Chemical Engineering Symposium at Stanford - C&EN Global

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Men and Molecules...

Chemical Engineering Symposium at Stanford The 32nd Annual Chemical Engineering Symposium of the ACS Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry will be held Dec. 20 and 21 at Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. Theme of the symposium will be Molecular Transport and Rate Phenomena. Registration begins at 8 A.M., Dec. 20. Those wishing to attend the symposium are asked to fill out the preregistration coupon on this page and mail it with registration fees by Dec. 1. Checks should be payable to 32nd Annual Chemical Engineering Symposium. It is expected that those attending will make their own room reservations; however, a list of motels and hotels near the Stanford campus is available and will be sent on request to those preregistering. MONDAY MORNING


Technical Session II R. N. Rickles. Diffusion Transport in Membranes. J. F . Wehner. The Interaction of Transport and Chemical Reaction in Flames with Active Intermediates. O. Trass. Shock Tubes in HighTemperature Reaction Studies. J. R. Bowen. Transport and Rate Processes in Gaseous Detonations. TUESDAY MORNING

Technical Session III J. B. Fenn. The Wonderful World of Free Expansion. R. P. Andres, D. R. Miller. Rotational Relaxation of Diatomic Molecules. R. J. Madix. The Application of Molecular Beams to Gas-Solid Interactions: Oxygen on Germanium. F. H. Shair. Using the Plasma for Power, Propulsion, and Chemical Processing.

Technical Session I

. . . released for broadcast after Oct. 29 is titled "Thwarting the U r g e — I I " and features USDA scientist Dr. Germain La Brecque of Gainesville, Fla. See "ACS on the Air" listings beginning on page 82 of this issue for stations broadcasting in your area. Each week C&EN announces here the "Men and Molecules" program to be released the following Friday. Call your local station to find out when specific programs you are interested in will be broadcast.

Chemical Marketing Research Association will hold a meeting in Cleveland, Nov. 16 and 17, at the StatlerHilton Hotel. Theme of the meeting will be Chemical Marketing and the Computer. A program of 12 papers will be given. Also featured will be a panel discussion on the meeting theme. Chairman of the program committee is John S. Doerr of Gulf Oil.


J. Wei, J. C. Zahner. Diffusion and Catalysis. A. S. Grove. The Role of Mass Transfer in Semiconductor Technology. R. H. Wilhelm. Parametric Pumping—A Dynamic Principle for Separating Fluid Mixtures.

Technical Session IV T. D. Taylor. Radiation-Induced Mass Transfer. P. R. Rony. The Study of Atom Reactions at Low Pressures. The Mathematics of Steady-State Diffusion and Flow Tubes.





changed the date of its annual meeting from Nov. 30 to Dec. 1. It will be held at the Biltmore Hotel, New York City. The meeting will feature 10 technical papers, presentation of the SCC Medal Award, a luncheon, dinner, and dinner dance.

Society of Plastics Engineers will hold Preregistration Form

32nd ACS Chemical Engineering Symposium Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.

Dec. 2 0 - 2 1 ,





( initial )


its 22nd annual technical conference March 7 to 11, 1966, at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Que. Theme of the conference will be Plastisixties, the Decade of Plastics Technology. Highlights of the meeting will include presentation of the $1000 SPE International Award, entertainment, and a ladies' program, in addition to more than 235 technical papers from eight foreign countries as well as the U.S. and Canada.

Registration and Reservation ( check appropriate items ) : G ACS Member ($7.00) D ACS Student Member ($2.00)

D I plan to have lunch at the Faculty Club Dec. 20 & 21 ($3.00) D I plan to attend the cocktail hour and banquet Dec. 20 ($6.00)

D Not ACS Member ( $14) D Please send me hotel information D Please send me abstracts for the talks

Mail to Dr. Andreas Acrivos, Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 94305, by Dec. 1. 78



2 5,


American Association of Cereal Chemists will hold its 51st annual meeting in New York City, April 11 to 15, 1966, at the New York Hilton Hotel. Program chairman is Welker Bechtel, American Institute of Baking, Chicago, 111. For further details write AACC, 1955 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104.


