Chemical engineering practice. Volume 11 - ACS Publications

Chemical engineering practice. Volume 11 - ACS Publications JJ McKetta - ‎1960JOHN L...
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BOOK REVIEWS therefore D-glyceraldehyde, by indirect means. To be specific, the absolute configurations of biphenyls can be established by beautiful intuitive reasoning through "abnormd" Grignard reactions or the Me~rwein-l'onndorf-%ley reduct,ion by means of quasi-six-membered rings. The terms Rectus and Sinister should he mentioned briefly; this would tie in with other absolute configurations of biphenyls through specific quasiracemates in thermal analyses. Space is ccrtxinly limited, but such suhject matter would seem to be important for a future revision. The approach is generally the same as in the previous edition, which has already hren reviewed enthusisstieally in numerouii journals. The task of an author attempting to reduce the topics t,a hc covered in a redable single volume in, of conmr, not easy. Formulas, equation*, diagramri, tahlcs, and other vivual aids art. very dearly done. This volume oan hc most highly recommended for any organic chemist wishing to have an adequate single volume ref~rencoat hand treating with st~reorhemistr,vand an introduction to t,hc chemistry of natural products The- aut,hor's ~ t y l eis w r y clear, with attention given to details and careful tlvoidnnoe of verhdistic nonsense.