Characterization of the Free-Radical Homopolymerization of N

ABSTRACT: A hydrogen atom bombardment technique was employed at room temperature to initiate the free-radical homopolymerization of N-methylmaleimide ...
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Macromolecules 1990,23, 1979-1983 (2) Kramer, 0.;Ty, V.; Ferry, J. D. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A . 1972,69, 2216. (3) Kan, H:C.; Ferry, J. D. Macromolecules 1979, 12,494. (4) Hvidt, S.; Kramer, 0.;Batsberg, W.; Ferry, J. D. Macromolecules 1980, 13, 933. (5) Andrews, R. D.; Tobolsky, A. V.; Hanson, E. E. J. Appl. Phys. 1946, 17, 352. ( 6 ) Berry, J. P.; Scanlan, J.; Watson, W. F. Trans. Faraday SOC. 1956,52, 1137.


(7) Flory, P.J. Trans. Faraday SOC. 1960,56,722. (8) Erman, B. In Biological and Synthetic Polymer Networks, Kramer, O., Ed.; Elsevier Appl. Sci.: New York, 1986; p 497. (9) Gaylord, R.J.; Twardowski, T. E.; Douglas, J. F. Polym. Bull. 1988, 20, 305. (10) A typical example would be linear block copolymers made of soft polyether chains alternating with polyurea hard segments. The latter form hydrogen bonds between themselves and thus act as potential physical cross-linking sites.

Characterization of the Free-Radical Homopolymerization of N-Methylmaleimide? T. C. Sandreczki' and I. M. Brown McDonnell Douglas Research Laboratories, P.O. Box 516, St. Louis, Missouri 63166. Received August 21,1989 ABSTRACT: A hydrogen atom bombardment technique was employed at room temperature to initiate the free-radical homopolymerization of N-methylmaleimide (MMI),which can be considered a model compound for prepolymer resins containing the maleimide functional group. Several different radical species were observed and identified by electron spin resonance (ESR). The initial radical, which produced a spectrum having four major resonance lines, was formed by the addition of atomic hydrogen to the C-C double bond. This initial radical, which was too reactive to be observed in pure MMI, was stable for a few minutes in a photopolymerized MMI matrix containing trace amounts of MMI. The second radical species, which produced a three-line ESR spectrum, was identified as the propagating radical associated with the homopolymerization. A t later stages of the polymerization reaction this propagating radical was replaced by a third radical species whose ESR spectrum consisted primarily of two intense lines near the center of the spectrum and two weaker extrema lines. This species is assigned to a vinyl radical and/or an internal backbone radical centered on a tertiary carbon.

Introduction Bis(maleimide) resins form a class of thermosetting polymers that are used as high-temperature matrices in highperformance composites. The mechanical properties of these materials depend on their network structures, which are controlled by the cure chemistry of the maleimide functional group. In several previous investigations electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy has been used to examine the free-radical chemistry of the maleimide group. These studies have included the neat polycrystalline maleimide~l-~ as well as their solutions.6-10 TYPically, the free radicals have been generated by using UV irradiation or X- or y-irradiation. Solution studies offer the advantage of spectral resolution (Le., narrow ESR lines), but they also have the following disadvantages: (1) the radicals are less stable in solution than they are in the solid state, (2) the solvent can complicate the results by participating in the free-radical chemistry being investigated, and (3) the results cannot necessarily be extrapolated to the neat system. On the other hand, studies of polycrystalline systems have the disadvantage that the ESR lines are broadened because of hyperfine and g anisotropy, making identification of the radicals by way of their resolved hyperfine structures difficult. With highenergy irradiation the situation is further complicated This study was funded in part by Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-87-C-0062 and in part by the McDonnell Douglas Independent Research and Development program.


by the frequent superposition of spectra from several different radical species.'*lo Free radicals can also be generated thermally, both with and without the presence of added initiators. We have used this approach to induce free-radical homopolymerization in bis(ma1eimide)s and maleimide compounds." In this study, both the types and the concentrations of free radicals associated with the cure process were monitored. While many radical species of interest were identified, this method of radical generation had some of the disadvantages of the irradiation methods referred to above. In particular, the observed ESR spectrum was often a superposition of three or more broad spectral components, which made it difficult to analyze the spectra. In our present work on bis(ma1eimide) curing reactions, we have been able to simplify the ESR spectral analyses by using another technique, viz., hydrogen atom bombardment, to generate radicals in the model compound N-methylmaleimide (MMI) and in the related thermally and photochemically cured homopolymers. This technique has already been shown to be more selective than either X- or y-irradiation for producing radicals in many organic materials, several of which have contained functional groups similar to those in MMI.109'2-'4 For example, it has been observed12 that the hydrogen atoms preferentially add to certain C-C double bonds, that they are somewhat less likely to induce C-H bond scission by hydrogen-atom abstraction (with C-H bond scission in methyl groups being particularly unlikely), and that C-C

0 1990 American Chemical Society

1980 Sandreczki and Brown Quartz Tube 7

Macromolecules, Vol. 23, N o . 7, 1990

r Microwave

Wood's Hom


G- Polymer Sample

F i g u r e 1. Hydrogen atom bombardment apparatus.

F i g u r e 2. (A) Spectrum of the initial radical. The spectrum was recorded during hydrogen atom bombardment of photopolymerized MMI containing dilute MMI monomer. (B) Simulation of the initial radical spectrum assuming one a-hydrogen and two P-hydrogens.