Î?j es J H f a X g O T B L ^ . *$-^B

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The 17th International Science Fair will be held in Dallas, Tex., May 11 to 14, 1966. Sponsor is Science Service, 1719 Ν St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.


LANOLIN & DEGRAS grade Good oil and solvent solubility High water-absorptive capacity Excellent metal wetting Non-crystalline Odor-free Low cost Our No. S60-Z5

Solid Waste Management is the topic of a national conference to be held by the University of California at its Davis campus, April 4 and 5, 1966. Address inquiries to Dr. Samuel Hart, Associate Professor of Agricultural En­ gineering, University of California, Davis, Calif.

International Symposium on the De­ contamination of Nuclear Installations will be held at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, May 4 to 6, 1966. Write F. K. Pyne, Bldg. 329, AERE, Har­ well, Berkshire, England, for further information.


1730 TRAIN AVENUE · Phone: 861-3676

CLEVELAND. OHIO 44113 Area Code: 216

The Third AOCS Award in Lipid Chem­ istry will b e presented at the spring meeting of American Oil Chemists' Society next April. Nominations are in order for the award. Write Waldo C. Ault, Chairman of the AOCS Award Canvassing Committee, USDA, 600 East Mermaid Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 19118, for further details.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS American Chemical Society Winter Meeting. Phoenix, Ariz. Jan. 16-21, 1966. 151st National Meeting. Pittsburgh, Pa. March 22-31, 1966. 152nd National Meeting. New York, N.Y. Sept. 11-16,1966. Winter Meeting. Kansas City, Mo. Jan. 15-20,1967. 153rd National Meeting. Miami Beach, Fla. April 9-14, 1967. 154th National Meeting. Chicago, 111. Sept. 10-15, 1967. Winter Meeting. New Orleans, La., Jan. 7-12, 1968. ACS First Midwest Regional Meeting. University of Missouri, Kansas City, Mo. Nov. 4-5. (C&EN, Oct. 18, page 75). 7th Eastern Analytical Symposium. Spon­ sors, ACS sections et al. Statler-Hilton Hotel, New York, N.Y. Nov. 17-19. ACS Western Regional Meeting. StatlerHilton Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif. Nov. 18-20. ACS Southeast-Southwest Joint Regional Meeting. Hotel Peabody, Memphis, Tenn. Dec. 2-4. ACS Division of Industrial and Engi­ neering Chemistry. 32nd Annual Chemical Engineering Symposium. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. Dec. 20 and 21. (See page 78, this issue. ) ACS First Middle Atlantic Regional Meet­ ing. Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia. Feb. 3-4,1966. Other Organizations Chemical Market Research Association. Cleveland, Ohio. Nov. 16-17. Manufacturing Chemists' Association. 15th Semiannual Meeting. New York, N.Y. Nov. 23. 30th Exposition of Chemical Industries. New York Coliseum, New York, N.Y. Nov. 29-Dec. 3. Society of Cosmetic Chemists. Annual Meeting. New York, N.Y. Nov. 30.

ACS Local Sections SECTION

America's Largest Continuous Producer of




Dependable Deliveries from a Dependable Supplier


Cleveland (Analytical Group). Schmidt Lecture Hall, John M i l l s Science Center, West­ e r n Reserve U n i v e r s i t y Delaware ( M a s s T r a n s f e r a n d Kinetics and Physical Groups). Delaware Academy of M e d i c i n e , W i l m i n g t o n H a m p t o n Roads. Christopher Newport College, Newport News, Va. Minnesota. R o o m 3 7 5 , Science Bldg., University of Minne­ sota, Minneapolis North Jersey (Gas C h r o m a t o g ­ raphy Group). American S t a n d a r d L a b o r a t o r i e s , Piscataway Township, N.J. (Group Discussion) St. Louis. San Gorgonio. Faculty Club H o u s e , C l a r e m o n t Colleges, C l a r e m o n t , Calif. Southern Illinois. Carbondale (Charter Meeting—Ladies Night) Virginia. C o b b C h e m i c a l Lab­ oratory, University o f Vir­ ginia, Charlottesville Virginia Blue Ridge. Travelt o w n L o d g e , Roanoke Washington. Georgetown Uni­ versity ( B i o c h e m i c a l Group) 5 P.M.



