Chemical engineering catalogs for distribution - Journal of Chemical

Journal of Chemical Education · Advanced .... Chemical engineering catalogs for distribution. J. Chem. .... ACS on Campus' 2019 India Road Shows. Keep...
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T h e United States Civil-Service Commission announces the following open competitive examinations: Junior Pharmacognosist, $1860 Junior Pharmacologist, $1860 Senior !2hemical Engineer (Pulp and Paper), $5200 to $6WO Applications for the first two positions must be on file with the Civil-Service Commission a t Washington, D. C., not later than December 30th; for thelast, not later than December 27th. Full information may be obtained from the 1.nited States Civil-%ice Commission. Washinaon. I ) . C or the senvtary of the United States rivil-service board of examiners a t the post-office or customhouse in any city


CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CATALOGS FOR DISTRIBUTION For some years past the Chemical Catalog Company (419 Fourth Avenue a t 29th Street, New York City) has been distributing returned copies of the previous year's edition of the "Chemical Engineering Catalog" to various colleges and universities, as s u.~.~ l e m e n t a textbooks rv for the where they are used in the chemistry . de~artments . students in chemical engineering. The company announces that it has, this year, a rather larger number of catalogs for distribution than usual. No charze - is made for the copies, but the express charges are paid by the receiver.


OHIO, DECEMBER 29-31,1927

The arrangements for the Symposium are practically complete. The program will occupy morning, afternoon, and evening of each day. The social part of the meeting will be provided by arrangements for those attending t o have their meals together, sometimes a t the headquarters hotel, the Neil House, and sometimes a t the Faculty Club which is next t o the Chemistry Building. All phases of the meeting have been arranged t o avoid the rush so characteristic of chemical meetings. Only fifteen papers will be presented. Besides these there will be five colloquia on suhjeds of general interest t o organic chemists. The presenters of papers were chosen by a general ballot of the Organic Division last spring. They are as follows: Roger Adams, University of Illinois; Homer Adkins, University of Wisconsin; James B. Conant, Harvard University; Graham Edgar, Ethyl Gasoline Corporation; Wm. L. Evans. Ohio State University; E. C. Franklin. Stanford University: . . H. S. Fry, University of Cincinnati; Charles H. Herty, The Chemical Foundation; Arthur J. Hill, Yale University; C. S. Hudson. Bureau of Standards: Oliver Kamm. Parke Davis & Co.: E. C. Kendall, The Mayo Foundation; J. A. Nieuwland, University of Notre Dame; James F. Norris. Massachusetts Institute of Technology; R. R. Renshaw, New York University.