Chemical and Biological Sensors - American Chemical Society

1Department of Chemistry, State University of New York at Binghamton,. Binghamton, NY 13902-6016. 2Department of Chemical Engineering, University of ...
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Chapter 1

Chemical and Biological Sensors: Meeting the Challenges of Environmental Monitoring 1

Omowunmi A . Sadik and Ashok Mulchandani



Department of Chemistry, State University of New Y o r k at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13902-6016 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521

Downloaded by on May 15, 2018 | Publication Date: August 15, 2000 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0762.ch001


The focus of this chapter is to address the challenges of developing practical chemical and biological sensors suitable for measuring toxic pollutants, and to highlight how recent works reported in this volume and other literature are helping to address these challenges. It provides an overview of how chemical and biological sensors are meeting the challenges o f environmental monitoring including enhanced specificity, fast response times, and the ability to determine multiple analytes with little or no need for sample preparation steps in complex samples.

Chemical sensor and biosensor technologies have emerged as dynamic approaches for identifying and quantitating specific analytes o f environmental and human levels o f concerns. Due to a growing need for rapid, continuous and multi-component analysis, as well as the necessity for shorter sample preparation methods, new sensing techniques are emerging that make environmental monitoring and surveillance studies much simpler with decreasing costs per sample throughputs. Several sensors utilizing large number of transduction principles have been used for environmental monitoring. These include chemically- and biologically-modified metal or semi-conductor electrodes, ion-selective or gas-sensitive electrodes, thermistors, piezo-electric crystals, field-effect transistors and opto-electronic devices (e.g. fiber-optics and surface plasmon resonance) (1-4). Basically, these transducers convert the input signals into processable electrical signals that can be measured. In general, a chemical sensor consists of a chemically-selective, sensing layer that can respond to certain properties of the substance being analyzed, and is usually in contact with or integrated within a suitable transducer. However, if the sensing layer of the sensor incorporates a © 2000 American Chemical Society

Mulchandani and Sadik; Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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2 biological molecule, such a sensor is generally refereed to as a biosensor. Typically, a biological molecule incorporated in the sensor can be an enzyme, antibody, D N A , receptor proteins or microorganism. The transducer is required to detect the interaction of the bio-specific, sensing element with the analyte. The electrical or optical signal generated by the transducer is then amplified and processed. Hence a signal processor is employed to convert mis signal into a processable form. The monitoring of residue or contamination in soil, water and air can be classified into two main categories. These are: (i) screening or diagnostic techniques in which only a yes-or-no (qualitative) answer is required, and (ii) semi-quantitative or quantitative techniques in which the detection of unwanted chemicals, and the testing of whether or not the residues of the contaminants are within permissible levels are required. It is possible for the former methods to generate false positive or negative results i f the sensitivities are insufficient for the detection of the threshold levels. Chemical and biosensors can be employed in both screening and quantitative applications depending on the specific monitoring need. There is an increasing awareness at research and development laboratories concerning the use of chemical/biological sensors for environmental analysis. These sensors can provide rapid information on the presence of electrolytes, organic pollutants, pesticides, heavy metals and p H levels. Major air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons (mainly from automobiles) can also be monitored using these sensing techniques. However, in spite of the various types of chemical/biological sensors reported, only a few (primarily p H sensors) have been used successfully for environmental monitoring. This may be attributed to the fact that this area of application usually demands enhanced specificity, fast response times, highest available sensitivity and the ability to determine multiple analytes in complex samples with little or no sample preparation steps. Although a number of pollutant sensing techniques have been reported, very few address those specific requirements. There are excellent reviews in literature covering the applications of chemical sensors and biosensors for environmental monitoring (2-8). However, the focus of this chapter is to address the challenges of developing a practical chemical and biological sensors suitable for measuring toxic pollutants, and to highlight how recent works reported in this volume and literature are helping to address these challenges. Challenges in using chemical and biological sensors for environmental monitoring In spite of the numerous literatures available on environmental sensors, some problems are yet to be solved. These problems concern some of the technical constraints relating to sensor sensitivity, selectivity, multianalyte detection, miniaturization/portability for on-site/field application, time of analysis, fabrication, robustness, instability of biological reagents, and drift in sensor signals. Some solutions to the above problems have been addressed in chapters in this volume and recent literature. The use of integrated optic chemical sensors for environmental monitoring and remediation applications offers many advantages; the most prominent is that they