Complexometric Systems 3

H. A. Flaschka


Jack Halpern


M. J . Sienko


W. N. Lipscomb




OCT. 2 5, 19 65

The C h e m i c a l a n d P h y s i c a l Na­ t u r e of t h e L u n a r S u r f a c e Carboranes Boranes




D. Richard Wiley


F. S. Rowland


Marshall W. M e a d


M. J . Sienko

The C h e m i c a l a n d P h y s i c a l Na­ t u r e of t h e L u n a r S u r f a c e


M. J. Sienko

Defect S o l i d S t a t e


R. B. Roberts Walter Mertz Calvin Ritchie H. H. G. Jellinek

( O r g a n i c G r o u p ) 5 P.M. ( P o l y m e r Group) 5 P.M. Western New York ( A n a l y t i c a l Group). Horan-O'Donnell H a l l , C a n i s i u s College, Buf­ f a l o , N.Y.

Kinetics a n d Mechanisms of Electron-Transfer Reactions

W h a t Do Y o u Have a n d W h a t Would Y o u Like i n GLC Equipment?

Chattanooga 9, Tennessee Address Inquiries to: BODMAN CHEMICALS 50 E. Wynnewood Rd., Wynnewood, Pa. ·



Richard Baxter

Symposium—Midwest Award Address Radioisotopic Investigators of Gas Phase C h e m i c a l Reac­ tions T h e ACS a n d I t s M e m b e r Ac­ tivities

Chemical Biological and Nutri­ tional Aspects of C h r o m i u m III Acidity in Nonaqueous Solution Recent S t u d i e s i n P o l y m e r De­ gradation and Depolymerization Thermal Analysis

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OCT. 25, 1965 C&EN




Anniston, WHMA, Sun. 7 P . M . , Army Chem­ ical Corps, Ft. McClellan Decatur, WMSL, Wed. 10:15 P . M . , North Alabama Huntsville, WFUN, Sun. 6:45 P . M . , North Alabama

Danville, WHIR, Mon. 6:45 P.M., Centre College Lexington, WBKY, Thurs. 6:15 P.M., University of Kentucky Louisville, WFPL-WFPK, Daily 4:45 P . M . , Louisville Owensboro, WOMI, Sun. 6:45 P . M . , IndianaKentucky Border Richmond, WEKY, Mon. 6:15 P . M . , Eastern Kentucky College

ARKANSAS Benton, KGKO, Sun. 4:30 P . M . , Central ATkansas Conway, KCON, Sat. 6:15 P . M . , Central Ar­ kansas De Queen, KDQN, Sat. 3:45 P . M . , Ark-La-Tex El Dorado, KELD, Sat. 11:15 A.M., South Fayetteville, KFAY, Sat. 8:45 A.M., University of Arkansas Hope, KXAR, Sat. 8:45 A.M., Ark-La-Tex Malvern, KB OK, Mon. 5:30 P . M . , Central

Dossier of a Chemical Intermediate Name: D(-) α -Phenylglycine

Nashville, KBHC, Sat. 12:15 P.M., Ark-La-Tex Searcy, KWCB, Mon. 5:15 P . M . , Central Ar­ kansas

CALIFORNIA Barstow, KIOT, Sun. 11:15 A.M., Mojave Desert Fresno, KJMJ, Wed. 7:15 P.M., California Los Angeles, KGBS, Sun. 5:15 A.M., Southern California Sacramento, KCRA, Sun. 5:45 P.M., Sacramento San Francisco, KXKX, Thurs. 8 P.M., California Twenty-nine Palms, KDHI, Wed. 8:15 A . M . and 5:15 P.M., San Gorgonio



Boulder, KBOL, Fri. 6:15 P.M., Colorado Colorado Springs, KCMSy Thurs. 10 P . M . , Colorado Fort Collins, KCOL, Wed. 6:30 P.M., Colorado Pueblo, KFEL, Tues. 6:15 A.M., Colorado


DESCRIPTION: assay (min.) molecular weight melting point, °C α 25", i n l N H C l

