Chemical calculations (Benson, Sidney W.) - Journal of Chemical

Essentials of chemistry. Laboratory manual for essentials of chemistry (Maas, Michael L.; Slemmer, George W.) Journal of Chemical Education. Laughlin...
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book reviews size and minimum of descriplive materinl. I t contains no photographs and only n small number of drawings (19 figores). The author has designed the hook for %onesemester course bnt,, with pasfiible deletion of the few chapters of organic rhemistxy and biochemistry, it. would serve for a onequarter preparatory course for foture science majors. The text a3sumes no previous expwienco in the stody of chemistry and little knowledge of nmthemetics. Problems are explained in a step-by-step procedure and i m p d a n t relationships are stated both in the text and in the tables. Each chapter contains a glossary and exercises. The latter are well-spaced and in Inrge type to give them a p~.ominentposition in the text. They eliminate the need of a soparate prohlems hook. There is much emphasis on nomenclatore. The Slock system for common cstions is used as well as the classical names. The Stock nomenclsture is not given for anions,. orohably to keeo the material sinl. ple. Every type of chemical calculation for general chemistry seems ta be included. Stoichiometry is taken up in two separate chapters. The section on organic chemistry wntains too much material for theshort chapters allocated for it. The chapters on hiochemistry are limited to cxrbohydrat,es, fats, and proteins and should be easily understandable to the chemist,ry beginner, The appendices include constants, conversion units, four-place logarithms and answers to odd-numbered questions in the text. A hhoratory manual is en-anthored by George W. Slemmer. The laboratory topics do not correspond with chapters in the text hut shifting of order of topics could remedy this problem somewhat. The experiments are followed by answer sheets that can be easily removed. There is a suggested list of equipment for each student. Also included in the manual is a list of equipment and mitterials for each experiment. Supplementary problems and worksheets are in the appendix. The laboratory manual contains twenty-two exeraises, five of which :hare concerned with organio and hioohemistry.

The chapter on the llates of Chemical lteactions has been extensively row~.ii.t.en and expanded. A chnpi.el. dealing wit,ll entropy and Gihbs enwgy has been added. Ot.her we1.e changed simply by inserling a. new paragraph inlo Ihe exis1,ing i d . These iwlrtde tlr