Mulchandani and Sadik; Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

Downloaded by on May 15, 2018 | Publication Date: August 15, 2000 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0762.ch001

3 can easily accommodate multiple sensing elements and can be miniaturized (9-12). Sol-gel technology has been used to fabricate fiber optic and integrated optic chemical sensors for environmental monitoring (13). A complete integrated optic sensor system was demonstrated for the simultaneous identification and quantitation of contaminated trace metal ions in water (13). Signal generation was accomplished by a wavelengthdivision multiplexed optoelectronic unit, which can be remotely located and/or connected via optical fibers. The use of charge-coupled array devices for simultaneous determination of multiple pesticides using antibody against pesticides has been presented in Chapter 15. Recently, instrumental odor analysis using a combination of headspace sampling, non-specific chemical sensor arrays and pattern recognition techniques were reported (14-18). These systems are commonly refereed to as "electronic nose" (EN) or electronic olfactometers. E N generally employs different transduction principles. Metal oxides, quartz crystal arrays, surface acoustic wave devices, electrodes, or a combination of these sensors are used to mimic human sense of smell. The transducer is in close contact with arrays of chemically selective polymer layers formed through heterogeneous and quasi-selective, thin films particularly conducting electroactive polymers (CEPs). A s analogs to natural olfaction, these films act as sensing receptor units. Commercial E N is gaining wide acceptance for routine applications such as medical diagnosis, smart atmospheric monitoring, environmental analysis, food quality control, packaging materials, cosmetics and perfumery industries (14,18-21). The integration of E N technologies with existing instrumental techniques such as gas chromatography has also been reported for environmental monitoring. Chapter 4 describes a brief overview of electronic nose technologies for chemical sensing and provides the results of using E N for environmentally related analytes. O f the 19 known chlorinated phenols, the most important congeners include the 2,4-Dinitrophenol (2,4-D), 2,4,5-trichlorophenol, (2,4,5-TCP) and pentachlorophenol. While these compounds can be determined using mass spectrometry and gas chromatographic techniques, the structural similarities of substituted phenols and their derivative posses a significant challenge and thus require the development of rapid, multianalyte techniques. A n approach that uses pattern recognition technique to identify and predict environmental compounds was recently demonstrated for a range of phenols and halogenated derivatives (22). Chapter 15 in this volume, describes multiarray sensors for phenols and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. In this method, a 32-array conducting polymer sensor was used and the sensor arrays were found to recognize the structurally similar halogenated derivatives based on the nature and position of their functional groups. Each sensor responded in varying degrees to chlorinated organic molecules with standard deviation of less than 0.05. Portability, time of analysis and automation are important issues for environmental sensors. Collection and transportation of samples to the laboratory adds to the cost of analysis. Solutions to these issues have been addressed in this volume in Chapters 9, 17 and 18, that report developments of a screen printed disposable electrode for organophosphate pesticides, a compact self-standing immunosensor for bacteria, and spot assay for glucose, respectively. In a recent report development of an enzyme electrode for the remote monitoring, with a very fast response time, of organophosphate pesticides was reported (23). A n automated prototype immunosensor