98% 151 245-248° -159° insoluble soluble insoluble ; insoluble

Standard Package 50 lb. fiber drum Shipping Regulations ..'. none MODUS OPERANDI: Pharmaceutical Intermediate WHEREABOUTS: Kay-Fries Chemicals, Inc., 360 Lexington Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10017. Samples of D (-) aphenylglycine and its parent, dl-aphenylglycine, are available for personal investigation — request on company letterhead, please. K a y - F r i e s C h e m i c a l s , Inc. 3 6 0 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017





Crestview, WJSB, Fri. 9:15 A.M., Florida Tampa, WUSF, Wed. 8:45 P . M . , University of South Florida

HAWAII Honolulu, KGU, Sun. 12:30 P.M., Hawaiian Kealakekua, KEKO, Thurs. 9 A.M., Hawaiian

ILLINOIS Carbondale, WSIU, Mon. 7:45 Illinois University Evanston, WEAW, Mon. 11:15 Màcomb, WKAI, Sat. 10:30 Illinois University Quincy, WTAD Thurs. 3:45 Keokuk

P . M . , Southern P . M . , Chicago A.M., Western P.M.,

INDIANA Goshen, WKAM, Sun. 12:45 P . M . , St. Joseph Valley Indianapolis, WJAC-FM, Wed. 10:30 P . M . , Indiana Indianapolis, WICR, Mon. 5:45 P . M . , Indiana Central College Lafayette, WBAA, Wed. 9:30 P.M., Purdue Lafayette, WASK-FM, Tues. 10:30 A.M., Purdue Terre Haute, WTHI, Sat. 7:45 P . M . , Wabash Valley

IOWA Ames, WOI, Mon. 10:05 A.M., Iowa State University Burlington, KBUR, Sun. 1:30 P.M., Quincy-Keokuk Cedar Falls, KTCF,, Wed. 7:45 P.M., State College of Iowa Clinton, KROS, Sun. 12 NOON, Illinois-Iowa Decorah, KWLC, Mon. 8 P.M., Luther College Keokuk, KOKX, Sun. 12:45 P . M . , Quincy-Keokuk Muscatine/ KWPC, Sat. 5:15 P . M . , IllinoisIowa Waverly, KWAR-FM, Thurs. 9:30 P . M . , Wartburg College



OCT. 2 5, 196 5

MASSACHUSETTS Boston, W H D H , Tues. 10:15 P.M., Northeastern Boston, WBUR, Mon. 7:45 P . M . , Boston University Fitchburg, WEIM, Sun. 10:30 A.M., Central Pittsfield, WBEC, Wed. (on "Weeknight" pro-gram) 8 P.M., Connecticut Valley Winchester, WHSR-FM, Tues. 7 P . M . , Eastern Mennonite College Worcester, WTAG, Wed. 9:15 P . M . , Central Massachusetts Worcester, WSRS, Sat. 12 P . M . , Central Massachusetts


Fort Scott, KMDO, Sat. 8:45 P . M . , Southeast Kansas Lawrence, KLWN-AM, Sun. 4 P . M . ; FM, 6:30 P.M., Universittf of Kansas Manhattan, KSAC, Mon. 4:30 P.M., Kansas State Universitu Wichita, KMUW-FM, Tues. 5:45 P . M . , Wichita State University


MARYLAND Baltimore, WCBM, Thurs. 12 noon, Maryland


Solubility Data : water acid alcohol ether


Norwich, WICH, Sun. 8:30 P . M . , Eastern Connecticut Stamford, WSTC, Tues. 7:30 P . M . , Western Connecticut Waterbury, WBRY, Thurs. 8:15 P . M . , Western Connecticut Windsor, WSOR, Sat. 12:45 P . M . , Connecticut Valley