D bond scission does not occur a t all. In the work described in this paper, we have identified several radical species formed as a result of hydrogen atom bombardment, and we have monitored their development with time following termination of the discharge.

Experimental Section The N-methylmaleimide (MMI) was purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, WI, and had a nominal purity of 99%. In some cases this material was purified further by vacuum sublimation a t 308 K. However, no significant differences were observed in the ESR spectra of the unpurified and purified samples. Polymerized MMI was prepared either thermally or photochemically. In the former case, sublimed MMI was sealed in a n evacuated borosilicate glass tube and heated for 3 days at 453 K, followed by 5 days a t 503 K; the glassy polymer obtained after this procedure was pulverized before being used in the ESR experiments. In the latter case, partially polymerized material was obtained by first grinding sublimed MMI to leave a thin layer of powder on the surface of the grinding vessel and then placing the vessel 10-15 cm from a 40-W fluorescent lamp for 48 h. The photopolymerized MMI obtained by this procedure was significantly less volatile than the nonpolymerized material, although subsequent ESR investigation indicated that a small amount of unreacted monomer was present. Free radicals were generated in the MMI and polymerized MMI by hydrogen or deuterium atom bombardment by using the apparatus shown in Figure 1. The apparatus was designed to allow samples to be bombarded in the absence of air while they were within the ESR microwave cavity.'**15 With this arrangement, spectra could be obtained either during or after the bombardment. Hydrogen or deuterium atoms were generated by a discharge maintained by a 2.45-GHz Evenson microwave cavity (OPTHOS Instruments, Rockville, MD) located -20 cm from the sample. The hydrogen/deuterium flow rate (typmol/s) was controlled by using a needle valve at ically 5 x the gas supply and by discharging into a 25 L / m rotary vacuum pump preceded by a liquid N, trap. The pump produced a vacuum of less than 10 pm when the supply valve was closed. Hydrogen atom concentrations a t the sample, as measured relative to a strong-pitch reference, were as high as 1X 1015atoms/ cm3. The use of He carrier gas improved this concentration insignificantly. The Wood's horn was included as a light trap to minimize the photogeneration of radicals in the samples. The ESR spectrometer used in this study was a Bruker Model ESP300 instrument equipped with a TE,, rectangular cavity and controlled by a Bruker 1600 computer. Spectra were typically acquired with a single scan period of 20 s; thus we were unable to observe any evolution of free-radical species that might have occurred over a shorter time period. Spectral simulations were performed by using the program FIBRE."

I CH 3 Initial Radical






CH 3 Deuterated Initial Radical

CH 3 Propagating Radical

I I CH 3 CH 3 Penultimate Radical

I CH 3 Vinyl Radical

F i g u r e 3. Structures of initial, deuterated initial, propagating, penultimate, and vinyl radicals.

Results and Discussion In separate experiments, samples of MMI monomer and polymer were placed in the apparatus shown in Figure 1 and were bombarded with hydrogen or deuterium atoms for times from 10 s to 2 h. The evolutions of the resulting radical species were monitored by way of their ESR spectra both during bombardment and for times up to 24 h following bombardment. The experimentally observed spectra were sometimes superpositions of different component spectra, and identification of the separate components was accomplished by referring to those cases in which a single component was dominant. Component spectra were assigned to particular radical species by comparison with results obtained previously from related compounds, e.g., succinimide, maleimide, N phenylmaleimide, and N-(phenyl-2,3-d,)-maleimide,11~17 and by spectral simulation using hyperfine coupling constant values consistent with those reported by other^.^^"^ The ESR spectrum recorded from photochemically polymerized MMI during a 60-s hydrogen atom bombardment is shown in Figure 2A. The primary component of this spectrum is very similar to a spectrum we obtained previously from bombarded polycrystalline succinimide and that we identified as being from an initial radical similar to that shown in Figure 3.17 Further evidence for the identification of spectrum A as the initial radical

Macromolecules, Vol. 23, No. 7, 1990

Free-Radical Homopolymerization P





Figure 4. Spectrum of the deuterated initial radical. The spectrum was recorded during deuterium atom bombardment of photopolymerized MMI containing dilute MMI monomer.

is the simulation of this spectrum shown in Figure 2B. This simulation was calculated by assuming isotropic hyperfine couplings with two hydrogens (the hydrogens P to the p-orbital containing the unpaired electron), an anisotropic coupling with one hydrogen (the a-hydrogen), and a Gaussian line shape with a peak-to-peak width of 0.4 mT. The values used to produce the simulation in Figure 2B are the following: A,@) = 2.9 mT, A,(a) = 3.7 mT, A J a ) = 2.0 mT, A,(a) = 0.7 mT,g, = 2.0049,gy = 2.0023, and g, = 2.0036. These values are approximately the same as the averaged values of Pace et a1.l' and Lund et a1.l' obtained from X-irradiated single crystals of succinimides. Photopolymerized MMI was bombarded with deuterium atoms for 60 s, during which time the ESR spectrum shown in Figure 4 was obtained. This spectrum has only three resonance lines, indicating a hyperfine interaction with only two hydrogens. We assign this spectrum to the deuterated initial radical shown in Figure 3, which has one a-and one @-hydrogen. Simulation of this spectrum yields coupling constants for these two hydrogens that are equal to those for the nondeuterated initial radical described above. No resolved hyperfine structure was observed from the P-deuterium. In the photopolymerized MMI the monomer concentration was low, as evidenced by the low vapor pressure of the photopolymerized MMI (