A. Potthast for MALDI measurement and Prof. C. Jager for NMR analysis.

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