LOUISIANA Alexandria, KALB, Tues. 6:45 P . M . , Southwest Louisiana Baton Rouge, WXOK, Thurs. 4:30 P . M . , Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, WAIL, Sun. 9:15 A.M., Baton Rouge DeRidder, KDLA, Mon. 4 P . M . , Southwest Louisiana Eunice, KEUN, Tues. 6 P.M., Southwest Louisiana Ferriday, KFNV, Sat. 2:15 P.M., Ark-La-Tex Haynesville, KLUV, Sun. 9:45 A.M., Ark-LaTex Homer, KHAL, Mon. 7:15 A.M., Ark-La-Tex Jena, KCKW, Sat. 11 A.M!, Ark-La-Tex Jennings, KJEF, Sun. 9:45 P . M . , Southwest Louisiana Jonesboro, KTOC, Sat. 8 A.M., Ark-La-Tex Lafayette, KVOL, Sun. 8:45 P . M . , Southwest Louisiana Mansfield, KDBC, Sun. 3 P.M., Ark-La-Tex Natchitoches, KNOC, Mon. 6:45 P . M . , Ark-La- . Tex New Orleans, WTIX, Sun. 7:45 A.M., Louisiana New Orleans, W W L , Sun. 8:15 A.M., Louisiana New Orleans, WNPS, Mon. 10:45 A.M., Louisiana Oakdale, KREH, Tues. 3:15 P . M . , Southwest Louisiana Shreveport, KRMD, Sat. 11:35 A.M. Ark-La-Tex Shreveport, KBCL, Sat. 10 A.M., Ark-La-Tex Shreveport, KEEL, Sun. 10:30 A.M., Ark-LaTex Springhill, KBSF, Sat. 11:30 A.M., Ark-La-Tex Sulphur, KIKS, Sun. ~ 1:45 P . M . , Southwest Louisiana Ville Platte, KVPI, Sat. 3:45 P . M . , Southwest Louisiana

MICHIGAN Bay City, WBCM, alt. Saturdays, 8:05 P . M . , Midland Detroit, WQRS, Sat. 6:45 P.M., Detroit East Lansing, WKAR-AM-FM, Wed. 11 A.M., Michigan State University Grand Rapids; WMAX, Sun. 7 A.M., Calvin ColHancock, WMPL, Sun. 9:30 A.M., Upper Peninsula Holland, WHTC, Mon. 6:45 P . M . , Western Michigan Kalamazoo, WKZO, Mon. 7:45 P.M., Kalamazoo Kalamazoo, WMUK-FM, Sun. 5:45 P.M., Michigan State University Midland, WMDN, alt. Thursdays, 8:30 P . M . , Midland

MISSISSIPPI Canton, WMGO, Sat. 9 A.M., Mississippi Greenville, WESY, Tues. 9 A.M., Mississippi Greenwood, WABG, Wed. 7:30 P.M., Mississippi Grenada, WNAG, Sun. 4 P.M., Mississippi Gulfport, WROA, Sat. 6:45 P.M., Mississippi Hattiesburg, WBKH, Mon. 12:30 P.M., Mississippi Houston, WCPC, Mon. 5:45 P.M., Mississippi Kosciusko, WKOZ, Thurs. 5:45 & Sun. 5:30 P.M., Mississippi Laurel, WNSL, Sat. 6:15 P.M., Mississippi McComb, WHNY, Mon. 6:45 P.M., Mississippi Natchez, WNAT, Wed. 9:30 P.M., Mississippi Newton, WBKN, Mon. I l A.M.* Mississippi Oxford, WSUH, Sun. 9:15 A.M., Mississippi Pascagoula, WPMP, Mon. 5:30 P.M., Mississippi Philadelphia, WHOC, Fri. 6 P.M., Mississippi Starkville, WSSO, Tues. 6:15 P.M., Mississippi Wicksburg, WVIM, Mon. 3:45 P.M., Mississippi

ACS ON THE AIR, continued


MISSOURI Rolla, KMSM, Mon. 6:45 P . M . , University of Missouri St. Louis, KFUO, Wed. 2:30 P.M., St. Louis

MONTANA Bozeman, KBMN, Sat. 6 P . M . , Montana College



NEBRASKA North Platte, KJLT, Sat. 1 P.M.,



NEW HAMPSHIRE Hanover, WTSL, Sun. 9:10 P . M . , Northeastern Portsmouth, WHEB-AM-FM, Sun. 6:15 P . M . , Northeastern

