Chemical Engineering Symposium. Division of Industrial and

quently sugl-ted in ppet y a n by nwmbem of the did- don, nnd the p-t mmmittm a t e d & -- ... The mmmittee brought together two -pe of inveatigatom, ...
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CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry American Chemical Society

Predl&bn of R.rct16ti R a b fawinaton Daniels 504

Organic Reactions

Cation-Exchange Water Softening John du Dornaine, R. 1. Swain, 0. A. Hovgcn 546 Catalytic Hydrogenation Ratac

Henry Eyring, H. M. Hulburt, R. A. Harrnan 511

Prbicbkraf R e a c h Ddm, Idrn,Rdinr


DavidM, Hurt 592

Solid Wyda and Reation R.t.r: &nerd Rlinciples

Equipment and Control N. K. Anderson and C. A. Row 55 lnkrpn*tiOn Of Resub R. 8. Beckmann, A. E. Pufahl, 0. A. Hougcn 55

0. A. Hougen and K. M. Wabok 5 s

Conduction. Conwetion. and ~. Heat Releate ~~~~~. in G*Iyiic Conmbr; R. H. Wilhelrn, W. C.,Johnson, F. 5. Acton 56

Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide 0. A. Uyehara and K. M. Watson 541

Vapor-Phase EsteriAution Rates H. F. Hoerig, Don Hanson, 0. L Kowalke 57-


lhc papcn not received in time to bc indudcd in this issue will be pinted later. The pictures on pages 501 and 502 duced through m u m of

E. I. du

arc rePont de Nenoun & Company, Inc., and Chicago Bridge and I n n Company, rewctivcly.


The subjeot Industrial Reaction Betm had peCn fmin ppet y a n by nwmbem of the diddon, nnd the p-t mmmittm a t e d & spondenca of D. B. Key- on ti& mattex. The mmmittee brought together two -pe of inveatigatom, thorn engaged in the mom thmreticpl derehpments of c h d a d unetiea and those e x p d e n d in the inmpratation of pilot plant rate data to pmcear, den-. In the 6dd of thmretical & d e a l kinetics the Eommlttk wan fortunate in =curing such authoritiwMHenry E y r h Farrhton Daniels, and P. E. Emmett. T h e d t t m tried Lo avoid a local sslection of papem but was d r i v m to a pmponderpnoc of Univerdty of Wisconsin mnuihotiona to lU ve-dea in the pawgram left by last-minute withquently sugl-ted

dnwab. T h a Sympodun Committee w h h w to acknOw1*e the wlvims of Harry MccormaclI in Ip.LIpcI locd arrangements and the acthe mpp& md w t ef the Disision committm, pertidmly its offiear% L. B ~ MB,. N. Stueve, T. H. Chilton, and Whiiney W e b r k h . rnandpostw.rym~~thWem 0m'hmubjmt shouM be timely and bdng tMtb ramu+de -MW h m W h dddt8.