Mulchandani and Sadik; Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

4 called F O B I A (fiber optic biospecific interaction analysis) suitable for the detection of atrazine has been developed by CIBA-Geigy. A commercial, surface plasmon resonance apparatus (i.e. BIAcore from Pharmacia) has been used for the detection of atrazine (24,25). Fiber optic sensors for hydrocarbons and C1CH:CC1 in water was recently reported (26). These sensor platforms will make on-field, with a possibility of remote, monitoring, away from the laboratory, feasible. Since most environmental pollutants usually have small molecules, sensing techniques cannot adequately exploit conventional interactions between enzymes or antibodies on natural substrates. Therefore, a general approach to biosensors for small environmental molecules must entail the synthesis of an analogue molecule containing a reactive moiety that can be further chemically manipulated. Other challenges relate to the complex interactions of biomolecules and/or cells with the transducers. Development of environmental sensors, therefore, requires the availability of biological reagents such as antibodies, antigens, and receptor proteins. Moreover, the biocomponents have limited stability and are not likely to be exactly reproducible during measurements in extreme or harsh chemical environments; thus posing problems about quality control and compliance monitoring applications. In addressing some of these technical challenges, there is a growing interest in rationally assembling dynamic macromolecules capable of providing analogous properties to biological units, with unique abilities to recognize specific analytes and transmit this information into a measurable form. Consequently, many analogs of biological molecules have been synthesized, including cryptands, calixarenes, crown ethers, other inorganic analogs, and genetically engineered proteins. Some of these challenges have been addressed from recent works reported in this volume. These works are used to illustrate how the custom designs of recognition elements are being used to obtain analytically useful signals. In Chapter 2 for example, the custom design of molecular recognition elements to achieve sensor selectivity suitable for environmental sensing of anions was described. Chapter 3 describes the synthesis of polystyrene-based dithiozone analogues for heavy metal detection. Samples of polystyrene-supported diarylthiocarbazones were shown to undergo distinctive color changes in 0.005M aqueous lead (II) and mercury (II) ions. Chapter 15 describes the synthesis of a new class of protein conjugates to create non-antibody based sensing. This work utilizes metal binding principle to modify 2-puriylazo chelate protein. Practical application was demonstrated using gallium detection and is also applicable to other metals such as cadmium and lead. This illustrates the importance and practicality of using synthetic chemistries to recognize key elements of sensor structures for their respective target analytes. The rational approach to the design of molecular recognition elements may reduce current reliance on biological units to achieve selectivity in environmental applications. Research and development of chalcogenide glass chemical sensors are gaining more attention. Analytical applications of this type of sensors for environmental monitoring and process control have been reported for the detection of microgram levels of copper (II), iron (III), chromium (VI), lead, cadmium and mercury in natural and waste waters (27,28). In addition, the applications of chalcogenide glass sensors for laboratory analysis, industrial control and

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Mulchandani and Sadik; Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

Downloaded by on May 15, 2018 | Publication Date: August 15, 2000 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0762.ch001

5 environmental monitoring have been reported for heavy metals ions in solution (28). Online chemical sensors in which selective chemical reagents were immobilized have also been demonstrated for low ppb detection of aromatic hydrocarbons, hydrazines and ethylene (29). These sensors are suitable for groundwater monitoring under p H range of 4, with additional optodes for lower p H range. Also reported is the improvement of water quality surveillance using integrated physicochemical and biological sensor control responses. Other exciting developments include the use of DNA-based biosensors, molecular beacons, and genetically-engineered organisms and proteins as tools for environmental analysis. Chapter 19 provides a critical review of the concept of genetic testing as well as the state-of-the-art analysis of nucleic acid biosensor and chip scale oligonucleotide array technologies. In Chapter 21, the use of D N A as tools for environmental monitoring was described. Possible applications in environmental and healthcare applications are also described. Chapter 20 describes the use of molecular beacons while Chapters 6 and 7 highlight the use of genetically engineered and conformation-induced protein changes for environmentally-related phosphates and heavy metals respectively. Chapters 12 and 14 describe a two-stage, continuous, toxicity monitoring system using recombinant bioluminescent bacteria and bioluminescence-based integrated circuit devices. Chapter 17 reports on environmental toxicity monitoring using a panel of cell-based biosensors containing selected, stress-responsive Escherichia coli promoters fused to bioluminescent reporter. Genetic testing methodologies may provide useful strategies for generating recognition diversity for arrays of large volume testing. Conclusions and Future Trend The contributions in this volume demonstrate the challenges facing the researchers and developers in their quest for a successful commercial sensor suitable for environmental monitoring and how these challenges are being addressed. However, it provides no definitive answers to the inadequate understanding of the underlying mechanism(s) of sensor-analyte interactions. The greater depth of knowledge of the fundamental interfacial processes at sensor-analyte surfaces, which depends on the morphology of selective sensing layer, the bioactivity of the immobilized molecules, will be required to accurately predict sensor parameters such as sensitivity, selectivity and limit of detection. Understanding the mechanism of sensor-analyte interactions requires the following (i) defining the quantitative structure-activity relationships, (ii) investigating the influence of physical properties e.g. diffusion, hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity, molecular size and shape, and (iii) predicting the effects of (i) and (ii) on selectivity and sensitivity (30). Hence areas of future research in sensors should include greater understanding of interfacial sensor-analyte mechanisms. The future of chemical and environmental sensors looks promising. Current work and continued awareness of the existing problems will set the stage for commercial developments.

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Mulchandani and Sadik; Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.