NEW JERSEY Asbury Park, WHTG-AM-FM, Sun. 9:35 A.M., Monmouth County Bridgeton, WSNJ-AM-FM, Sun. 6:30 A.M., South Jersey Dover, WDHA-FM, Sun. 1:05 P . M . , North Jersey Madison, WERD, Thurs. 7:15 P.M., Drew Uni­ versity Madison, WFDM, Wed. & Thurs. 6:30 P . M . , Fairleigh Dickinson University Millville, WMVB, Sun. 12:45 P . M . , South South Orange, WSOU, Fri. 7:30 P . M . , North Jersey Trenton, WRCR, Tues. 5:45 P.M., Rider College Vineland, WDVL, Sun. 4 : 3 0 P . M . , South Jersey Vineland, WWBZ, Mon. 6:45 P.M., South Jersey

NEW MEXICO Albuquerque, KHFM, Tues. 10 P . M . , Central New Mexico Los Alamos, KRSN, Fri. 7:15 P . M . , Central New Mexico University Park, KRWG-FM, Sat. 5 P . M . , New Mexico State University


NEW YORK Albany, WOKO, Sat. 12:15 P . M . , Eastern New York Bronx, WFUV, Wed. 7:15 P.M., New York Canton, KSLU, Mon. 6 P . M . , St. Lawrence University Corning, WCLI, Fri. 7:15 P.M., Corning New York, WNYC, Mon. 6:30 P.M., New York Potsdam, WTSC-FM, Wed. 9:10 P.M., Clarkson College of Technology Rochester, WCMF, Sat. 4:45 P.M., Rochester Watertown, WOTT, Sun. 11:45 A.M., Northern New York

NORTH CAROLINA Asheville, WLOS, Sat. 9 P . M . , Western Carolinas Burlington, WBBB, Mon. 7:15 P . M . , Central North Carolina Cullowhee, WWOO, Thurs. 7:15 P.M., CarolinaPiedmont Gastonia, WLTC, Sun. 4:45 P . M . , CarolinaPiedmont Greenville, WOOW, Sun. 9:40 P . M . , Eastern North Carolina Jacksonville, WJNC, Sat. 5:45 P . M . , Eastern North Carolina Raleigh, WLLE, Sun. 12:30 P . M . , North Caro­ lina Rocky Mount, W E E D , Sun. 9:15 P . M . , Eastern North Carolina Wadesboro, WADE, Wed. 5:15 P.M., CarolinaPiedmont Washington, W E E W , Mon. 1:30 P . M . , North Carolina Wilson, WGTM, Sun. 7:05 P.M., Eastern North Carolina

NORTH DAKOTA Grand Forks, KFJM, Tues. 2:15 P.M., of North Dakota

Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., located in DeKalb since 1958, re­ cently moved to a new, expanded plant in DeKalb-Atlanta's Interstate 85 Industrial. District. From here, Pfizer supplies pharmaceuticals, chemicals, agricultural and consumer products to customers in a 10-state area. Good labor, fine climate, efficient county government, good transportation make it the logical location for Pfizer —and, perhaps, for your company, too. If you're looking for a prime Southeastern location, why not put DeKalb under your marketing microscope? Write today for the Atlanta area Biotechnology study


OHIO Akron, WAKR, Sun. 11:45 P.M., Akron Akron, WAPS, Mon. 10:55 A.M., Akron Public Schools (8 times a week) Athens, WOUB, Thurs. 6:30 P . M . , Upper Ohio Valley Canton, WHB'C, Sat. 11:45 A.M., Akron Chillicothe, WBEX, Tues. 6:15 P.M., Columbus Cincinnati, WGUC-FM, Mon. 7 P.M., Cincinnati Cleveland, WRAR, Tues. 8:30 P . M . , Western Reserve University Columbus, WOSU, Sat. 5:45 P.M., Columbus Delaware, WSLN-FM, Mon. 7:15 P . M . , Sun. 3:15 P.M., Ohio Wesleyan University

Continued on page 112

DeKalb location improves Pfizer distribution

J. Reid Williamson, Manager, Industrial Committee of 100, or Β. Η. Manning, Jr., Chairman DeKalb County Commission, P. 0. Drawer 15059 Atlanta, Georgia 30333






25, 1965

C & E N 83

Philadelphia, WIBG, Sun. 6:45 A.M.,



MISCELLANEOUS Advertising of Classifications Not Included in Directories On Preceding Pages PUBLICATIONS—SALE, WANTED FOR SALE: UNITERM INDEX OF U.S. Chemical Patents. (Published by Information for Industry, Inc.). Six volumes—1959-1964. For further information call: DA 6-6700 Ext. 226, Simoniz Company, 2100 Indiana Avenue, Chicago 16, Illinois. BACK ISSUES OF NEARLY ALL VOLumes of ACS journals are available promptly from the American Chemical Society. Write for quotations on volumes and sets. Special Issues Sales Department, ACS, 1155 Six­ teenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.

ATTENTION. MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS Whenever you write to the American Chemical Society about your membership or subscription, please include your C&EN address label to ensure prompt service ATTACH LABEL HERE To change your address, please give us five weeks' advance notice. Place maga­ zine address label here. Print your NEW address below. If you have any question about your subscription or membership, place your magazine label here and clip this form to your letter.

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Sioux Falls, KSOO, Sun. 12:20 P . M . , Sioux Valley


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Local Address

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Mail to the American Chemical Society, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

ACS on the Air continued from page 83

OHIO continued


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Jackson, WLMJ, Wed. 12:45 P.M., Central Ohio Valley Kent, WKSU-FM, Fri. 8 P.M., Akron Marietta, WMOA, Fri. 7:15 P . M . , Upper Ohio Valleij Marietta, WCMO-FM, Wed. 5:15 P.M., Marietta College Oberlin, WOBC, Mon. 7:15 P . M . , Oberlin Col­ lege Oxford, WMUB-FM, Tues. 7:15 P.M., Cincinnati Painesville, WPLV, Sat. 11 A.M., Northeastern Ohio Toledo, WTOL, Sun. 10:45 P.M., Toledo Wilberforce, WJSC-FM, Wed. 6 P . M . , Central State College Wooster, WWST-AM-FM, Sun. 4:45 P . M . , Wooster Youngstown, WFMJ, Sat. 6:15 P.M., Venn-Ohio Border

OKINAWA Naha, KSAB, Sat. 4:30 P . M . , ACS Office


OKLAHOMA Bartlesville, KWON, Sun. 9:05 P . M . , Oklahoma Ponca City, WBBZ, Sun. 6:15 P.M., North Cen­ tral Oklahoma Tulsa, KIHI, Sun. 10:30 P.M., Tulsa

ONTARIO Brockville, CFJR, Fri. 7 P.M., CIC

Miss Patricia F l y n n Burnham V a n Service 1734 Second A v e n u e Columbus, Georgia

Job hunting? Looking for employees? Whatever your needs, you can find the answer to your problem in CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS' Classified Section. More companies and em­ ployees contact each other in C&EN than in all other chemical publications combined.



OCT. 25, 1965

RHODE ISLAND Providence, WJAR, Tues. 7:45 P . M . , & Thurs. 7:45 P.M., Rhode Island


USED EQUIPMENT Liquidating Two Chemical Plants. . . Zirconium Chemical Plant at Pensacola, Florida, and Maleic Anhydride Plant at Elizabeth, N.J. Stainless steel equipment . . . calciner s, filters, columns, heat ex­ changers, flakers, etc . . . Send for bro­ chures. Perry Equipment Corp., 1404 N. Sixth St., Phila., Pa. 19122. phone (area 215) 763-3505.

PUERTO RICO Santurce, WKYN, Sun. 1 P.M., Puerto Rico

Columbia, WIS, Wed. 7:45 P.M., South Carolina Hartsville, WHSC, Sun. 1:45 P.M. & Wed. 7:15 P.M., South Carolina

TRANSLATIONS TRANSLATIONS FROM GERMAN, French, Italian by B.S. Chemist with many languages background. Larger assignments con­ sidered. Box 902-L-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.


BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY: WEST COAST corporation recently reorganized that can with­ stand rigid financial examination is offering on a no-franchise fee basis exclusive distributorships. This is a product in demand by every home owner and every business and is currently being used by such national organizations as Sears & Roebuck and Co., Holiday Inn Motels and various branches of the armed forces. Product 100% guaranteed; investment from §600 to $14,000. Investment guaranteed with 100% markup. Manufacturer has proven method of distribution and advertising and merchandising. A factory representative will assist you in setting up your business. For complete details and descriptive literature write: National Chem-Plastics Corp., 1550 Page Indus­ trial Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63132 or call collect Robert T. Adams at Ha-6-7242, Area Code 314.


Philadelphia, WFLN-AM-FM, Sat. (alternating Saturdays) 12:05 P.M., Philadelphia Pittsburgh, WDUQ-FM, Thurs. 9:30 P . M . , Pittsburgh State College, WMAJ, Fri. 6:30 P . M . , Central Pennsylvania Tyrone, WTRN, Sat. 6:15 P . M . , Central Penn­ sylvania Wilkes-Barre, WILK, Sat. 9:30 P . M . , Kings College Williamsport, WLYC, Sat. 5:30 P . M . , Susque­ hanna Valley Williamsport, WRAK, Wed. 7:45 P.M., Susque­ hanna valley

PENNSYLVANIA Bloomsburg, WCNR, Mon. 9:45 A.M., Susque­ hanna Valley. Braddock, WLOA-AM-FM, Sat. 3:30 P . M . , Pittsburgh Carlisle, WHYL, Sat. 9 A . M . , Southeastern Pennsylvania Columbia, WCOY, Sun. 7:45 A.M., Southeastern Pennsylvania Easton, WEST, Tues. 10:30 P.M., Lehigh Valley Elizabethtown, W W E C , Fri. 2:05 P . M . , South­ eastern Pennsylvania Gettysburg, WGET, Mon. 7:15 P . M . , South­ eastern Pennsylvania Lebanon, WLBR-AM-FM, Sun. 9:30 A . M . , Southeastern Pennsylvania

Atlanta, KALT, Mon. 1:15 P.M., Ark-La-Tex Bonham, KFYN, Sat. 11:45 A.M., Ark-La-Tex Borger, KHUZ, Sat. 6:45 P.M., Panhandle Plains Carthage, KGAS, Sat. 11:45 A.M., Ark-La-Tex Gladewater, KEES, Sat. 7 A.M., Ark-La-Tex Greenville, KGVL, Sat. 1 P.M., East Texas State College Henderson, KGRI, Tues. 2:05 P.M., Ark-La-Tex Longvievv, KLUE-FM, Sun. 9:45 P.M., Ark-LaTex Lubbock, KTXT, Tues. 4 P . M . , Texas Techno­ logical College Marshall, KADO, Fri. 3:30 P . M . , East Texas Baptist College Odessa, KOCV-FM, Mon. 9:45 A.M., & Fri. 9:45 A.M., Odessa College Port Neches, KPNG, Sat. 4 P.M., Texas-Louisi­ ana Gulf Sinton, KTOD, Sun. 11 A.M., & Tues. 6:15 P.M., South Texas Texarkana, RTFS, Sun. 8:30 A.M., Ark-La-Tex

UTAH Logan, KVNU, Daily 7:15 P.M., Salt Lake Salt Lake City, KCPX, Mon. 6:45 P . M . , Salt Lake

VIRGINIA Bridgewater, WVBC, Mon. 10 P . M . , Bridgewater College Bristol, WCYB, Sun. 4:15 P.M., Northeast TenHarrisonburg, WEMC-FM, Mon. 7:15 P . M . , Eastern Mennonite College Richmond, WRVA, Sat. 6:30 P.M., Virginia Richmond, W L E E , Sun. 10:15 P.M., Virginia Waynesboro, WAYB, Sat. 11 A.M., Virginia

WASHINGTON Pasco, KALE, Sun. 6 P.M.,


WASHINGTON, D.C. WAMU-FM, Fri. 7:45 P.M., American


WEST VIRGINIA Charleston, W T I P , Sun. 4:30 P . M . , Kanawha Valley Elkins, WDNE, Sat. 7:30 P . M . , Northern West Virginia Morgantown, WAJR, Fri. 7:15 P . M . , Northern West Virginia

WISCONSIN Madison, WHA, Tues. 2 P . M . , University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WUWM, Tues. 8 P . M . , University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee New Richmond, WIXK, Sun. 4 : 1 5 P . M . , Wis­ consin State University

WYOMING Laramie, KOWB, Sun. 4 : 3 5 P.M.,
